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The World Visit system allows you to travel freely between the Worlds of a given logical data center. (*1)
The World upon which your character is created is called their "Home World." The World Visit system allows you to temporarily visit other Worlds while retaining residence on your Home World. Some restrictions apply while visiting other Worlds, but you can still form parties with friends, buy items, and otherwise enjoy gameplay as you might on your Home World.
*1 Please refer to the current Server Status for more information on physical and logical data centers.
This option is only available from the central aetheryte, not Aethernet shards.
A list of Worlds on each data center can be found here.
* Your Home World and current World are displayed in this menu.
* Only Worlds that you can visit will appear.
Select "OK" to proceed.
* In some cases you will need to wait for the transfer to be processed. If so, a window will appear to inform you of the expected time until completion and your position in the queue.
After the World Visit window appears, you will be automatically transferred to your destination World.
* Once this window appears, the transfer cannot be canceled.
Please refer to the following list to see which Worlds your character can currently visit via the World Visit system.
Logical Data Center | Worlds |
Chaos | Cerberus, Louisoix, Moogle, Omega, Phantom, Ragnarok, Sagittarius, Spriggan |
Light | Alpha, Lich, Odin, Phoenix, Raiden, Shiva, Twintania, Zodiark |
Materia | Bismarck, Ravana, Sephirot, Sophia, Zurvan |
Aether | Adamantoise, Cactuar, Faerie, Gilgamesh, Jenova, Midgardsormr, Sargatanas, Siren |
Crystal | Balmung, Brynhildr, Coeurl, Diabolos, Goblin, Malboro, Mateus, Zalera |
Dynamis | Cuchulainn, Golem, Halicarnassus, Kraken, Maduin, Marilith, Rafflesia, Seraph |
Primal | Behemoth, Excalibur, Exodus, Famfrit, Hyperion, Lamia, Leviathan, Ultros |
Elemental | Aegis, Atomos, Carbuncle, Garuda, Gungnir, Kujata, Tonberry, Typhon |
Gaia | Alexander, Bahamut, Durandal, Fenrir, Ifrit, Ridill, Tiamat, Ultima |
Mana | Anima, Asura, Chocobo, Hades, Ixion, Masamune, Pandaemonium, Titan |
Meteor | Belias, Mandragora, Ramuh, Shinryu, Unicorn, Valefor, Yojimbo, Zeromus |
To visit Worlds in a different logical data center, please use the Data Center Travel system.
Depending on the congestion of the target World, it may take several minutes to complete the transfer. The following features cannot be used during this time:
・Moving to other areas or using Aethernets
・Entering duties
After the World Visit window appears, you will no longer be able to cancel the transfer. If you wish to remain in the World from which you are transferring, you must wait for the transfer to be completed, and use the World Visit System to return once you arrive at your destination.
A character visiting from another World within the same logical data center will be marked as a Wanderer, which will be included in their display name.
Although most of the game's features can be used while visiting another World, there are certain restrictions.
Moogle Delivery Service | You may receive notifications for letters from friends or GMs, but you will be unable to use the moogle delivery service. ※Notifications will be indicated with the red letter icon.※You must return to your Home World to receive moogle letters. ※The delivery of purchases and rewards can be confirmed from your Home World. |
Retainers | Retainers cannot be summoned, hired, or released from service. The following quests can only be accepted from your Home World: |
Markets | Items cannot be sold on the market, but purchasing is available. ※The FINAL FANTASY XIV Companion App can be used to put items on the market even when your character is visiting another World. Read on for more information! |
Free Company | Free company chat is available. Free companies cannot be created, joined, or left. Company credits cannot be earned. The effects of company actions will not be applied. |
Linkshell | Linkshells cannot be used. Linkshell information cannot be viewed. |
Other Social Features | Cross-world linkshells are accessible. PvP Team chat is available. If you use the Novice Network, you will automatically join the Novice Network of the World you are visiting. |
Housing | Estates and apartments cannot be purchased. Residence sharing is unavailable. The following quests can only be accepted from your Home World: |
Eternal Bond | Ceremonies of Eternal Bonding are unavailable. Eternal Bonding quests are unavailable. Others' ceremonies cannot be attended. |
Gold Saucer | Lord of Verminion tournaments cannot be entered. Triple Triad tournaments cannot be entered. Cactpot tickets cannot be purchased. |
Deep Dungeon | Deep Dungeon results will not be saved to leaderboards. |
Crystalline Conflict | Ranked matches cannot be joined. |
Teleport | Eternity rings may only be used when both players are on the same World. You can only use an Aetheryte Pendulum to teleport to a nearby aetheryte if both players are on the same World. You can only teleport to a friend's estate when you are on their Home World. |
Miner and Botanist | Legendary and unspoiled gathering nodes are inaccessible. |
Calamity salvager | Belts cannot be retrieved from the Calamity salvager. |
Others | Bonuses will not be applied for visiting new or preferred Worlds. If you are eligible for new or preferred World bonuses in your Home World, these will still apply when visiting another World. You cannot apply for a Home World Transfer while visiting another World. You cannot delete your character when it is visiting another World. You cannot travel to the Firmament while outside your Home World. |
The FINAL FANTASY XIV Companion App can still be used to organize your inventory and sell items on the market while your character is using the World Visit system. However, there are some restrictions.
Retainers | You cannot sell or discard items held by a retainer. You cannot move the items in your inventory, armoury chest, or chocobo saddlebag to or from a retainer. |
Markets | You can purchase items from the market while visiting another World. You can list items held by a retainer on the market of your Home World, but you cannot list items in your inventory or chocobo saddlebag. |