
Updates to the Prohibited Activities in FINAL FANTASY XIV and Account Penalty Policy

In order to ensure players can continue to safely enjoy their time in FINAL FANTASY XIV, we have made changes to the “Prohibited Activities,” as well as the related “Account Penalty Policy.”

Follow the links below to view the updated documentation:


Although we have not updated the SQUARE ENIX Account Terms of Use, the FINAL FANTASY XIV User Agreement, or the FINAL FANTASY XIV Materials Usage License, we encourage players to take this opportunity to review and become familiarized with them once again. 

The following changes have been made.

Prohibited Activities in FINAL FANTASY XIV

Addition of two prohibited activities related to the Party Finder as countermeasures against vendors of real money trading (RMT)


In response to RMT vendors repeatedly creating fraudulent recruitment listings in the Party Finder, the following two activities related to the Party Finder have been added to the list of prohibited activities.

Reason for the Update

Until now, when we discovered fraudulent recruitment listings by RMT vendors in the Party Finder, we first investigated for RMT activity before issuing penalties. However, many of these listings directed users to external websites, meaning an extensive process was required to substantiate allegations of RMT activity. This meant these fraudulent listings were routinely visible on a daily basis, a situation which has persisted until now.

Furthermore, as RMT vendors disregard normal gameplay and are only concerned with RMT activity, many of their fraudulent recruitment listings were created in the "Duty Roulette" category of the Party Finder. This meant that they were prominently visible upon opening the Party Finder menu, which became a major hindrance during normal gameplay.

Although various methods were considered for resolving this issue, in the interest of taking swift action without requiring extensive investigations, we have deemed it necessary to prohibit the advertising of RMT services and the creation of recruitment listings in incorrect categories within the Party Finder, actions which are routinely done by RMT vendors.

We apologize for the relatively restrictive nature of these changes compared to how the Party Finder was being used until now, and appreciate your understanding.

Below are details regarding the prohibited behaviors which have been added.

Advertising offers to help clear content, to help earn loot, etc. via the Party Finder

It is prohibited to advertise using the Party Finder to offer help to clear duties or obtain items (to help people clear raid content or obtain items by having them join your party). A penalty will be issued if the act has been confirmed.

This prohibits the act of advertising such support and does not prohibit those asking for help themselves through the use of the Party Finder.

It is not a violation to ask for help or to offer a reward when asking for help, as in the following examples that do not violate our policy. However, in the examples that do violate the policy, the person offering help is advertising their services, which is prohibited.

Examples of violations:
- Selling [duty] clear for 1 million gil.
- Selling [duty] clear and/or offering the associated rewards from [content]. Join for more info/details.

Examples of non-violation:
- I'm new, can anyone help me clear [duty]?
- Help me clear [duty] and I'll pay you 1 million gil!
- I'd like to get some items from [duty]. will pay 1 million gil if I can get it.

Please note that Square Enix may conduct investigations and issue a penalty in its discretion even if a report has not been filed.

Other solicitations that fall far outside of the intended purpose of the Party Finder

The main purpose of the Party Finder is to recruit members to participate in content. Any recruitment listing that does not match its intended category is prohibited.

The "Other" category is intended for recruiting players to participate in content that is not listed in the listed categories. However, as an exception, the "Other" category may be used for the sake of recruiting members to form a community, or conduct exchanges between players. Examples of these include:

- Promoting player events
- Housing-related promotions
- Advertising for the purchase and sale of items
- Recruitment of members for community groups such as Linkshells and Free Companies

* It is prohibited to list any of the above in categories other than the "Other" category.

* If Square Enix determines that certain Party Finder listings involve prohibited activities, such as attempts to disguise RMT activity, the Party Finder listing will be removed along with a penalty being issued.

Please note that Square Enix may conduct investigations and issue a penalty in its discretion even if a report has not been filed.

Adjustments to the Prohibited Activities documentation for clarification and addition of prohibited activities that were previously announced 


Prohibited activities that were previously announced, such as purchasing a housing plot with the intention of resale, have been added to the list.

Additionally, the differences between “stalking” and “improper following,” as well as details regarding obstruction of play have been updated for clarity with additional information and adjustments.

Addition of detailed explanations and examples of prohibited activities


Sections regarding prohibited activities that primarily arise from communication-related conflicts have been updated with explanations and examples where possible.

Reason for the Update

Until now, prohibited activities were listed without specific details in order to prevent exploitation and abuse of the rules. However, we received feedback suggesting that the lack of detail made it difficult to understand what constitutes a violation which could lead to overly sensitive reactions to non-violations or violations of the rules despite efforts to abide by them.

Our rules are established with the intention of allowing players to enjoy the game with peace of mind, and were not meant to become a source of anxiety for our players. As such, we have made changes with emphasis on clarity.

However, there are innumerable expressions used in communication, and the provided examples do not cover every possible instance. Therefore, these examples should be seen as a reference for learning more about prohibited behavior, or for situations where you are uncertain about how to act or what to say.

Other minor text adjustments


Account Penalty Policy

Addition of explanation for Penalty Points


An explanation regarding Penalty Points has been added.

Reason for the Update

Penalty Points refer to specific point values that are assigned to each type of violation category (i.e. “obscene/indecent expressions,” “aggressive expressions such as violent language/slander/insults/threats, etc.”) and vary depending on the severity of the violation type. The total sum of these Penalty Points determines the type of penalty an offender will receive. Penalty Points, together with the actual penalty issued, are recorded and will be used to determine the penalties issued for any future violations.

Although Penalty Points were internal information and therefore were not publicly explained until now, we have added an explanation as they are essential in understanding the system of “Reduction of Penalty Points” mentioned below. Note that there are no changes to the procedures themselves at this time.

Implementation of a system in which accrued Penalty Points may be reduced based on the number of days that have passed since the previous penalty


A system has been implemented in which accrued Penalty Points may be reduced if a significant amount of time has passed since the last penalty was issued.

Reason for the Update

Penalties are intended to urge offenders to reflect on their violations and discourage repeat violations; however, we have confirmed cases where the permanence of past penalties instead led offenders to commit subsequent violations. For example, offenders might think, “Penalties won’t go away anyway,” and may repeat violations without remorse, or commit the same violation again as their remorse fades over time.

We felt that setting decay periods for Penalty Points would provide users with a clear goal in correcting their behavior, and decided to implement this system in order to better promote reflection and conscious restraint from repeating past violations.

Since penalties would lose their significance if they were erased after a short period, Penalty Points accrued from penalties of the lowest severity (a Caution) will not start decaying until at least one year has passed. Those involving a “temporary service account suspension,” or more severe, will not start decaying until a minimum of a three to six-year period has passed. We believe users who manage to maintain good in-game behavior during this period will not suddenly forget their long-term commitment even if the reduction system completely erases their accrued Penalty Points.

The reduction of accrued points is based on the amount of time that has passed since the last penalty. Therefore, if a subsequent violation is committed before a reduction occurs, then the countdown towards a reduction will reset at that point. In addition, this system will not reverse a Service Account Termination.

Refer to the Account Penalty Policy for general information regarding decay periods for Penalty Points.

Other minor text adjustments


We thank you all for your continued support, and will continue to update and review our rules and policies to ensure our players can safely enjoy their time in FINAL FANTASY XIV.

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