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to join you on your adventures in FINAL FANTASY XIV!

Using the Community Finder

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    Contact the Recruiter

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  • About Free Companies

    A community to play together with friends on the same World.

    Free companies are player-run organizations which allow their members to pool resources, be it items or gil, to accomplish feats that would be difficult or impossible for a single individual.
    The benefits of joining a free company include a dedicated chat channel for all members, the ability to purchase an estate to serve as the group's base of operations, and the use of free company actions that grant bonuses such as increased experience points.
    No two free companies share the same goals and motivations, so be sure to choose the free company that's right for you.

  • About Linkshells and Cross-world Linkshells

    A dedicated chat channel for players who share a common aim.

    Linkshells and cross-world linkshells are chat groups which allow for quick and easy communication between players who are not necessarily in a party or free company. Unlike free companies, players are able to join multiple linkshells, making it possible to join different communities dedicated to various aspects of the game.

    Linkshells: allow communication with any players on the same World.
    Cross-world Linkshells: allow communication with any players on the same data center.
  • About PvP Teams

    A team dedicated to enjoying PvP duties.

    Teamwork is key, so be sure to find a team with whom you're confident you can hone your skills together.

    PvP duties: allow players to compete against one another in unique instanced arenas.
Free Company

Masters of Trade Recruiting Additional Members


Masters of Trade

Recruiting Additional Members

Adamantoise [Aether]

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#Unique Experience
#Beginner & Novice Friendly
#Player Events
#Socially Active
Masters of Trade <GREED> is the largest Free Company on Adamantoise. Don’t let the FC tag fool you, ours is an ever-growing community of adventurers from all walks of life always seeking to help others expand their horizons. Some might think that our name means we only accept experienced crafters and gatherers into our ranks, but that is not the case. While many in our roster are such individuals, you can find a place among us whether your brand new to the game, a multi-year veteran or anywhere in-between. Care to join us and become a part of our story? Then leave a message below or reach out to one of our recruiters!

So what can we offer you?
-FC Buffs: Heat of Battle II (+10% EXP) and Reduced Rates II (-30% Teleport Costs) always active.
-FC Discord: Our connection to the game when away from it and an extension of the game when not.
-Weekly Newsletters: Newsletters made and posted in the FC Discord by our Newsletter Committee contain announcements, various stories, and challenges with prizes.
-Weekly Meetings: FC Meetings are an opportunity for members to gather and be informed on matters while also getting a say in them or to announce anything on their mind.
-Mentor System: A system made up of prominent members who specialize in specific areas of the game and strive to help others learn more about it. Our mentors are also there to assist members in achieving personal in-game goals. While this is a key part of our community, it is entirely optional.
-Glam Squad: Looking to do the weekly Golden Saucer Fashion Report for 60k+ MGP? Glam Squad has you covered by providing the needed items for free.
-Chocobo Leveling: Can’t find the time to grind experience for your feathery friend? We will help you level them quickly!
-Crafting Committee: Ever wanted to level up a job but not spend gil on leveling gear? Or perhaps you just wanted something made but don’t have crafters leveled or the recipe unlocked? Then look no further than our Crafting Committee. We are Masters of Trade, after all, and we help ourselves by helping others.
-Mercenary Committee: Fancy some help or maybe just some company while doing dungeons or any other content? We have the Mercenary Committee for that, and unlike the typical Mercenary, they don’t charge you for their services.
-Raiding Operations and Training Committee: Do you desire to become a savage raider but don’t want to deal with possible toxicity and drama in party finder? Then this Committee has you covered. ROTC provide a safe environment to experience current savage raids with like-minded individuals who are willing to learn and have fun.
-Events Committee: What’s a community without events to look forward to? Our Events Committee sets up and facilitates events hosted by members every day of the week posted on the FC Discord Bulletin Board.

So what Events do we have?
-Mount Farms: Embark on unsynced runs to obtain mounts from L50-L90 Extremes.
-Scarlet Savages: Rewind time with the Mercenary Committee to clear old savage raids for their mounts and glamour items.
-Raid Nights: Hosted by ROTC, these provide an opportunity for members to be introduced to current savage content and extreme trials.
-Treasure Maps: Venture forth in search of riches with L70-L100 Treasure Maps. All maps are provided for free!
-Fate Farms: Journey across the realms with other members, doing fates together to earn Bicolor Gemstones, achievements, and various other items.
-Job Tutorials: Wish to do more with a job than just press buttons? Then join our job tutorials to learn how to press buttons more efficiently in ways retaining to the crafts and combat.
-BLU Event: Find yourself bored of leveling Blue Mage alone or wanting to obtain additional spells to use it as more than the convenient self-destruct button? Then come to our BLU Events and we can make it happen.
-Fishing with Friends: Come learn the way of the pole dance not on land, but out at sea and amongst the rivers and lakes of Etheirys. Set sail with other skilled fishers in the FC on ocean fishing trips as well as hunts for some of Etheirys’s most elusive species lurking beneath the waves.
-Special Events: Large-scale, open-community events hosted by our Entertainment Committee. They include glamour contests with themes such as “rags to riches”, our bi-annual Housing Tours, a Masquerade Ball, Halloween Parties, Summer Bashes without Billboards, and our Annual FC Anniversary in March.

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Plot 5, 2 Ward, Mist (Large)

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Hall of Greed


Apply Below!

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Community Member

Rissah Salam Adamantoise [Aether]

GREED has a wonderful community as you can tell from above. Thank you for taking the time to look at our page and we all hope to see you are part of the family really soon!

So, what if you’re on the Free Trial?
Free Trial players are unfortunately not able to join Free Companies until they purchase the game. We can still get you into our Discord to check things out before deciding to join the Free Company once you commit to the game purchase and subsequent subscription.


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Enarey Irisaa Adamantoise [Aether]

I really cannot think of a single asset that this guild does not provide. Whether you're a crafter or a raider, a casual or a hardcore player, a newbie or a vet, it just doesn't matter; this group has SOMETHING that caters to your playstyle. It must take a lot of work behind the scenes to pull off something this reliable, so props to the ones in charge as well for committing yourselves to keep this place successful!


Community Member Scarlet Stormbringer Adamantoise [Aether]

Thank you for being such a kind member and leaving such an encouraging comment. We sincerely appreciate your thoughts and hope that we continue to meet and exceed your expectations moving forward. Our community is as great as it is because of the members like you who are welcoming, kind and helpful to others. We like to have fun here and that often means taking part in everything this game has to offer with one another. It means a lot hearing this, thanks again.

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Community Member Tyson Baradad Adamantoise [Aether]

I picked up FFXIV as my first MMO ever in the midst of quarantine 2020; <GREED> is the only FC I've been in because everything I needed was provided! Tons of friendly people in game and discord at all hours of day and night; community events every day of the week; free gear when I struggled with HQ crafting; mentors helping me learn jobs/glam/make gil--<GREED> was the perfect place for a sprout like me to grow, make friends, and help others in turn. I'm so thankful to have been welcomed here!

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Community Member Kitsune Shinigami Adamantoise [Aether]

We are super happy to hear that we were able to meet all your needs and provide the best environment for you to grow within FFXIV. Members like you, are the reason we can do what we do. Member who are supportive, willing to learn, and always there to give a helping hand. Our members are the core of our FC and taking care of them has always be top priority in GREED. We are super thankful to everyone who makes this FC so great. We truly appreciate your feedback and thank you for your kind words.

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Community Member Llamaa Lilinji Adamantoise [Aether]

I joined GREED when I was brand new to FFXIV and they took me under their wing. I really appreciate the support provided as I leveled up such as gear, advice and all the cheerleading through the ARR Patches. It is a great group of people to spend time with and I look forward to the daily FC events (maps, mount farming, etc). I can truly say that being in GREED is the best part of playing FFXIV and without them I wouldn't have taken to the game like I have. :)

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Community Member Kitsune Shinigami Adamantoise [Aether]

We truly appreciate your kind words and all you have done as a member of our FC. All the events we host are to help our FC members enjoy their time in the FC and make it possibly to do stuff in game with a great group of people. Everything we do is thanks to the hard work every members puts into making GREED the best community in FFXIV and more. We thank you so much for sharing your experience with us and can not wait to see how GREED can help you continue to grow and learn.

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Community Member Leafeon Nozomi Adamantoise [Aether]

I come from a numbers of MMOs and this is the first group I have joined that truly cares about its members and makes sure everyone can do events regardless of where they are at lvl/gear wise and they like to help new members out. As far as I'm concerned I think its managed well and communication is always open


Community Member Scarlet Stormbringer Adamantoise [Aether]

Thank you for posting, we do all that we can to make sure that this is a great community for good people regardless of time in the game. We have a dedicated group of leaders that would be honored to hear from a member. Thanks again, I will be certain to pass it along. Personally, I'm happy that you have found a home FC with us.

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Community Member Elora Abyssinian Adamantoise [Aether]

Being brand new to the MMO genre.. it was such a blessing to be picked up by GREED so early on. All the advice and support provided by the veteran players (shout out to Tenia!), to the gear and resources when I was struggling with leveling, and the amazing members of the GREED community that you meet through all of their daily events. This free company really makes the game feel alive and like home. As much as I love FFXIV on it's own, I couldn't imagine the game without them!


Community Member Chiara Scuro Adamantoise [Aether]

Thank you so much Elora! We’re sincerely ecstatic that you chose us as your first home in an mmo! We certainly try our best to make sure all our members (new & old) are taken care of and have an extensive support system in-game. I’ll be sure to pass along your kind sentiments to Tenia as well as my amazing group of event hosts! I know everyone here appreciates the kind words, and it’s thanks to members like yourself that GREED is the great FC that it is today!

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Community Member U'feher Ylarah Adamantoise [Aether]

I joined <GREED> not too long after I joined FFXIV since my friends (who played for a long time before me) asked me to join. They had said the FC was really friendly, and someone was always on to talk to/ask questions, i.e. a good one. They were NOT wrong. I think honestly my favorite parts of this FC is that they are very social, and the mentor program. Basically you pick a friend who has similar interests and they help you with your main, gathers, crafters, ect. and help you with q. and MSQ.


Community Member U'feher Ylarah Adamantoise [Aether]

PS. Shout out to Scarlet Stormbringer for being that awesome friend :)

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Community Member Scarlet Stormbringer Adamantoise [Aether]

I'm so happy that you and your friends found us and decided to stay and grow. This community has been built on the kindness and active members we have here. There is always something to share and it’s thanks to all the members here. I count myself lucky to be in a community like this and hope that we continue to encourage and support one another.

P.S. Thanks for the shoutout, I'm truly honored and appreciative.

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Rhuarc Aethan'dor Kraken [Dynamis]

I follow my friend who could not decide on which server to play on..... I had to create 2 characters and transfer this one to Adamantoise, oh boy I am glad that I did. I wasn't looking for a Free Company, as I used to play a lot more solo, but this Free Company makes Final Fantasy 14 so much more enjoyable, the officers and the members are what makes this Free Company Special. Shout out to the newsletter committee who rocks at there job!!


