Event Schedule
From Monday, 22 January 2024 at 8:00 (GMT) / 19:00 (AEDT)
to Monday, 5 February 2024 at 14:59 (GMT) / 6 February at 1:59 (AEDT)
How to Participate
Remumu, a reporter for the Harbor Herald, is hot on the heels of her latest story, but needs the help of a brave adventurer to ensure her safety while investigating.
* This is the same event that was held in 2015, 2017, 2020, and 2022. If you made progress during a previous iteration, you may continue from where you left off. Please check your Journal to determine your current quest progress.
A Journey to Remember
Quest Location: Limsa Lominsa - Upper Decks, Remumu

Replaying Seasonal Events
You can play past events again via the Seasonal Event Replay feature. This feature is available to those who completed the event when last held or those who complete it for the first time during this event.
The Seasonal Event Replay Feature
If you've completed the "A Journey to Remember" quest, speak to Remumu to make use of the Seasonal Event Replay feature. Once you use the feature, the quest will be treated as incomplete, allowing you to play it again.
A Journey to Remember
* You cannot obtain rewards by using the Seasonal Event Replay feature.
* Journal entries will show the quests as complete, even if you choose to replay them.