The Lodestone
  • Eureka Orthos Rankings
  • Heaven-on-High Rankings
  • Palace of the Dead Rankings

Palace of the Dead Rankings

24/01/2025 6:00 to 7:00 (GMT)

Party Rankings Party Rankings Solo Rankings % l('deepdungeon1_menu_solo') %]
  • 1

    Sylvia Vernesk

    Kraken [Dynamis]


    Floor 135


  • 2

    Aurora Moonx

    Maduin [Dynamis]


    Floor 190


  • 3

    Mango Ronpa

    Seraph [Dynamis]


    Floor 113


  • 4

    Aerin Moore

    Seraph [Dynamis]


    Floor 100


  • 5

    Sig Nine

    Halicarnassus [Dynamis]


    Floor 100


* Rankings are updated daily. Should an error occur with calculating results, the day's rankings will not be updated.
* Rankings are based on high scores achieved upon reaching floor 100 and all floors beyond.
* Personal high scores displayed upon logging in are from floor 100 and beyond.
* High scores are only updated for ventures undertaken on your Home World. Ventures undertaken while using the World Visit or Data Center Travel systems will not be counted.