Community Member Findaras Thebrave Adamantoise [Aether]

thanks for the kind words Rhuarc. Joining GREED is like playing "FF14: The Enhanced Edition". We have built a comprehensive program of services to take the bumps out of the road as you travel Eorzea. New members recieve a warm welcome and immediately qualify for all the services we offer. Join on a Saturday and you could end up with a new gearset and a fabulous raffle prize at our raucus weekly meetings.

Line breaks will be counted as one character.

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Mirth Quowaital Faerie [Aether]

My experiences with fc's before Greed was not the best, but they have changed my opinion many times over. They've helped me get the rest of my bird, ponies, and dogs with their weekly events, 60, 70, and 80 map parties, and they more than happy to help craft gear, and if you ever have a question all you have to do it ask. The thing I appreciate most is the friends Ive made. They have are one of the friendliest group of people Ive met and I am so happy to count myself as one of them.


Community Member Kitsune Shinigami Adamantoise [Aether]

We are so happy to hear that we were able to change your mind about experiences about FCs. This Fc has been the friendliest place I have been on any game as well, we always want to make sure everyone is included and having a good time. The daily events we host are just one way to keep everyone interacting and we are so glad you are taking advantage of that. We are overjoyed to have you are part of the <GREED> fam. Thank you so much for your praise and I hope you friendships continue to grow

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Neocorteqz Tia Adamantoise [Aether]

Seems like a pretty chill group, How do I join, I am new to FFXIV


Community Member Findaras Thebrave Adamantoise [Aether]

Mail 1,000,000 gil to "Findaras Thebrave", or alternately put in an application and you shouls expect to hear from a recruiter committee member shortly.

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Dest Hiny Adamantoise [Aether]

Hi! I am a returning player and would like to join a welcoming FC, and this seems a good fit! : D

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Community Member Findaras Thebrave Adamantoise [Aether]

There is no better place to get back up to speed. we have entire committees dedicated to helping update your gear and help you through MSQ.

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Community Member Levi Farrow Adamantoise [Aether]

Hello. I recently noticed this FC posting, and was wondering if I'd be able to join a FC that I can get help when needed and help out when needed in exchange.


Capt'n Morgan Maduin [Dynamis]

Hiya Levi, we will find you in game and get you a invite. You will find no other FC on this server that provides as much help/assistance as this one. We strive to make sure our members have the most enjoyable experience and the most friendly environment as possible.

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Almu Homie Balmung [Crystal]

I'd love to join this FC. I'm a level 63 dark knight tank. I only started playing a couple weeks ago but I'll probably be playing a lot more and it would be cool to get to know you guys.


Capt'n Morgan Maduin [Dynamis]

Hiya Adam, one thing i noticed unfortunately is that it shows beside your name that your reside on the Crystal data center, we are on Aether at Adamantoise BUT if you ever make your way over here to this data center, we will be happy to have you in the free company.

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Sol Everlight Adamantoise [Aether]

Hello, I'm new to the MMO genre, but I'm a fan of FF franchise and am really enjoying this game. Looking for a nice group of people to be friends with. Thanks!


Community Member Kitsune Shinigami Adamantoise [Aether]

Hello Sol, I would be more then happy to add you to the FC. Ill look for you in game and send you and invite as soon as I can. There are a great group of people here at <GREED> so I'm sure if won't be long before you feel right at home.

Line breaks will be counted as one character.

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Moist Cupcakes Adamantoise [Aether]

Hey I got a question, are you guys also work-life balance friendly as well because I do put a lot of time into work and was wondering if you guys were because I'd like to get into a bigger FC. Just the main problem is I don't always get a lot of time to play.

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Capt'n Morgan Maduin [Dynamis]

We are a 'Choose your own pace' and 'Play the game how you wish' Free Company lol We are just here to provide a fun and relaxing environment to our members and aim to provide as many benefits as possible so you can have the most enjoyable experience here in Final Fantasy XIV.

Line breaks will be counted as one character.

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Pugtavious Mingo Adamantoise [Aether]

Hi I have been playing on the server for a week or two lately. I am looking for an active FC to grow in, I started the game back around 2013 but am really a new player. I just came back to the game recently and am having more fun than any game I can remember. I am currently a 37 warrior trying to push to max level then will start on other jobs. Could I get an invite to start socializing with you all and grouping when able?


Capt'n Morgan Maduin [Dynamis]

Yes, ill be happy to send you a invite and add you to our family. We can definitely take care of all your needs.

Line breaks will be counted as one character.

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Capt'n Morgan Maduin [Dynamis]

You can also put in a application with us but ill be searching for you name in game to send the invite.

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Casca Dedoldia Adamantoise [Aether]

i just applied in game im a lvl 80 dark knight main working on my bard and currently working on my crafters


Capt'n Morgan Maduin [Dynamis]

Gotcha Dio, we will get you into the family.

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Strife Albarn Leviathan [Primal]

I applied in-game. Lvl 76 Samurai main currently doing SHB MSQs before doing all the hardcore content.


Talon Vaults Adamantoise [Aether]

i am very interested in joining. currently lvl 47 monk, but ive only been playing a bit over a week, so i dont think ill be 47 for long hehe. im at the point where im looking to branch out and feel kind of lost lol… im interested in everything. sadly im not confident in my ability to contact you in game as i have never even messaged anyone yet. an invite would be greatly appreciated


Digitor Twometerpeter Adamantoise [Aether]

hey im interested in joining, applied in game but figured would also apply here, lvl 54 bard, planning on playing gunbreaker at lvl 60.

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Ulric Omen Adamantoise [Aether]

Hello, i am a level 26 marauder. i enjoy doing all craft related things. returning player from six years ago. i am interested in joining if you are willing to send me invite.


Capt'n Morgan Maduin [Dynamis]

Hiya, will be more than happy to add you to the family, ill be looking for you in game. You are also welcome to put in a application with us if we have a hard time finding you online.

Line breaks will be counted as one character.

0 / 500

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Mister Cruz Lich [Light]

Greeting everyone. I just switched to the game. Looking for new people to play with :)


Capt'n Morgan Maduin [Dynamis]

Hiya, you are currently on Lich/Light, completely different data center BUT if you ever find your way over to adamantoise, you will have a home waiting on you.

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Hibiki Pi Midgardsormr [Aether]

Hey all! I've been in the FC for 2 months now and it' seriously been great. This is my first MMO and the first FC/guild I've been a part of and let me say that I truly believe there's no better place to be in other than <GREED>. These amazing people have helped me from when I started in ARR all the way up until now that I've finished ShB. They provide many free services to their members and have many committees dedicated to helping you enjoy the game more and have an easier time if needed! <3


Community Member Scarlet Stormbringer Adamantoise [Aether]

Hibiki, it brightens my day to know that in the short time you have been here that we have made such a positive impact. We have grown into an active, helpful community and I'm glad you have decided to spend your time with us. All we seek to do is to make our little slice of FFXIV better for our community and I'm glad to count you among us. Can't wait to see you in more content and events in the future.

Line breaks will be counted as one character.

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Tenshi Tech Ravana [Materia]

I would like a invite please :)


Whit Gutz Siren [Aether]

Can I get an invite please Im new and I dont know how all of this works lol


Community Member Kitsune Shinigami Adamantoise [Aether]

Hello, unfortunately I would not be able to invite you to the FC due your character being on a different world within our data center. We would be more then happy to have you if there was not this restriction. If you do find your way over to Adamantoise we would be overjoyed to have you as part of the Fam

Line breaks will be counted as one character.

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Purple Vape Balmung [Crystal]

Im a new player looking for people to play the game with cause im not to sure on what im doing lol. This looks like a amazing company to join, Im on ps5 by the way, hope that doesnt effect anything.


Community Member Findaras Thebrave Adamantoise [Aether]

My friend, you are on a completely different world and data center. If that situation changes, both you AND your PS5 are welcome to join.

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Xero Two Adamantoise [Aether]

I'm looking for a FC to help me get more into the game and do stuff I find interesting and urs looked good for that.


Community Member Findaras Thebrave Adamantoise [Aether]

We are a very active club with a very comprehensive program to assist players gearing, progression and mentoring.

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Omega Battle Adamantoise [Aether]

I'm newish to the MMOs but I'm a fan of the FF franchise and am really enjoying this game. Looking for a nice group of people to be friends with. Thanks!


Capt'n Morgan Maduin [Dynamis]

Ill be looking for you ingame to add ya to the family.

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Omega Battle Adamantoise [Aether]

do Masters of Trade have a discord server?


Moro Excess Adamantoise [Aether]

Hi! im a new FF14 player, and i would love to join, this FC seems just what i was looking for!


Capt'n Morgan Maduin [Dynamis]

Hiya, we will get you added to the family as soon as possible, thanks for choosing Masters of Trade, we try to provide the best and friendliest environment as possible to our members. Along with the greatest amount of benefits possible to make your adventures here in FFXIV and fun as possible!!!

Line breaks will be counted as one character.

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Shuten Doji Adamantoise [Aether]

Hello, are you guys still recruiting?


Capt'n Morgan Maduin [Dynamis]

Yep and invite sent, welcome to the family.

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Community Member Levi Farrow Adamantoise [Aether]

I joined this FC about a month ago, and I've already learned a number of things about the game that I didn't know, and there's always people willing to help you with anything in the game you need help with, from crafting knowledge and dungeon runs. In just about a month, I've been looking to host events for the FC, and I've been welcomed to do so. If you're looking for a welcoming, active, and helpful FC, <<GREED>> is the best!


Community Member Chiara Scuro Adamantoise [Aether]

Thanks so much for the kind words Levi! I'm truly overjoyed that you've been having a wonderful time in the FC and are getting whatever support & help you need from the other members. I'm glad you decided to find a home in Masters of Trade, and it's an honor to have you in my committee!

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Mabelisy Samaakta Exodus [Primal]

Hey I've been searching for an active FC that isn't group of RL friends. Been playing for a few years but have not found one. Everyone seems to like this FC that is in it and I would love to join.


Capt'n Morgan Maduin [Dynamis]

unfortunately it seems not only are you on another server but data center as well. If you are ever on Adamantoise though, we would be happy to have you in the Free Company

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Jenkshi Geneqq Ultros [Primal]

Hi! im a new FF14 player, and am looking for a FC to join and this one looks perfect for me! I would love to join if you guys have the availability!


Capt'n Morgan Maduin [Dynamis]

Invite sent

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Community Member Zelma Moon Adamantoise [Aether]

Hi, I'm looking to join a new FC. This is my first MMO and there are a lot of things I don't really know how to do even though I just lost my sprout status. I want to delve more into high end content and crafting in particular. Let me know if you are still recruiting.


Community Member Kitsune Shinigami Adamantoise [Aether]

Invite sent we are supper happy to have ya!

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Eeez Pz Adamantoise [Aether]

Hello! I am fresh to the game and am looking for a community/group to have fun and do event thingys with! I love chatting and hanging out! i also would like to grind some crafty things as well!


