Eorzea Database

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Version: Patch 7.16



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Chronicles of Light > Tales of the Dragonsong War The Paths We Walk Fortemps Manor 60
Chronicles of Light > Tales of the Dragonsong War The Oaths We Swear Mor Dhona 60
Chronicles of Light > Tales of the Dragonsong War The Legacies We Leave The Dravanian Forelands 60
Chronicles of Light > Tales of the Dragonsong War The Triumphs We Share Ul'dah 60
Chronicles of Light > Tales of the Dragonsong War The Burdens We Bear Idyllshire 60
Chronicles of Light > Tales from the Shadows One Final Journey Mor Dhona 80
Chronicles of Light > Tales of Newfound Adventure Shadowed Pasts Radz-at-Han 90
Chronicles of Light > Tales of Newfound Adventure Shadowed Pasts Once More Radz-at-Han 90
Hildibrand Sidequests > Hildibrand Adventures The Rise and Fall of Gentlemen Ul'dah 50
Hildibrand Sidequests > Hildibrand Adventures Back in the Saddle Southern Thanalan 50
Hildibrand Sidequests > Hildibrand Adventures After Her Own Heart Ul'dah 50
Hildibrand Sidequests > Hildibrand Adventures The Immaculate Deception Ul'dah 50
Hildibrand Sidequests > Hildibrand Adventures The Science of Deduction Eastern Thanalan 50
Hildibrand Sidequests > Hildibrand Adventures The Hammer Western Thanalan 50
Hildibrand Sidequests > Hildibrand Adventures Manderville Men Northern Thanalan 50
Hildibrand Sidequests > Hildibrand Adventures The Three Collectors Western Thanalan 50
Hildibrand Sidequests > Hildibrand Adventures The Business of Betrothal Western Thanalan 50
Hildibrand Sidequests > Hildibrand Adventures A Burst of Inspiration Eastern La Noscea 50
Hildibrand Sidequests > Hildibrand Adventures Seeds of Rebellion Western La Noscea 50
Hildibrand Sidequests > Hildibrand Adventures A Case of Indecency Eastern La Noscea 50
Hildibrand Sidequests > Hildibrand Adventures Eight-armed and Dangerous Eastern La Noscea 50
Hildibrand Sidequests > Hildibrand Adventures What Price Victory Ul'dah 50
Hildibrand Sidequests > Hildibrand Adventures The Trouble with Truffles Ul'dah 50
Hildibrand Sidequests > Hildibrand Adventures The Coliseum Conundrum Ul'dah 50
Hildibrand Sidequests > Hildibrand Adventures Shades of Sil'dih Ul'dah 50
Hildibrand Sidequests > Hildibrand Adventures Sibling Strife Western Thanalan 50
Hildibrand Sidequests > Hildibrand Adventures Beneath the Mask Ul'dah 50
Hildibrand Sidequests > Hildibrand Adventures Truths Untold Ul'dah 50
Hildibrand Sidequests > Hildibrand Adventures Her Last Vow Ul'dah 50
Hildibrand Sidequests > Further Hildibrand Adventures A Gentleman Falls, Rather than Flies Ishgard 60
Hildibrand Sidequests > Further Hildibrand Adventures Don't Call It a Comeback Coerthas Western Highlands 60
Hildibrand Sidequests > Further Hildibrand Adventures The Gigi Situation Ishgard 60
Hildibrand Sidequests > Further Hildibrand Adventures The Measure of a Mammet Ishgard 60
Hildibrand Sidequests > Further Hildibrand Adventures A Gazebo to Call Our Own Ishgard 60
Hildibrand Sidequests > Further Hildibrand Adventures Don't Trust Anyone over Sixty Idyllshire 60
Hildibrand Sidequests > Further Hildibrand Adventures The Proud and the Pointy-eyed Ishgard 60
Hildibrand Sidequests > Further Hildibrand Adventures If I Could Turn Back Time The Dravanian Forelands 60
Hildibrand Sidequests > Even Further Hildibrand Adventures A Hingan Tale: Nashu Goes East Kugane 70
Hildibrand Sidequests > Even Further Hildibrand Adventures Life Imitates Art Imitates Life Kugane 70
Hildibrand Sidequests > Even Further Hildibrand Adventures Of Wolves and Gentlemen The Ruby Sea 70
Hildibrand Sidequests > Even Further Hildibrand Adventures In the Eye of the Hingan Kugane 70
Hildibrand Sidequests > Even Further Hildibrand Adventures The Blade Mislaid Kugane 70
Hildibrand Sidequests > Even Further Hildibrand Adventures The Black Heart Beneath Kugane 70
Hildibrand Sidequests > Even Further Hildibrand Adventures Good Swords, Good Dogs Kugane 70
Hildibrand Sidequests > Even Further Hildibrand Adventures The Past Is Never Past Kugane 70
Hildibrand Sidequests > Even Further Hildibrand Adventures Don't Do the Dewprism Kugane 70
Hildibrand Sidequests > Somehow Further Hildibrand Adventures The Sleeping Gentleman Radz-at-Han 90
Hildibrand Sidequests > Somehow Further Hildibrand Adventures A Soulful Reunion Lakeland 90
Hildibrand Sidequests > Somehow Further Hildibrand Adventures Lunar Conspiracy Radz-at-Han 90
Hildibrand Sidequests > Somehow Further Hildibrand Adventures The Imperfect Gentleman Mare Lamentorum 90

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