The incarnation of fire and fury, worshipped by the lizard-like Amalj'aa tribe.
Even amongst the primals, Ifrit is highly given to savagery, his temper quick to erupt in a conflagration of death. His breath ignites the very air, his claws melt the strongest steel, and his twisted horns scorch the heavens. Those who would face him must be prepared to withstand the fires of hell.

The hulking Amalj'aa are a race of nomadic beastmen who inhabit the grasslands of Paglth'an, where they subsist by hunting the native wildlife. These worshippers of the primal Ifrit believe that the region of Thanalan has been purified by sacred flame. In their efforts to reclaim this holy land, Amalj'aa warriors have clashed time and again with the forces of the sultanate of Ul'dah.