Capt'n Morgan Maduin [Dynamis]

Hiya, ill be looking for you ingame so we can get you added to the family!!

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Pink Gem Adamantoise [Aether]

Hello, and good evening. I am looking to join an FC, one that I hope to feel at home with. I love crafting and gathering already, so I feel like this will be the perfect match in what I seek. Also, the idea of talking to others about crafting excites me very much. If you are still accepting, I would like to be apart of your FC.
Thank you,


Capt'n Morgan Maduin [Dynamis]

Glad to have ya join the family!!!!

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Jumenne Jifoy Adamantoise [Aether]

I am new to the game and I am looking to join a FC and it sounds like you guys would be a great place to plug in. It sounds like you have veterans of all aspects of the game. This is my first character and I have really enjoyed the game so far! If you guys are still accepting new players, I would love to join. I am willing to learn and help out in any area that is needed!



Capt'n Morgan Maduin [Dynamis]

We would be glad to have you in the family, ill be looking for you in game.

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Jumenne Jifoy Adamantoise [Aether]

Sounds good! I usually get on around this time most days, but I guess not today due to the maintenance!

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Sea Mortem Jenova [Aether]

I’ve been playing for the last two weeks and playing alone at that by chance is there room on the broom for an ex 18 year WoW player? may I please join your family?

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Capt'n Morgan Maduin [Dynamis]

We will be looking for you in game so we can get you added!

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Sea Mortem Jenova [Aether]

thank you so much ,i tried looking for you and failed miserably

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Bulging Mountain Exodus [Primal]

Joined a few months ago and have been having a blast, the guild constantly gives me gear while leveling my crafters so I always have gear to progress them. That and I actually have been making a good amount of money from the map events!


Community Member Findaras Thebrave Adamantoise [Aether]

you've been a great new member! Whatever time and effort you have invested in GREED will be repaid many times over. Thank you for being part of our success story.

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Desire Tenebrosity Adamantoise [Aether]

Hi, just started recently with FFXIV and was looking for FC to join if you are still recruiting.


Capt'n Morgan Maduin [Dynamis]

hiya, we will be looking for ya in game so we can add ya.

Line breaks will be counted as one character.

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Psy Phor Adamantoise [Aether]

Hi. Started recently and looking for a FC. I would like to join.


Capt'n Morgan Maduin [Dynamis]

Ill be looking for ya in game to add you to the family!!!

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Psy Phor Adamantoise [Aether]

Sounds good, thanks.

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Mittens Deathsnuggle Midgardsormr [Aether]

Im new to FF14, but have played other MMO's. Would like you join if you have room please.


Capt'n Morgan Maduin [Dynamis]

Ill be looking for you in game to add you to the family, you are also welcome to put in a app to the FC.

Line breaks will be counted as one character.

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Community Member F'ayeth Bellarose Adamantoise [Aether]

Hello, I am a returning/new player. Recently came back to the game after about 2 years and was completely lost, had no clue what I was doing so I started fresh to relearn how to play. From everything I have read here you seem like a Free Company who could not only help, encourage and learn from, but one whom I could find a way to also contribute to as well. BTW, my sons tell me I am way too old to be playing FFXIV...but what do they know. Would love an invite to become part of your family.

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Capt'n Morgan Maduin [Dynamis]

Hiya, i will be looking for you in game and we will get you added to the Free Company.

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Fel Oshino Adamantoise [Aether]

GREED has been my first real FC in this game. I've lurked and lurked and I can say with absolute confidence that this FC is something special. It's filled with kind people who really make mmos feel like they should with big community events and that feeling that you *are* playing this game with a big group that cares about you.

I had my in-game wedding in this FC and they made a great memory something I'll never forget. I'm really thankful for this FC. Maybe I'll try to lurk less :)


Community Member Tenia Talwar Adamantoise [Aether]

We are so happy you and your friends joined. I couldn't ask for a better group of new friends! I enjoyed your wedding so much :) Time not to be a lurker and really start getting to enjoy your new FC family.

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A'she Tayata Kraken [Dynamis]

I made the jump to this server to join a friend in GREED, this is a choice that I don't regret. The amazing people in this FC made sure to make me feel welcome and helped me to where I am now.
The loads of daily events keeps things interesting and having all the support committees really makes you feel like someone has you back. This is the FC I was looking for.


Community Member Tenia Talwar Adamantoise [Aether]

We will always try to help our members 110%! It's you guys that make us an amazing FC! We couldn't do it without our members pitching in and helping us. I'm so happy you decided on us. You are a wonderful member!

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Onyx Stadia Famfrit [Primal]

A newbie to the game who fell in love with the MMORPG aspect of ffxiv. This community seems absolutely wonderful! Very excited to join if you all are willing to have me, of course!

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Capt'n Morgan Maduin [Dynamis]

Hiya, would be glad to have you added to the family, will be looking for you ingame.

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Community Member Rissah Salam Adamantoise [Aether]

I've never met a group of players who are so community focus. The cool part about GREED is that I consider a lot of them as friends now even though we never actually met.

Honestly, if you are looking for a group of people to chill with as you fight primals, gain coin, and build your trading business I highly recommend you to join. ^-^


Community Member Kitsune Shinigami Adamantoise [Aether]

We are glad to hear that you are enjoying the community here at GREED and have found friends among our members. We are always improving in order to make GREED feel like family. You have been a shinning member within our ranks and the hard work you put into helping others feel the way you feel about the FC. I know I am one of those people who are happy to call you a friend :)

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Niera Nitehawk Zurvan [Materia]

From the day I joined GREED's welcoming community I knew I had found home. Committees cover every aspect of the game, from crafting to static & everything in between. The mentor system to reach your gaming goals is outstanding. But the greatest gift GREED provides, is a warm, friendly, helpful FC that encourages playing at your own pace. Whatever journey you are on, GREED has your back and is there to support and enhance your game play in every way. Join us, we will be happy to have you.


Community Member Varactor Talwar Adamantoise [Aether]

Thanks for the kind words Niera! Glad to hear that you are enjoying the community here at GREED and are involved in one of our many great committees!

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0 / 500

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Community Member Flaris Thexios Adamantoise [Aether]

GREED has been *the* ideal FC without exaggeration. They have provided all the experience I was looking for as someone not new to mmorpgs but new to FF14. From social events to mount farming to raiding to just chilling. I'm incredibly grateful to all the people that made me feel welcomed right from the start and helped with every bit of content along the way.


Community Member Bozidar Ayurya Adamantoise [Aether]

Glad to hear you are enjoying your experience in the GREED Family. We are happy to have you Flaris

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Community Member Austere Oen-dotharl Adamantoise [Aether]

I was wandering around neighborhoods in the Mist when I noticed a surprisingly active area. Players crafted and interacted with each other in the space between the Market board and a Golden roofed FC house. I'm a pretty laid back player so I just noted the name of the FC and kept it moving. A few years later when I finally wanted to join an active FC I decided to check and see if Greed was still active and apply. I'm glad I did. They've built a genuine community, I'm glad to be a part of.


Community Member Llamaa Lilinji Adamantoise [Aether]

Thanks Austere for being part of our community! Glad you joined and its true we love chilling in the Mist Market Board area :)

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0 / 500

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Community Member Rotomu Gliteaux Adamantoise [Aether]

Great place for newbs and veterans. Best FC I've been in by far. Super friendly and lots of events to keep members interacting with each other (the whole point of an MMO amirite?). I can't think of what else to say besides come join and have fun with all of us :D


Community Member Kitsune Shinigami Adamantoise [Aether]

Thank you so much for being such an active members. We, here at GREED, are happy to hear that you are enjoying all out activities and events. Thank you so much for your kind words

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Yureii Konpaku Adamantoise [Aether]

Amazing FC, lots of fun events and a great community!

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Artemis S'elah Adamantoise [Aether]

Hello, I'm a WOW refugee, working my way up in XIV. I enjoy the game immensely, but there's so much I need to learn. I would love to be in a community with many events, lively chat, and comraderie. May I join your group?


Miraculin Luxi Adamantoise [Aether]

Hi, have been looking for a new fc for a while for me and my friend. I would love to join this fc and would be happy to be quite active in it.


Melian Meliekins Adamantoise [Aether]

Hello I am a new player looking for an active community ^.^ I hope I may join you all :)


Community Member Kitty Klaws Adamantoise [Aether]

this is a very friendly fc. they are always doing events, and are always willing to help with dungeons. they offer free leveling gear for you alt classes. and the leadership is very friendly


Community Member Kitsune Shinigami Adamantoise [Aether]

We are happy to hear that you are enjoying all the GREED has to offer. Thank you for being an amazing FC member

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0 / 500

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-- -- ----

Hello! I just started the game two days and looking for a community to join.


Community Member Kitsune Shinigami Adamantoise [Aether]

We would be super happy to have you!!

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Magilou Mathis Leviathan [Primal]

I would love to join as it would make my ff14 better. Please let me know.♡


Community Member Kitsune Shinigami Adamantoise [Aether]

We would love to have you but unfortunately it looks like you are on a different data center/world. With FFXIV you have to be on the same data center and world as the FC you wish to join. If you ever find yourself over on Aether/Adamantois we would welcome you straight away!

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-- -- ----

Hello! I'm new to FFXIV and looking for a FC to call home.

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Community Member Kitsune Shinigami Adamantoise [Aether]

Awesome! I would love to get you added to the FC!!

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Kree Chur Adamantoise [Aether]

Hi! I am a returning player looking to pick up where I left off. I'd really like to join your FC :)


Community Member Rissah Salam Adamantoise [Aether]

Hey Kree! Sure, let me see if I can get you added to the FC! ^-^

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Chilger Malqir Adamantoise [Aether]

Hi there I have been trying to find you by name in game but have not had any luck. was interested in joining you FC and was wondering if there was still room? I am a returning player a lvl 72 warrior at the moment and working my way through story quests in the Shadowbringer quest line. Your FC sounds exactly what I am looking for as I would like to work on my crafting.

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Community Member Kitsune Shinigami Adamantoise [Aether]

Absolutely, I will try to get you added when I see you are online!

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Aurora Kett Adamantoise [Aether]

I'm a returning player and interested in joining.


Community Member Kitsune Shinigami Adamantoise [Aether]

I would be more then happy to get you added to the FC whenever you are online!

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-- -- ----

Hi, I’m new to ffxiv but not to mmos and would love to make some friends that I could play with. If you have room I’d love to join. Thank you.

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Community Member Kitsune Shinigami Adamantoise [Aether]

We absolutely have room for you. I will keep an eye out for you in game and get you added ASAP

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Lockon Anew Adamantoise [Aether]

Are you folks still recruiting? I'd like to join if possible. Thanks.


Community Member Kitsune Shinigami Adamantoise [Aether]

I would be happy to get you added to the family whenever you are online!

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Community Member King Aelius Adamantoise [Aether]

Trying to find an FC to call home.
Please allow me to join you all.

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Community Member Kitsune Shinigami Adamantoise [Aether]

We would be more then happy to have you in the FC!

