Standings based on total company credits earned by free companies.
1 | | The Tabard CloudCactuar [Aether] | 1690017 | |
2 | | MetaCactuar [Aether] | 1064943 | |
3 | | Kore wa KORECactuar [Aether] | 612303 | |
4 | | GABRANTHS SINSCactuar [Aether] | 442491 | |
5 | | RevelationCactuar [Aether] | 410988 | |
6 | | ChickenbacksideCactuar [Aether] | 371727 | |
7 | | The Crimson KnightsCactuar [Aether] | 357315 | |
8 | | PRIMALCactuar [Aether] | 348177 | |
9 | | Crystal TokyoCactuar [Aether] | 341337 | |
10 | | Sun ReaversCactuar [Aether] | 314985 | |
11 | | Filthy CasualsCactuar [Aether] | 313917 | |
12 | | SEVEN DAYS WARCactuar [Aether] | 293184 | |
13 | | Wyrm TalesCactuar [Aether] | 271485 | |
14 | | New HorizonCactuar [Aether] | 269337 | |
15 | | Arkadia GardenCactuar [Aether] | 268959 | |
16 | | The Baron Red WingsCactuar [Aether] | 266283 | |
17 | | Knights of ValenCactuar [Aether] | 258330 | |
18 | | Fluffleton BonbonsCactuar [Aether] | 254157 | |
19 | | Jewel of the NightCactuar [Aether] | 253500 | |
20 | | LevelUpCactuar [Aether] | 239448 | |
21 | | Chocobo KnightsCactuar [Aether] | 229770 | |
22 | | Cactuar Candy Corp.Cactuar [Aether] | 223566 | |
23 | | Choco TacoCactuar [Aether] | 222546 | |
24 | | Immoral Flames PartyCactuar [Aether] | 220824 | |
25 | | Ooh LalaCactuar [Aether] | 212004 | |
26 | | Dilly Cactuar A1Cactuar [Aether] | 203331 | |
27 | | WeStandAsOneCactuar [Aether] | 202839 | |
28 | | Chips & DipCactuar [Aether] | 188202 | |
29 | | DragonSoulCactuar [Aether] | 186291 | |
30 | | Far from the LightCactuar [Aether] | 183150 | |
31 | | Magiciens NoirsCactuar [Aether] | 176055 | |
32 | | Wheat WarriorsCactuar [Aether] | 171774 | |
33 | | Welcome to Chili'sCactuar [Aether] | 169668 | |
34 | | Bottom of the BarrelCactuar [Aether] | 159669 | |
35 | | Mystic MelodyCactuar [Aether] | 158712 | |
36 | | Every Job is DPSCactuar [Aether] | 157710 | |
37 | | Bewbs'N'CakeCactuar [Aether] | 156675 | |
38 | | DestinyCactuar [Aether] | 155739 | |
39 | | Cactuar CrewCactuar [Aether] | 154956 | |
40 | | Rant CampCactuar [Aether] | 154707 | |
41 | | Guardian ForceCactuar [Aether] | 154557 | |
42 | | Club Shabu ShabuCactuar [Aether] | 151242 | |
43 | | Fiore di LunaCactuar [Aether] | 149724 | |
44 | | The SyndicateCactuar [Aether] | 148773 | |
45 | | Northern SkyCactuar [Aether] | 142017 | |
46 | | DessertCactuar [Aether] | 136449 | |
47 | | Eat the RichCactuar [Aether] | 136335 | |
48 | | Self DestructCactuar [Aether] | 134331 | |
49 | | SourceForgeCactuar [Aether] | 132792 | |
50 | | TushyCactuar [Aether] | 123807 | |
51 | | PonitesCactuar [Aether] | 120405 | |
52 | | Anthem of ApologyCactuar [Aether] | 119394 | |
53 | | Sneed's Seed 'n FeedCactuar [Aether] | 112080 | |
54 | | OmegaCactuar [Aether] | 109893 | |
55 | | Happy Lemon WarningCactuar [Aether] | 109662 | |
56 | | PurrfectionCactuar [Aether] | 105480 | |
57 | | Revenant WingsCactuar [Aether] | 103689 | |
58 | | Heights of the RoundCactuar [Aether] | 102303 | |
59 | | CasualAdventureTeamCactuar [Aether] | 102018 | |
60 | | NeighborhoodServicesCactuar [Aether] | 100533 | |
61 | | Type Donk-0Cactuar [Aether] | 99465 | |
62 | | The UnsunderedCactuar [Aether] | 98409 | |
63 | | White Wolf FangCactuar [Aether] | 97338 | |
64 | | Knights of RagnarokCactuar [Aether] | 96006 | |
65 | | Realm DefendersCactuar [Aether] | 95367 | |
66 | | MelioraCactuar [Aether] | 91860 | |
67 | | boobaCactuar [Aether] | 91650 | |
68 | | machi machiCactuar [Aether] | 90144 | |
69 | | Sine NomineCactuar [Aether] | 88719 | |
70 | | Folsom StreetCactuar [Aether] | 88542 | |
71 | | beatzCactuar [Aether] | 88137 | |
72 | | Source HuntersCactuar [Aether] | 87456 | |
73 | | Garden of StarsCactuar [Aether] | 87003 | |
74 | | The OysterCactuar [Aether] | 85989 | |
75 | | World of EspersCactuar [Aether] | 85011 | |
76 | | UwUingwayCactuar [Aether] | 84753 | |
77 | | Nophica's WillCactuar [Aether] | 83607 | |
78 | | UnforgivenCactuar [Aether] | 83376 | |
79 | | The SeventhCactuar [Aether] | 83076 | |
80 | | Paissas of LightCactuar [Aether] | 80862 | |
81 | | Scruffy Nerf-HerdersCactuar [Aether] | 80259 | |
82 | | CorazonCactuar [Aether] | 78855 | |
83 | | Mentor of MentorsCactuar [Aether] | 78735 | |
84 | | Cloud RecessesCactuar [Aether] | 78051 | |
85 | | Knights of StoneCactuar [Aether] | 76965 | |
86 | | Dungeon BuddiesCactuar [Aether] | 76743 | |
87 | | Salty SabotendersCactuar [Aether] | 75552 | |
88 | | Fleeting DreamCactuar [Aether] | 75087 | |
89 | | Frowny StormcloudCactuar [Aether] | 73896 | |
90 | | FarplaneCactuar [Aether] | 73776 | |
91 | | BlissCactuar [Aether] | 73614 | |
92 | | Nine's Own GoalCactuar [Aether] | 73515 | |
93 | | Toxic or better?Cactuar [Aether] | 73167 | |
94 | | Grumpys LasagnaCactuar [Aether] | 69630 | |
95 | | Bennuland DeluxeCactuar [Aether] | 68316 | |
96 | | Highest QualityCactuar [Aether] | 67929 | |
97 | | The Filthy CasualsCactuar [Aether] | 66060 | |
98 | | Midgar MafiaCactuar [Aether] | 65943 | |
99 | | Dulcis TantibusCactuar [Aether] | 65934 | |
100 | | The Thirsty RabbitCactuar [Aether] | 65418 |
* Standings displayed are based on the list of Worlds and data centers available at the last calculation.
Standings Top