Introducing Yourself / Adventurer Plates
The adventurer plate is a personalized calling card you can display by right-clicking on any player character and selecting the "View Adventurer Plate" subcommand.
Affix a portrait, fill in your profile, and customize it with a wide variety of presets, backgrounds, frames, decorations, and more. Getting started is easy, so be sure to create a unique adventurer plate and introduce your character to the world!
* You may use privacy settings to limit who can view your adventurer plate.
From the main menu, select Character, then "Adventurer Plate."
Customize your adventurer plate portrait*, plate design, profile information, and more by selecting the appropriate category from the menu. Select "Help" for detailed information on each category.
* This portrait is used exclusively for your adventurer plate. To create an instant portrait that will be displayed before duties such as Crystalline Conflict and Doman mahjong, please access the Portraits interface.
Adventurer plates are visible to all players by default, but you may also restrict viewing permissions to "Friends Only" or "No One" via the Privacy Settings window.