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Artanias Yume Siren [Aether]

I'd Love to join, I've been looking for a FC since I returned from overseas.


Community Member Kitsune Shinigami Adamantoise [Aether]

I would love to get you added. However, it looks like you are in a different world on the data center. We are on Adamantoise and unfortunately you do have to be one the same world and data center as the FC you wish to join. If you do find yourself over here tho we would be ecstatic to have ya in the FC

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Aki Izayoi Adamantoise [Aether]

I would love to join I just recently left my FC and plus as a benefit I'm close to one of the hunting groups here in Ada we would love more peoples to spawn S Ranks :)


Community Member Kitsune Shinigami Adamantoise [Aether]

Welcome to the family!

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Renis Va Maduin [Dynamis]

Hi, any chance I could join the FC? It looks like a really cool group to join! I'm brand new to FFXIV (less than a week old) and just learning the ropes so looking for a family of people to learn from!


Community Member Kitsune Shinigami Adamantoise [Aether]

We would be happy to help ya out!

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Community Member Nyan Perona Adamantoise [Aether]

Hi, I just got off the free trial and I'm looking for an FC. Can I join yours?


Community Member Kitsune Shinigami Adamantoise [Aether]

We would love to have you

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Neo Wulf Adamantoise [Aether]

Hey guys! 17 year WoW vet (now refugee XD) here; just started playing about a week ago. Can't believe it's taken me this long to come over...I'm hooked! Love what your FC is all about and I think it would be a perfect fit for me. Could I join?

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Community Member Kitsune Shinigami Adamantoise [Aether]

Happy to have you!!

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Emmanuel Goodfellow Famfrit [Primal]

Heyo I'm from Chaos but native NA. I've played causally with close friends for the last 2 years but am considering moving to Aether because ping been a pain and I kinda miss having a community and a large selection of friends to chat with. I want to get into raiding is that something this FC is good at incorporating? I'm also a busy adult like most players here. Will this be a good fit? Is it possible for me to join the discord 1st to see? TY in advance.

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Community Member Kitsune Shinigami Adamantoise [Aether]

Currently we have 5-6 raid static within the FC and been building up the raiding within the FC, however GREED did start with a focus on crafting/gathering/helping clear content. If you would like an invite to the discord please send me a message on discord

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Ladant Dropiere Jenova [Aether]

I would like to join your Free Company since the one I just left was not very active at all. I'm over level 50 in all of the classes except for the Blue Mage and the Dark Knight, Dancer, Reaper, Astrologan, Gunbreaker, Sage, and Machinist Classes. Could you reach out to me at your earliest convenience?


Community Member Kitsune Shinigami Adamantoise [Aether]

I would love to add you but sadly you have to share the same home world as the FC you wish to join.

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Community Member Firaleen Luvi'ceaux Adamantoise [Aether]

I would love to join your free company! I'm pretty new to ff. I'm level 50+ but am still struggling with spell rotations and dungeon runs. I love crafting and am eager to learn though. I am a long time eso and wow player. :)


Community Member Kitsune Shinigami Adamantoise [Aether]

Welcome to the family!!

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Soso Runja Adamantoise [Aether]

I am returning to FF I played back when it first came out but quit playing I am now returning with a new account and would like to join your FC


Community Member Kitsune Shinigami Adamantoise [Aether]

I would be more then happy to get you added, just me know when you will be online next

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Wolkan Hunter Adamantoise [Aether]

Hello, I'm a new player looking for a FC. Thanks!


Community Member Kitsune Shinigami Adamantoise [Aether]

We would be happy to have you!!

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Community Member Drevan Vilorn Adamantoise [Aether]

Hello there! I recently server transferred over to Adamantoise and I am looking to join a FC.


Community Member Kitsune Shinigami Adamantoise [Aether]

We are happy to have ya in the GREED fam!

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Katsu Miyamoto Adamantoise [Aether]

Looking to join a FC, after coming back from a year hiatus. ^_^


Community Member Kitsune Shinigami Adamantoise [Aether]

Welcome to the FAM! We are happy to have ya

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Akali Rein Balmung [Crystal]

Hello ~ I am relativly new player, took som time to be sure that i rly liked this game. I like dungeon runs, esp ones with good music~ My main class atm is warrior.
I am slowly learning whats sells or not on market and also lvlin my production-gathering classes accordingly to my main story progression and locations unlocked.
I wasnt in any FC before and most of this games rly new to me, so id be rly happy to do regular game activities~
Can i join your FC please?


Community Member Kitsune Shinigami Adamantoise [Aether]

I would love nothing more then to get ya added to the GREED fam!

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Eris Darkholme Adamantoise [Aether]

Still recruiting?


Community Member Kitsune Shinigami Adamantoise [Aether]

Always :)

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Steph Purry Adamantoise [Aether]

Returning player from launch. Took a very long break and I’m looking for a nice sized fc with a wide range of players


Community Member Kitsune Shinigami Adamantoise [Aether]

Well we have a ton of that here!

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Steph Purry Adamantoise [Aether]

I see members all the time in game. I’ll submit an application next time I’m on

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Community Member Rissah Salam Adamantoise [Aether]

Awesome!!! See you soon then! ^-^

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Battle Godd Behemoth [Primal]

been playing for about 4 years now need some crafting buddies


Community Member Rissah Salam Adamantoise [Aether]

Hey Battle Godd! Come on over we love crafters ^-^

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Jessica Mei Gilgamesh [Aether]

I would love to join yall. New to crafting and any DOH and DOL. Invite me


Community Member Rissah Salam Adamantoise [Aether]

Welcome to the FC!!

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Alexis Adira Cactuar [Aether]

Hey Kitsune! I tried to send a DM on Discord but it said the message could not be delivered. Also, none of the three of you were online.

May I please join you all? I'm on Cactuar. Please do let me know, and thank you so much!


Community Member Kitsune Shinigami Adamantoise [Aether]

I would love to add you but sadly you have to be on the same home world (adamantoise) as the FC in order to join.

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Merium Pinklily Adamantoise [Aether]

Hello looking to join a Friendly FC to hang around with in game. still fairly new been playing for a week or so now. not quite sure on how to join ingame.


Community Member Kitsune Shinigami Adamantoise [Aether]

Welcome to the family!

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Ethani Hunter Adamantoise [Aether]

I'm trying to apply, but I don't see exactly where to


Community Member Kitsune Shinigami Adamantoise [Aether]

Looks like you got it all worked out, Happy to have ya!

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0 / 500

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Dora Emon Halicarnassus [Dynamis]

Hello, I'm looking for an FC. Your sounds very nice and fun. I'm willing to move to another data center. Just wonder if you guys still recruiting? Thank you


Community Member Rissah Salam Adamantoise [Aether]

We always have a spot available for active and awesome people to join our FC! ^-^

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Community Member Benor Lionheart Adamantoise [Aether]

I've been playing mostly alone for over a year now and have finally decided to join an FC. I'd love to join if you'll have me ^_^


Community Member Rissah Salam Adamantoise [Aether]

Yay ofcourse! Just come on over and apply and then we can talk! :D

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Community Member Benor Lionheart Adamantoise [Aether]

Where do I apply at?

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Community Member Rissah Salam Adamantoise [Aether]

At the FC Plot 5, 2 Ward, Mist (Large)

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Kechara Country Coeurl [Crystal]

would love to join brand new to the game for about 2 months now


Community Member Kitsune Shinigami Adamantoise [Aether]

I would love to add you but unfortunately you have to be on the same home world and sever as the FC you wish to join. Our FC is located on Aether on Adamantoise. We would love to add you if you ever find yourself on this side of the data center

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Ashken D'mero Ultros [Primal]

Hello! I'm a returning player after about 2-3 years offline. Would like to get into a community like Masters of Trade because I generally enjoy grinding/gathering when I'm not dragging my character through the storylines (I'm not even sure if that's still a thing). It's been a while for me, so I may ask for advice from time to time, but other than that I'm usually the one trying to be helpful. Looking forward to hearing back! - Ashken


Community Member Kitsune Shinigami Adamantoise [Aether]

Absolutely!! We would love to help ya out!! One of us will get you in ASAP

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Dia Belle Adamantoise [Aether]

Hi there - Tried y'all in game. I would love to join if you are still recruiting.


Community Member Rissah Salam Adamantoise [Aether]

hey Dia! We are still recruiting, did you apply yet?

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-- -- ----

Hello! I'm new to the game and interested in joining if you have space and don't mind me asking questions. can't wait to hear from ya! :)


Community Member Rissah Salam Adamantoise [Aether]

Hey Mango!! Excited for you to be part of our community ^-^. Just come over to our FC and ask for a recruiter!

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-- -- ----

How do i go about doing that?


Community Member Rissah Salam Adamantoise [Aether]

I see you are member now. Welcome to GREED!!!

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Egg Thief Adamantoise [Aether]

Hi! I'm a returning player looking for an active and helpful FC and I saw you guys and you looked perfect! I'd love if someone could send me an invite.

EDIT: I realized I have to apply at your FC plot! Oops!

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Community Member Kitsune Shinigami Adamantoise [Aether]

Welcome aboard

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0 / 500

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Diavna Psrat Adamantoise [Aether]

Returning player and interested in joining your FC.
I have a number of different chars but I prefer using Archer or healing classes.


Community Member Rissah Salam Adamantoise [Aether]

Hey Dianva! Come on over to the FC house and we ca invite you. ^-^

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Brynmere Grym Marilith [Dynamis]

Where do I sign up? You guys sound like a perfect match for what I'm looking for. I've been playing the game solo and with PUGs for a while now, but I'm looking for something more. I love that you have regular organized events to help people take the next step in whatever they're working on. Also interested in helping the FC out with crafting. All my gatherers are 90, and my crafters are somewhere in the 80s.


Community Member Kitsune Shinigami Adamantoise [Aether]

Sending you an invite now

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Jim Hawking Adamantoise [Aether]

Howdy! My original FC disbanded sometime back and I have been looking for a new FC. You guys seem great, and I'd love to join and help out! I have a lvl 90 raid-ready SAM and a lvl 90 BRD. I have all crafters to 90 (except cook) and all gatherers at 90 (except fishing).


Community Member Kitsune Shinigami Adamantoise [Aether]

Glad to see you join the GREED fam :)

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Ceani Rue Marilith [Dynamis]

Hi I am looking for a FC home, I'm new to the game though it's not my first MMO as I am a 14 year veteran of WOW. But new to FFXIV, loving the game. I've been soloing, its ups and downs. I'm a lvl 52 Bard atm, love crafting 5 at lvl 52, & gathering 3 at lvl 58. Haven't tried contacting others in game yet but I learn quickly. I would like to join your FC but not sure how to get to Mist lol, so if you would send me an invite it would be most appreciated. I look forward to hearing from you. TYVM


Community Member Rissah Salam Adamantoise [Aether]

Hey Ceani! We would love to have you, why wont you come over to our FC to get an invite from one of our recruiters.

Talk to you soon!

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Ryza Wolffe Adamantoise [Aether]

Hello ^^ I just transferred here yesterday I should've let yall know I put in application this morning are you still recruiting?

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Community Member Kitsune Shinigami Adamantoise [Aether]

We will accept your application the next time we see you online, so you can get a proper GREED welcome

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Ryza Wolffe Adamantoise [Aether]

Thank you! I will try to be on later today

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Cosmic Pizza Balmung [Crystal]

Hey are you guys still actively recruiting?


Community Member Rissah Salam Adamantoise [Aether]


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Community Member Rissah Salam Adamantoise [Aether]

Come on over to our FC and we will help you!

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Vonteschen Vonelle Adamantoise [Aether]

was wondering if you all were still recruiting? im a returning player looking to get back into the swing of things :)


Community Member Kitsune Shinigami Adamantoise [Aether]

We are happy to have ya!

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Royhtc Ccc Adamantoise [Aether]

Still recruiting now ?


Community Member Kitsune Shinigami Adamantoise [Aether]

Always! Welcome to the fam!

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0 / 500

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Stick Leed Adamantoise [Aether]

Hey I was wondering if y'all are still recruiting?


Community Member Kitsune Shinigami Adamantoise [Aether]

Happy to have ya aboard

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Cyanide King Zalera [Crystal]

Hello, I'm a returning player, and kinda lost with many things, looking for an active FC company

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Community Member Kitsune Shinigami Adamantoise [Aether]

Unfortunately you have to have the same home word/data center in order to join the FC so I would not be able to send you an invite since we are on Aether/Ada but if you ever hop over we would gladly send ya an invite

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0 / 500

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Zen Sai Adamantoise [Aether]

Hi im also an returning player, and i am looking for a free company


Community Member Rissah Salam Adamantoise [Aether]

Hey Zen! Glad you're in GREED!

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Tazer Asgard Adamantoise [Aether]

New Player looking to join a Free Company and was seeing if you are still recruiting. If so would be interested in joining you. I am currently making my way up the levels (at lvl 21 as of this writing). Thanks in advance.


Community Member Rissah Salam Adamantoise [Aether]

hey tazer! Come on over, we would be happy to have you in our FC ^-^

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Kero Six Adamantoise [Aether]

Hello Id love to join this FC ive been looking for a fun fc to join


Community Member Rissah Salam Adamantoise [Aether]

Hey Kero! based on the name I think you are on our FC. Welcome!!

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Collapsing Dream Adamantoise [Aether]

May i join?


Community Member Rissah Salam Adamantoise [Aether]

Yeah come on over and apply to our FC!

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Community Member Synnrei Kurosawa Adamantoise [Aether]

I am currently looking for a new home to enjoy the game and have some fun :) Sorry I was so busy my discord is drake#1230

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Community Member Rissah Salam Adamantoise [Aether]

Yay!!!! just sent you a friend request on discord lets get you in the fam!

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Community Member Synnrei Kurosawa Adamantoise [Aether]

Awesome Rissah. I can't wait. I looked and I did not see anything yet. Try Drake#1230 again :)

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Community Member Rissah Salam Adamantoise [Aether]

You should see my discord darksakura ^-^

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Ridzz Pvp Adamantoise [Aether]

am returning player, can i join. i have discord its RidZz#1601


Community Member Rissah Salam Adamantoise [Aether]

Saw you have joined the family! Welcome to GREED!

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Zakarius Romanov Adamantoise [Aether]

I'm a new player to FFXIV after switching from SWTOR and looking for a group of people to enjoy and learn the game with.


Community Member Rissah Salam Adamantoise [Aether]

Sweet! Come on over ^-^. You can either apply through the FC or hit either me or one of the other recruiters up on ff14 or discord!

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Shaddyx Drakkar Midgardsormr [Aether]

Hey there! I'm moving to Adamantoise as early as tonight and would love to check you guys out!


Community Member Rissah Salam Adamantoise [Aether]

Nice!! Why wont you connect with one of us via discord or hit our FC house up ^-^. We would be happy for you to join our community!

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Dopamine Dreams Sargatanas [Aether]

Hi, im a new player on FFXIV and i saw your FC on the Community Finder. Im on Sargantas, do i need to be on Adamantoise to join the FC? If not, is there any reason to choose a FC thats on my world? The FCs i can find on Sargantas dont seem to be as well-rounded as <GREED>.


Community Member Kitsune Shinigami Adamantoise [Aether]

Sadly there is no ability to join cross world FCs, in saying that, yes you have to be on Ada in order to join GREED. If you ever find yourself over here then we would be more then happy to get you added

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Klee Bomber Adamantoise [Aether]

Hi, I'm trying to join the FC. I just added you on discord (Ohbi). I hope you all can allow me into the FC. Thanks!!


Community Member Kitsune Shinigami Adamantoise [Aether]

Welcome aboard!

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Kyle Corey Jenova [Aether]

Very raw player (lvl 37) looking to join!


Community Member Kitsune Shinigami Adamantoise [Aether]

We are happy to have ya!

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Merak Sunder Adamantoise [Aether]

Hi, I'm a new player who's looking for an FC to join. I would like to trade stuff and do some of the other stuff that was mentioned. So this FC looks like a decent fit for me.


Community Member Kitsune Shinigami Adamantoise [Aether]

We would love to have ya, I will keep an eye out for when you are online so we can get you added!

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Annie Ox Zalera [Crystal]

Hi, I would like to send in an application. I do crafting/gathering


Community Member Kitsune Shinigami Adamantoise [Aether]

Sadly there is no ability to join cross world FCs, in saying that, yes you have to be on Ada in order to join GREED. If you ever find yourself over here then we would be more then happy to get you added

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Community Member Trahgliht Rhentrach Adamantoise [Aether]

Hey I just discovered the game and guides have been recommending to join a free company. I would like to join if possible.


Community Member Rissah Salam Adamantoise [Aether]

Awesome! We would love to have you! Have you applied yet?

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Kelvin Tal'rayne Adamantoise [Aether]

Hello, I am interested in joining, but seem to be a bit inept at finding anyone on discord or in game :(


Community Member Kitsune Shinigami Adamantoise [Aether]

I just saw this I would be more then happy to get you added when I log on

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Dirty Chickenwing Gilgamesh [Aether]

Hi, I would be interested in joining your group! Please let me know how I can join. Thank you.


Community Member Kitsune Shinigami Adamantoise [Aether]

Sadly there is no ability to join cross world FCs, in saying that, yes you have to be on Ada in order to join GREED. If you ever find yourself over here then we would be more then happy to get you added

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Dirty Chickenwing Gilgamesh [Aether]

Ok, Thank you.

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Ren Azorion Cactuar [Aether]

Hi, I'm interested in joining your Free Company. I should be on most of the day


Community Member Kitsune Shinigami Adamantoise [Aether]

awesome, sorry for the late response got a little side tracked but we would be more then happy to get ya added!

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Community Member Masamune Tomoe Adamantoise [Aether]

Hello, im interested in joining. Are there any requirements?


Community Member Kitsune Shinigami Adamantoise [Aether]

there are no real requirements to join, we are very inclusive but we do ask people to be mindful and respectful of the other members. I would love to get ya added

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Luna Reya Midgardsormr [Aether]

Hello, I am interested in joining the free company.


Community Member Kitsune Shinigami Adamantoise [Aether]

I would be more then happy to get you added if you want to send me a message when you are online next, or if you dont want to wait you can submit an application whenever you are ready

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Angel Powder Adamantoise [Aether]

I'm a newish player looking for a good fc to enjoy the game with n reading the profile of yours its seems perfect for me could I please get a invite


Community Member Kitsune Shinigami Adamantoise [Aether]

We would love to have ya!

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Angel Powder Adamantoise [Aether]

I'm still interested if I could possibly be invited

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Community Member Kitsune Shinigami Adamantoise [Aether]

Awesome!! I will keep a look out for ya

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Vi Tality Adamantoise [Aether]

Hello! I recently started FFXIV and saw a few of your members running around and looked into it a little and I'm very interested in joining your company if you'd have me!


Community Member Kitsune Shinigami Adamantoise [Aether]

Welcome aboard

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0 / 500

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-- -- ----

Hi! I would love to join your FC if you are still recruiting ! I tried to reach out on discord but it doesn't seem to work.

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Community Member Kitsune Shinigami Adamantoise [Aether]

We are always recruiting and would be happy to have ya

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0 / 500


Runai Duadh Behemoth [Primal]

Hi there,
I am mostly focused on crafting and gathering. However there are times when I would like to clear msq but lack the knowledge on how to do so. Everything described about your FC sounds amazing. I would like to be considered as a potential recruit if there are still spots open!


Community Member Kitsune Shinigami Adamantoise [Aether]

Sadly there is no ability to join cross world FCs, in saying that, yes you have to be on Ada in order to join GREED. If you ever find yourself over here then we would be more then happy to get you added

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0 / 500

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Community Member Teydryn Delmor Adamantoise [Aether]

Hello! Me and my partner are looking for a social community and feel you guys might be a good fit if you're still recruiting. Sent some discord friend requests and just waiting on a reply now :)


Community Member Kitsune Shinigami Adamantoise [Aether]

I responded to all the discord friend request I got just now. If you would still like to join then I would be happy to help ya

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0 / 500


-- -- ----

Newer player looking for a good place to call home. Older gamer, work 10hrs/day so game time is limited to evenings and weekends. Starting fresh as I have not played since original launch or FFXIV.

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Emirio Arufa Brynhildr [Crystal]

Hey, I left a friend request on discord to further inquire, Kitsune :)


Community Member Kitsune Shinigami Adamantoise [Aether]

Sorry the week got away from me but I will be happy to get you added ASAP and I accepted your friend request

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Totocha Tocha Adamantoise [Aether]

I sent a friend request on discord to see about joining :) This FC looks like exactly what I'm looking for!


Community Member Rissah Salam Adamantoise [Aether]

Hey Totocha! Sorry was away for a few weeks. Were you able to join the FC? If not I am more than happy to assist you. ^-^

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Tofu Totofu Maduin [Dynamis]

hello! I am a returning player and this is the first time I have been caught up in msq / content while it was current and I'm looking to try out EX and maybe savage since I've never tried those before. I am a 640 WAR and working Leveling PLD

This community seems like a good fit for me!


Community Member Rissah Salam Adamantoise [Aether]

Yay! Sorry was away for a few weeks. We are more than happy to invite you to our fam!

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Community Member Xylo Nyx Adamantoise [Aether]

Hi! Returning player looking for a Free Company.


Community Member Rissah Salam Adamantoise [Aether]

Nice! How did you hear about us? ^-^

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0 / 500

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Nenji Irontail Hyperion [Primal]

Hello I am returning to this lovely game after a years break and i am looking for an active FC. I have been playing ffxiv since the original and renewal. only issue is i want to start a new character but the realm is congested and i cant make a new toon yet. i am keeping an eye out for when it opens.


Community Member D'alia Vale Adamantoise [Aether]

Not sure when the Congested status will be lifted here but we will be happy to have you when it is.

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0 / 500

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Omega Battle Adamantoise [Aether]

I was interested in joining. I just came back to the game. I was a member before I took a break from the game.


Community Member Rissah Salam Adamantoise [Aether]

hey welcome back!!! Ill share with the team ^-^

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Fathead Nem Marilith [Dynamis]


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Mi Shibunuri Cactuar [Aether]

Hi I am a new player and I would really like to join your community:)


Community Member Rissah Salam Adamantoise [Aether]

Hey Mi! We would love to have you!

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Mi Shibunuri Cactuar [Aether]

Hi I am a new player and I would really like to join your community:)


Mi Shibunuri Cactuar [Aether]

Hi I am a new player and I would really like to join your community:)


Gelst Goldenpine Adamantoise [Aether]

I would be a good fit, as I play in central time zone and it appears that most of your events are during that time. I am friendly and looking for a place to contribute to and be a part of. Hope to hear from you in game.

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Community Member Rissah Salam Adamantoise [Aether]

Hey Gelst! Glad you are part of the GREED FAM!

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Igel Wagner Adamantoise [Aether]

I would love to join GREED. Highly recommended by King Aelius, just so stoked to get back into FF14. I've recently moved to NA from the Japanese servers, just so excited to meet new friends. Hope to see everyone in game if I get to join!


Community Member Rissah Salam Adamantoise [Aether]

Hey Igel! We would for you to join our FC! Come on over ^-^

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Storm Dragonlord Adamantoise [Aether]

Good evening, I would like to join? What is the process?


Community Member Rissah Salam Adamantoise [Aether]

Hey Storm! Glad you were able to join us! ^-^

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Seigroix Foixewesfv Alpha [Light]

Good evening/morning, I would like to join and have started playing on PS5 Gladiator role. Was a healer lvl 70 on PC.
I can play on weekdays for 2h and on weekend up to 7-8h. Looking for a company/clan to do raids, dungeons, leveling up and having a great time.

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Community Member D'alia Vale Adamantoise [Aether]

Hello there. Unfortunately, you can only join FCs on your character's home server, which in your case is Alpha on the Light Datacenter.

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Ursa Nero Adamantoise [Aether]

Hello, is there any chance I could get an invite to the Free Company? Thanks!


Community Member Rissah Salam Adamantoise [Aether]

Hey Ursa! Saw you just friend me on discord. Will message you there! :D

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Falala Lala Adamantoise [Aether]

I would love to join this FC. Im basically new to the game and want to learn from the best (you guys and gals from what I hear). Look forward to getting to know yall (hopefully) <^oo^)>


Community Member Rissah Salam Adamantoise [Aether]

Hey Falala! Would love to invite you to our community!

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Sparkling Glimmer Maduin [Dynamis]

I am a returning player looking for a FC to join. From the comments here it appears yours may just be the one I am looking for.


Community Member Rissah Salam Adamantoise [Aether]

Hey Sparkling Glimmer! Gonna message you in game now ^-^

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Lomi Plo Goblin [Crystal]

Hi. I returned to the game today and started over fresh on a new character/server. I applied to the FC under the name Dark Embrace. I hope to hear from you all soon.


Community Member Rissah Salam Adamantoise [Aether]

Hey Lomi! Glad to see you in our FC!

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Sylvan Rose Ultros [Primal]

Returning after a very long break and just looking for a community to call home and y'all seem great! Sent an application!


Community Member Rissah Salam Adamantoise [Aether]

Hey Sylvan! Its great speaking with you via ff14!

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Nikki Sato Adamantoise [Aether]

Hi there! I'm relatively new to the game and looking for an FC to hang out with :)


Community Member D'alia Vale Adamantoise [Aether]

I see you're already in. Hope you enjoy your time with us.

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Goewyn Llywelyn Faerie [Aether]

Recent server transfer (Zurvan) - big change coming to a server with a lot of active players. Looking to join a community.


Community Member D'alia Vale Adamantoise [Aether]

Hello there. I or someone else will be on later today to invite you. You can send in an application if you haven't already to make it a bit faster.

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0 / 500

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Rose Lady Coeurl [Crystal]

i would love to join im very unknowing and no idea how to do this im mainly a crafter and need lots of coaching to become a better player


Community Member Rissah Salam Adamantoise [Aether]

Hey Rose! Unfortunately, you are on a different world. We are in Adamantoise and you are in Crystal. But Im sure there are awesome FCs in Crystal!

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Ron Lummos Adamantoise [Aether]

Hi! I am pretty new to the game but I instantly got interested in the gathering and crafting aspects of it. I haven't really figured it all out yet but joining a guild seemed fun and I hoped I could join yours. Thanks in advance!

(Edit: wrote since I wasn't sure if the aforementioned update (from 10/4/2023) was from this month or from April due to differences in countries' way of typing dates, hope it's not a problem, in case it was from this month)

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Community Member D'alia Vale Adamantoise [Aether]

Our recruiting is currently on break until sometime near the end of November. But if you're still interested in joining then, we'd be happy to have you.

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Muyse Mochii Jenova [Aether]

hello! i am super interested in joining the fc! i know it is on a 2 week break for recruitment. but if there is ever an open spot, id love to have the chance to join :) i just transferred from crystal>mateus and came across this community page. i visited the fc house and love how lively it looks with fc members hanging out outside! thank you in advance :)

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Nothing Nowhere Faerie [Aether]

Hey! I'm a returning player looking for a FC to do high end duties and social shenanigans :D


Community Member Hana Sakura Adamantoise [Aether]

Hey, I'm looking for an active FC, i'm a pentamelded omnicrafter/raider that's been on a pretty decent break, would love to join


Community Member D'alia Vale Adamantoise [Aether]

Hello there. Our recruitment is closed until sometime near the end of November but we'd be happy to have you if you choose to join then.

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Community Member Hana Sakura Adamantoise [Aether]

Awesome, let me know when

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Community Member Hana Sakura Adamantoise [Aether]

just requested to join not long ago

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Kreedyn Wake Adamantoise [Aether]

Returning after a year hiatus and my original FC fell apart. Would love to join if/when recruiting opens up again, this group looks perfect.


Community Member D'alia Vale Adamantoise [Aether]

We'd be happy to have you. Our recruiting opens back up sometime at the end of November.

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Kreedyn Wake Adamantoise [Aether]

Sounds good, see y'all then!

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0 / 500

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Bitter Bear Adamantoise [Aether]

Hi, I just got off the free trial and I'm looking for a FC to join! I mostly do Crafting/Gathering, so I feel like your FC is a perfect fit for me! My Discord is @wellowell


Community Member D'alia Vale Adamantoise [Aether]

Hello. Unfortunately our recruiting is closed until sometime at the end of November but we'd be happy to have you if you choose to join then.

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Bitter Bear Adamantoise [Aether]

Okay, sounds good!

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Rix Huxli Adamantoise [Aether]

Interested as well! But, I do see the recruitment being closed thru the end of November! :D Would love to join and make friends when the time comes! <3 Rix


Community Member Rissah Salam Adamantoise [Aether]

Hey Rix! Recruiting will be back on 11/28th! Make sure you follow-up with us then ^-^

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Sigmar Heldenhammer Adamantoise [Aether]

Are you still holding off on recruiting?


Community Member Rissah Salam Adamantoise [Aether]

We are coming back full force on 11/28th!

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Yuu Nomi Adamantoise [Aether]

I'm interested in returning to the FC. Add me as a friend please. I'll wait until recruitment is available.


Community Member Rissah Salam Adamantoise [Aether]

Hey Yuu! Were you able to connect with anyone? We are going to let the recruiters take the week off for holiday but just connect with me via discord and Ill help you out ^-^

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Jutapet Tawan Cactuar [Aether]

interesting in joining whenever there is openings


Community Member Rissah Salam Adamantoise [Aether]

Hey Jutapet! We should be back on!

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Community Member Rosa Drache Adamantoise [Aether]

Hey I see recruitment is opening back up soon, I'd love to join up with a more active FC like yourselves if you'll have me.


Community Member Rissah Salam Adamantoise [Aether]

Hey Rosa! We are happy to have you! Applications should be up momentarily or you can connect with any of our recruiters on ff14 ^-^

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Community Member Extremely Tired Adamantoise [Aether]

Would love to join. Currently in an FC but am fine with leaving it as soon as I am confirmed entrance to this FC. An easy way to contact me if I'm offline is through my discord (extremelytired) if you're comfortable with that. Pleasure to meet whichever recruiter reads this. :D


Community Member Rissah Salam Adamantoise [Aether]

Hey Extremely Tired! So, we do have openings in the FC but we always talk to candidates first on the expectations of being a GREED member and see if we are what you are actually looking for. If you would like to connect with me, my discord is darksakura21 ^-^

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Community Member Vexana Azurite Adamantoise [Aether]

Would absolutely love to join. Already went ahead and sent in an application but figured I would leave a comment here just in case. Looking forward to meeting the recruiters and anyone else in the FC!


Community Member Rissah Salam Adamantoise [Aether]

Hey Vex! Its great to have you in GREED!

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La'mao Exdee Sargatanas [Aether]

Hey, I'm interested in joining! I sent an application, and I wanted to leave a comment here.


Community Member Rissah Salam Adamantoise [Aether]

sending you a message now ^-^

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0 / 500

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Community Member Elentiya Katastrophea Adamantoise [Aether]

My partner and I just applied we were in an FC that kinda died soon after we joined and are looking for a new one that actually does stuff. We both just finished Endwalker MSQ and want to explore more of the games optional content. Her name is Lilliana Gordaina. Would like to connect with new people and get into things that solo players just don't have access to.


Community Member Rissah Salam Adamantoise [Aether]

I see you are in GREED! Woot Woot!

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Aoe Aid Adamantoise [Aether]

Hello my name is Celestial#0273 I am interested in joining Please message
me on discord

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Community Member Rissah Salam Adamantoise [Aether]

I see you are already a GREED member. YAY!!!

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Kxtie Bxsh Sagittarius [Chaos]

Hi, I’m a returning player coming from PS5 to PC using keyboard and mouse so it’s a struggle for now. I’m interested in joining. What’s the process of how to do it?


Community Member Rissah Salam Adamantoise [Aether]

Hey Kxtie! It looks like you are in a different world. Unfortunately you can only join FCs in your world. T-T

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Community Member Ren Alcott Adamantoise [Aether]

I am Interested in joining as well if I can. I have not beaten the game yet but am working on it, and I am relatively new. My discord is r3nstat#2966


Community Member Rissah Salam Adamantoise [Aether]

hey Ren sent you a message on discord! ^-^

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Community Member Sou Nanio Adamantoise [Aether]

Hello! I'm interested in joining~
I am maxed level on all DoH/DoL classes and am working on max level gear
discord: _gso


Community Member Rissah Salam Adamantoise [Aether]

Hey Sou! Nice!!

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Nothing Nowhere Faerie [Aether]

Hey! I'm interested in joining the FC. I made my application in-game to join, but it's still pending. I'd like to join the discord too, if you can add me there it's 'judaxx'


Community Member Rissah Salam Adamantoise [Aether]

Hey! Just grabbed you, welcome to GREED!

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Khan Lo Adamantoise [Aether]

Would love to join, I can be online most evenings (Eastern time). And I may have missed the window to join before Recruitment opens back up, but I'm willing to wait. I just transferred to Adamantoise from a much lower pop server and saw this FC and it looks very interesting! Thanks for the consideration!

Edit> Oh well, guess I'll find another place. Next time it would be great if someone could post before such a long holiday break that recruitment is on hold due to capacity. Good luck.

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Community Member Rissah Salam Adamantoise [Aether]

Hey Khan! Well, I hope you find an FC that's the right fit for you! Good luck!

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0 / 500

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Arya Faye Adamantoise [Aether]

New mostly part time player Arya Faye. Stopped by house, very pretty! Looking for friendly community to kinda learn and grow into. On most afternoons EST for a little while. Looking forward to hearing from someone at some point.


Community Member Rissah Salam Adamantoise [Aether]

Hey Arya! We are going to start recruiting this week if you wanna come on over and talk to a recruiter to see if our FC is a good fit for you ^-^

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Homeless Harry Adamantoise [Aether]

Hi would love to join Greed it seems like a nice community.


Community Member Rissah Salam Adamantoise [Aether]

We are a pretty cool community! Come check us out at our FC house and talk to one of the recruiters or members to see if GREED is a good fit. ^-^

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0 / 500

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Community Member Mika Zukiii Adamantoise [Aether]

Hello! I am newer, have been playing for a few months and am hooked! Have been looking for a FC that is actually active and has a community and this one looks perfect. I play evenings mostly once I am off work. I am very interested! My discord is “Mika” (mika2277) if I could get a friend request and be considered to join I would greatly appreciate it!


Community Member Rissah Salam Adamantoise [Aether]

I am so glad you are part of our FC! <3

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Community Member Meanie Xp Adamantoise [Aether]

Hi there!! I'm a fairly new player and think this FC is a great fit for me. I would love to join if there's still room left! :)


Community Member Tovonori Murabito Adamantoise [Aether]

I was a long time member of GREED and made many friends over the years. Unfortunately, life pulled me away from the game for a time and I lost touch. I'd love to rejoin and get into all kinds of hijinks again, now and in the next expansion!


Community Member Rissah Salam Adamantoise [Aether]

Hey Tovonori! Welcome back!

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Kyle Corey Jenova [Aether]

Looking to join a group and learn the game


Community Member Moar Chicken Adamantoise [Aether]

Hello! I tried to leave an application but it said it was closed. Could someone kindly invite me? Thank you!


Kyle Corey Jenova [Aether]

Same here


Nozyl Zozyl Adamantoise [Aether]

My wife and I are currently in a FC that doesn't really care about her learning the game and having fun, rather just join, one shot whatever content we're trying to do and then leaving. We thought this would be a nice change and from what we've seen, looks very much like what we're looking for!


Community Member D'alia Vale Adamantoise [Aether]

Hello. Unfortunately we aren't taking new members at the moment partially due to being near member capacity. The two of you are welcome to join when we are sometime in the near future.

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0 / 500

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-- -- ----

Looking to join your FC. Hopefully recruitment opens soon.


Community Member Rissah Salam Adamantoise [Aether]

We just opened up but I see you have an FC already, so happy for you!

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Markas Carter Gilgamesh [Aether]

I swung by the resident and saw recruitment is closed. Oh well, hope you open again soon!


Community Member Rissah Salam Adamantoise [Aether]

We are opening this week but I see you have found a good FC! Congrats!

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Community Member Nyx Nova Adamantoise [Aether]

Hello! I left a comment on here earlier but I realized I worded it in a confusing way lol. My last free company was fairly inactive and as a sprout, I would like some assistance on my ffxiv and I was hoping to join a warm community. After going through the comments here I have a feeling that this FC will the the one for me. If you could consider me I would appreciate it! :) Ty <3


Community Member Alyssandra Rourke Adamantoise [Aether]

Hi Nyx! I see your application in game, so the next time you're online one of our recruiters will be in touch!

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0 / 500

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Community Member Viara Areh Adamantoise [Aether]

Hello, I've recently returned to the game after a break, looking for a active FC to get involved with!


Community Member Alyssandra Rourke Adamantoise [Aether]

I see you got added to the FC. Welcome to Masters of Trade!

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0 / 500

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Community Member Vexahlia De-rolo Adamantoise [Aether]

Hello, I recently left my last FC do to being inactive for the most part all friends that left the game hoping to join your FC looks perfect for what I am looking for <3 My Discord username is (keyleth) I would love a friend request and be considered to join I would greatly appreciate it!

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Community Member Alyssandra Rourke Adamantoise [Aether]

I see our recruiters go you in! Welcome to Masters of Trade!

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Neutrino Carrot Adamantoise [Aether]

Hello, I recently left my FC, I'm interested in joining your FC because it seems like from the description you play together often which is exactly what I'm looking for in an FC. My discord name is neutrinocarrot.


Community Member Alyssandra Rourke Adamantoise [Aether]

Hi Neutrino! The next time you're in game, go ahead and put in an application to join the FC and one of our recruiters will be in touch :) The GREED house is in the Mist, Ward 2 plot 5!

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Community Member Classy Ghost Adamantoise [Aether]

This FC looks and sounds like so much fun i would love to join!


-- -- ----

Thank you for joining last night Classy Ghost!!!


Tya Leeya Adamantoise [Aether]

Hello! I applied in game as well, but I recently returned to the game and was looking for an active community to enjoy the game with!


Elkin Rut Adamantoise [Aether]

Tya since you put in an accplication one of our recruiters will try and catch up with you the next time you are in game. Thank you for the application

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Community Member Kimi Kins Adamantoise [Aether]

Hello! i applied in game, i am a returning player and would love to join!


Ai Yue'li Adamantoise [Aether]

Hello Kimi! I see that you've just joined, welcome to GREED!

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Reginald Longbutt Adamantoise [Aether]

Can I join you group?


Community Member Miss Keywii Adamantoise [Aether]

Hi! Feel free to put in an FC application next time you log in and one of our recruiters will reach out to chat :)

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Community Member Rin Yamaguchi Adamantoise [Aether]

Hello! I would love to join! I’m trying to be more social as I’m a shy person and your FC sounds amazing and friendly!


Community Member Miss Keywii Adamantoise [Aether]

Awesome, we have a bunch of events to get out there and meet new friends in our community. Stop by the FC house (Mist, Ward 2 plot 5) if you want to put in an application to join!

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Community Member Rin Yamaguchi Adamantoise [Aether]

Sounds awesome! I'll head there right away!

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Aedaella Carman Adamantoise [Aether]

I was in this FC years ago when I took a break. Can I get a invite? This FC is the one that showed me I could have a different discord name for every server. It was a game changer. I'll put in an application too based on the earlier comments.


Elkin Rut Adamantoise [Aether]

Aedaella feel free to put in an application and one of the recruiters will get you when you are online. We would be happy to have you back :)

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Catty Cat Sophia [Materia]

Can I join


Elkin Rut Adamantoise [Aether]

Hi Catty. You can put in an application and one of our recruiters will work with you to get you in the FC. We would be happy to have you

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Simp Main Adamantoise [Aether]

Hi, I'm new to FF14 and just beat all of the main campaign and honestly don't know what to do from here. I am wanting to talk and be social with people on FF14 and learn fun new things to do with jobs and such. Can I get an invite?


Elkin Rut Adamantoise [Aether]

Hello Simp. You are more than welcome to put in an application and one of our recruiters will work with you to get you in the FC. Greed has a lot of end game activities going on such as map runs, mount farms and raiding

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Simp Main Adamantoise [Aether]

How do I put in an application? I'm very new to this.

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Elkin Rut Adamantoise [Aether]

You can go to the FC mansion at Mist Ward 2 Plat 5 and left click on the plaque a link should pop up saying put in an application or something like join FC

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Elkin Rut Adamantoise [Aether]

I will also see if any recruiters are on that can reach out to you. I cannot get in game today

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Drake Williamsthewond Adamantoise [Aether]

Sent a request to join. If you’re busy and can’t check no biggie.


Community Member Miss Keywii Adamantoise [Aether]

Thanks for putting in an application! Happy to chat if you'll be on later today; otherwise, one of our recruiters will reach out the next time you're on!

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Ella Lumens Adamantoise [Aether]

Absolutely sounds like a wonderful family you have here would really love for my husband and I to join if you at all wouldn't mind pls and thank you my husband and I are just starting out but we have played this game many years ago


Elkin Rut Adamantoise [Aether]

Hi Ella. I see you got invited to the FC. Welcome!!! Please see a recruiter about getting an invite to our Discord server. You will find a lot of great information and be able to accept our rules

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Community Member Stara Seruny Adamantoise [Aether]

Hey, Sent a request to join in game but feel free to reach out to me on discord if needed @Stara


Elkin Rut Adamantoise [Aether]

Hi Stara. One of our recruiters will catch up with you in game. Some times it can take longer for everyone to get coordinated at the same time

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Avi Avitar Adamantoise [Aether]

Hello, I am a returning player. Looking to join this great FC! I submitted an application.


Ai Yue'li Adamantoise [Aether]

Hello! I see your application in-game which is great, one of our recruiters will reach out to chat with you about the fc the next time you're online!

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Ridzz Pvp Adamantoise [Aether]

can i join, i got the oats bruthur


Community Member Rissah Salam Adamantoise [Aether]

We are back from a looong break and so excited to invite new members to our community! I've been in GREED for 4 years and I have to say having people who are helpful, chill, and fun to be around is the reason why I'm still here and playing ff14.

Don't hesitate to ask any questions about our FC! ^-^


Community Member J'ova Lynn Adamantoise [Aether]

Looking for a Free Company where you'll instantly feel like part of the family? GREED is the place to be! We’re all about welcoming new faces and helping everyone have a great time in Eorzea. With regular events and a super friendly vibe, it’s easy to make friends and get the support you need. I highly recommend joining as it is a fun and supportive community that makes your FFXIV adventure awesome! ^w^


Community Member Rissah Salam Adamantoise [Aether]

Aww thanks for the kind words Jova!!! Thanks for being part of GREED!

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Community Member Amber Du'couteau Adamantoise [Aether]

Looking to join FC! semi-new player returning after a while, getting into crafting/gathering and looking for friends :)


Community Member Rissah Salam Adamantoise [Aether]

OMG that's awesome! When are you usually on? We can hit you up on ff14 ^-^.
Or you can DM me on discord and we can talk!

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Community Member Kasin Du'couteau Adamantoise [Aether]

I'm so happy to see you guys are recruiting again! I'm a former GREED member from about a year ago that got inactive a few months before dawntrail, I got back to the game recently and plan to stay active for a good while, and I loved how I was treated a GREED and all the events that you guys hold every week, would love to be a part of the FC again if possible!


Community Member Rissah Salam Adamantoise [Aether]

OMG hey Kasin!! Yeah of course! Once a greed member always a greed member. Just us up in ff14 and a recruiter can just add you in ^-^

You can also message me via discord if its easier

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Community Member Gleebo The-alien Adamantoise [Aether]

Hi, I was a member of this fc a couple years ago and I've been getting back into the game recently (and loving it!). I was wondering if I could be a part of the fc again. Love the positivity all around in your community. Thanks!


Community Member Rissah Salam Adamantoise [Aether]

Omg yay!!! Im glad you are back in the game and wanna return to our FC!

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Community Member Paja Ma'pants Adamantoise [Aether]

Hello, I was a member several years ago before the endbringer expansion released. I fell out of ff14 but have recently found my way back and was wondering if I could come back. I doubt i'd be remembered as I was more quiet, but i loved doing the different events and farms and would like to come back and do it again.


Community Member Miss Keywii Adamantoise [Aether]

Hey! Glad we could get you back in, super happy to have you!

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Community Member Hoenheim Bloodfallen Adamantoise [Aether]

Hello! I recently returned to the game from a two year Hiatus. I used to be a member, and really enjoy how helpful and accommodating the FC is. So many activities and friendly members who enjoy a wide variety of activities. I stopped by the old house to try to apply, but it's stating applications are currently closed. Was hoping to join up again if possible!


Community Member Rissah Salam Adamantoise [Aether]

Hey Hoenheim! Ill tell our recruiters so they can be on the lookout for you!

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Community Member Hoenheim Bloodfallen Adamantoise [Aether]

I appreciate it! I'm actually online right now for a bit in front of the FC house haha

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Emmaline Hanako Adamantoise [Aether]

Hello, I am looking for an FC that is active and will actually help people out? I woukd like to talk to someone os possible.


Community Member Rissah Salam Adamantoise [Aether]

Hey Emmaline! We are definitely a very active and helpful FC! Why wont you swing by ^-^

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Community Member Lalafell Deathgod Adamantoise [Aether]

My fc recently disbanded without notice are you still open for new recruits?


Community Member Rissah Salam Adamantoise [Aether]

Yes we are! Why wont you come on over!

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Argonen Alexander Adamantoise [Aether]

Hello, would love to join the FC


Community Member Rissah Salam Adamantoise [Aether]

Hey Argonen! Definitely swing by the FC and one of our recruiters will be happy to connect with you ^-^

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Community Member Aldonyr Dughosk Adamantoise [Aether]

Hey, I would like to join if possible.


Community Member Alyssandra Rourke Adamantoise [Aether]

Hi Aldonyr!
I see you were helped by J'ova! Welcome to GREED!

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Senior Discount Adamantoise [Aether]

Love the sound of your fc. Looks like what I want out of a free company I'm interested in joing8ng I applied in game as well.

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Community Member Zelox Sky Adamantoise [Aether]

Hi Senior! Welcome to GREED!

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Brittanical Poobis Adamantoise [Aether]

Hello I am interested in joining. I put in application in game thank you


Community Member Zelox Sky Adamantoise [Aether]

Hello Brittanical Poobis, welcome to GREED!

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Community Member Winter Weather Adamantoise [Aether]

Hello! I'm a Returning casual player looking to do more duties, and looking for an FC that likes to group up together for them. I was in a few smaller ones and the people were all nice but didn't really do anything together. I'll be in game, if you think I'll be a good fit. Thanks.


Community Member Rissah Salam Adamantoise [Aether]

Hey Winter!! I'll share your name with the recruiters. Are you on now?

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Community Member Winter Weather Adamantoise [Aether]

I'm usually on between 4pm-10pm PST weekdays, and off and on during the weekends.

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Community Member Declan Valentine Adamantoise [Aether]

Hello, I'm a returning player and I'm looking for a new community, yours seems really nice !


Community Member Rissah Salam Adamantoise [Aether]

Hey Declan!! Come talk to us! ^-^

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Community Member Serina Seira Adamantoise [Aether]

Hello, recently go back into the game. Playing it casually. Looking for active community to play the game with. You guys still recruiting?


Community Member Alyssandra Rourke Adamantoise [Aether]

Hello, Serina!
We are still recruiting and you can come visit us in game in the Mists, Ward 2 plot 5 and ask to chat with one of our recruiters. You can also place an application through our house plaque there as well!

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Orroix Phinoix Lamia [Primal]

I would love to join if possible.


Orroix Phinoix Lamia [Primal]

I'm on Lamia, though. Is there a CWLS I can join? And/or the Discord?

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Community Member Alyssandra Rourke Adamantoise [Aether]

Hi Orroix!
While we would love to chat with you about joining, we unfortunately cannot add you to the FC unless your home world is Adamantoise. If you ever decide to transfer, please reach out if you're still interested in joining!

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Community Member Elder Blood Adamantoise [Aether]

Hello. I joined your FC before but I took a big 2 year break, I had a great time with everyone there and was hoping to rejoin?


Community Member Alyssandra Rourke Adamantoise [Aether]

Hey Elder!
Glad to see you're returning to the game! We would love to have you back, and you can reach out via discord or put in an application in game and we can get you back in!

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Community Member Elder Blood Adamantoise [Aether]

I applied in game. Hope to see you soon. And also to get the discord invite :)

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Sighroos Cyse Lamia [Primal]

Hello, I am somewhat a newbie to the game. I have mmorpg experience playing WoW. Looking for a home, please. Im tired of living in a box on the limsa lominsa lower decks.


Community Member Rissah Salam Adamantoise [Aether]

Hey Sighroos! Unfortunately, we can only recruit players who are in Ada. But if you decide to move servers/worlds happy to talk to you about GREED!

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Ai Enma' Adamantoise [Aether]

Heĺlo Greed FC, i recently came back to the game to find my fc i was in with friends has just up and vanished with no response from them or where they went i have no idea o.o. But im a 1.5 vet but still learn new stuff daily, i was wondering if i could join this Marvelous Sounding FC but if not I'll understand thank you for reading. :)


Community Member J'ova Lynn Adamantoise [Aether]

Hey Ai! Welcome back to the game, we'd love to have you in our FC! Just put in an application or swing by our FC house and ask to get in touch with a recruiter.

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Community Member Branden Blackthorne Adamantoise [Aether]

Hello! I've been playing since 2.0 and I'm looking for a new FC. All the members from my last FC went inactive and Greed looks like a great organization with lots of regular players. I have submitted an application in game. Thank you!


Community Member Miss Keywii Adamantoise [Aether]

Hi Branden, thanks for putting in an application! One of the recruiters will be sure to chat with you once we catch you online.

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Zozopu Zopu Adamantoise [Aether]

Hello! I've been playing on and off for years and have returned from a long break after the disaster that my last FC was. I haven't seen anyone online to submit an application in game but I would love to apply to join! Reading through the stuff here seems like this would be a perfect fit for me!


Community Member Kitsune Shikigami Adamantoise [Aether]

Hello Zozopu Zopu, thanks for putting in an application! One of the recruiters will be sure to chat with you once we catch you online. You can also find us at Plot 5, 2 Ward in the Mist where you will be able to catch a member and put an application in or ask for a recruiter.

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Community Member Rowan Reilly Adamantoise [Aether]

Hello! I'm an MMO Vet but 14 Newbie who spends most of his time running around getting distracted by shiny objects, and I'm looking for an FC :) I switched to 14 looking for a more casual experience after some recent life changes and I'm enjoying the game immensely, taking my time exploring. I tried a couple FCs that i was invited to randomly and they were dead. I'm really just looking for a community based FC to chat with while I catch up and your listing sounds perfect :) Hope to hear from you


Community Member Zelox Sky Adamantoise [Aether]

Hi Rowan! Thanks for putting in an application! We have recruiters on everyday and will continue to try to catch you online so we can chat :) Also don't be afraid to stop by Mist, Plot 5, 2nd Ward to see if anyone is available to speak with you.

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Community Member Cabanas Tsavo Adamantoise [Aether]

Hello :) is it possible to join the discord before leaving my FC to join this one? Thank you for your time regardless of the answer <3


Community Member Zelox Sky Adamantoise [Aether]

Hiya Cabanas. We could talk with you about this more in person :) Try to catch one of our recruiters online by swinging down to Mist, Plot 5, 2nd Ward sometime.

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Community Member Roach Mulligan Adamantoise [Aether]

Hi there, have been playing FF14 for a bit and currently making my way through the HW Expansion. Haven't found a FC that fits with me and I'm hoping this is the one! I appreciate all of the scheduled events, and I'm hoping to participate as much as I can. Currently lvl 55 WAR. Thanks!


Community Member Zelox Sky Adamantoise [Aether]

Good morning Roach, thanks for considering us! Apply or stop by our FC House at Mist, Plot 5, 2nd Ward and speak with a recruiter. :)

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Meteora Midnight Adamantoise [Aether]

Hello! I've been a solo player for a while but I am trying to branch out of my comfort zone. Are you all still recruiting? I'd like to try out your FC if possible. No worries if you are full!


Community Member Miss Keywii Adamantoise [Aether]

Hi Meteora, thanks for reaching out. We've been on a break from recruiting during the holiday season but will be opening back up on January 4th if you'd like to put in an application or drop by our FC house then!

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Seren Ipheion Adamantoise [Aether]

Hi, I've been a player since Shadowbringers. I'm been looking for an FC to join and I've been recommended GREED. Are you still recruiting? I would like to apply to the FC to see if it's a good fit. Thanks!


Community Member Miss Keywii Adamantoise [Aether]

Hello Seren, happy to hear we were recommended to you! Recruiting is wrapping up a holiday break which ends January 4th, but we'd be happy to talk more with you then! Please feel free to reach out with any questions in the meantime.

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Potete Pote Gilgamesh [Aether]

Hello, I'm new player. May I join FC? I'm enjoying FF14 life but there still a lot I don't know.

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Community Member Miss Keywii Adamantoise [Aether]

Hi Potete! We'd love to have you, but it looks like you're on another server - you can only join FCs on your home server. If you ever make the switch to playing on Adamantoise just let us know.

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Selene Lancaster Adamantoise [Aether]

Hi, I would love to join the FC I have seen some of the members at ocean fishing and Goldsaucer and I realized I should reach out and maybe I can be part of this community as well! I'm still new but I'm ready to learn.


Community Member Alyssandra Rourke Adamantoise [Aether]

Ocean Fishing is a super fun time with our FC mates! Currently our applications are closed, but when we open them back up on January 4, 2025 feel free to put in an application and one of our Recruiters will be in touch!

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Zayn Stryfe Adamantoise [Aether]

Hi, My Wife and I are currently looking for an active FC with a great community and have heard great things about your FC! our current FC is very inactive and rarely has more than the 2 of us logged in, are you currently recruiting or accepting applications?


Community Member Alyssandra Rourke Adamantoise [Aether]

Hi Zayn!
Our FC is currently closed for the Holidays, but when we open up applications again on January 4, 2025 feel free to put in an application so one of our Recruiters can reach out to you when you're online! Our FC is super active and always has people on to play and interact with. We'd love to chat with you two about joining!