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to join you on your adventures in FINAL FANTASY XIV!

Using the Community Finder

  • Step 1

    Find a Community

  • Step 2

    Contact the Recruiter

  • Step 3

    Join and Make Friends

  • About Free Companies

    A community to play together with friends on the same World.

    Free companies are player-run organizations which allow their members to pool resources, be it items or gil, to accomplish feats that would be difficult or impossible for a single individual.
    The benefits of joining a free company include a dedicated chat channel for all members, the ability to purchase an estate to serve as the group's base of operations, and the use of free company actions that grant bonuses such as increased experience points.
    No two free companies share the same goals and motivations, so be sure to choose the free company that's right for you.

  • About Linkshells and Cross-world Linkshells

    A dedicated chat channel for players who share a common aim.

    Linkshells and cross-world linkshells are chat groups which allow for quick and easy communication between players who are not necessarily in a party or free company. Unlike free companies, players are able to join multiple linkshells, making it possible to join different communities dedicated to various aspects of the game.

    Linkshells: allow communication with any players on the same World.
    Cross-world Linkshells: allow communication with any players on the same data center.
  • About PvP Teams

    A team dedicated to enjoying PvP duties.

    Teamwork is key, so be sure to find a team with whom you're confident you can hone your skills together.

    PvP duties: allow players to compete against one another in unique instanced arenas.
Free Company

The Librarians Recruiting Additional Members


The Librarians

Recruiting Additional Members

Coeurl [Crystal]

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Active Hours
18:00 23:00
18:00 23:00
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#Friendly & Inclusive
#Roleplay Enthusiasts
#Beginner & Novice Friendly
#Work-life Balance
About Us
The Librarians <<Books>> is a casual, social FC with a focus on roleplaying activities. We are part of a larger gaming community and are always looking to grow! We pride ourselves on being open and inclusive to all types of players, regardless of experience or background.

We adopt a "life comes first" attitude when it comes to our community. We believe that the game should never come before someone's real life obligations and our approach to the community reflects just that. Whether it be work, school, childcare, or any other activity that would detract you from playing, know that you will always have a place to come back to and we will always do our best to accommodate our fellow members.

If you're not on Coeurl and still want to hang out with us, you're more than welcome to! We have a cross-world linkshell called The Bookshelf that we use to chat with everyone, even if they're on different Crystal worlds.

FC Lore & RP Information
The Whisperwind Archives is home to an eclectic group of people and an even wider selection of tomes. Our shelves are filled with research materials on a variety of subjects and our collection is always growing. We have several departments within the Archives, including:

* Department of Acquisitions
* Department of Field Research
* Department of Library Management
* Department of Logistics & Personnel
* Department of Restoration & Preservation

The Archives are always looking for new librarians and new tomes to add to our collection! For more details on our lore, please check our carrd site.

Activities & Schedule
Our FC has several events and activities that we host throughout the week, with both RP and non-RP options! Our schedule is:

* Sunday: Non-RP/Content events (maps, mount farming, etc.), alternating between 5-7PM ET and 9-11PM ET
* Friday: FC RP activities, 9-11PM ET
* Saturday: Public RP at the FC house, 9-11PM ET

Contact Us
If you'd like to learn more about us or join our community, please reach out to any of the officers below!

* In-Game: Theodora Whisperwind ; Discord: AwesomeLibrarian
* In-Game: Aranaia Hayes ; Discord: penciltea
* In-Game: Meyna Drasle
* In-Game: Rin Meowster
* In-Game: Julianne Raeynfeld
* In-Game: Ahrnlo Lavorde

Group Profile



Active Members





Plot 36, 6 Ward, The Lavender Beds (Large)

Estate Profile

Whisperwind Archives


Apply Below!

Recruiter Profile

Community Member

Aranaia Hayes Coeurl [Crystal]

I'm an officer within our cross-game community and am working on expanding our community. I have a lot of pride in making sure our community is a safe, welcoming place for everyone and that our members have a good time. While I'm generally newer to the game, I'm always open to feedback, questions, or suggestions, so please reach out to me with anything you may need! Feel free to reach out to me on Discord as well at penciltea.

If I do not respond to any posts here or DMs on Discord in a timely fashion, please reach out to one of our other officers!



Kitty Kholkikos Coeurl [Crystal]

Hi! I'm interested in joining your guild. :) I'm a busy working mom with 2 kids and new to the game. Message me in game if I'm able to join. Thanks!


Community Member Aranaia Hayes Coeurl [Crystal]

You'll definitely find good company with us, many of our community members are working parents. We'll send you an invite asap <3

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Community Member Louwi Dulac Coeurl [Crystal]

Hey! I would love to join your FC, I'm looking for friendly players and people to play and socialize with! Your company looks very friendly and fun, don't hesitate to message me if you have an open spot :)


Community Member Aranaia Hayes Coeurl [Crystal]

Delayed reply but yes, we're happy you joined us! c:

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Pepper Mints Coeurl [Crystal]

Hello! I am interested in joining your FC! I'm a single working mom, not a ton of time to play and new to the game (wow refugee, but I'm friendly! I promise!). Let me know if you have room for me?


Community Member Aranaia Hayes Coeurl [Crystal]

Absolutely! We're happy to have you join us. We'll reach out to you as soon as possible! <3

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-- -- ----

Hello, I'm interested in joining your FC if you'll have me. I'm just a college student with autism that wants to have some regulars to play the game with. I'm really new(as in I'm a level 13 arcanist) which hopefully isn't an issue, but I understand if it is. I'm getting off for the night, but if there's a spot available for me I'll be on tomorrow. Thanks, and God bless!


Community Member Aranaia Hayes Coeurl [Crystal]

We'd love to have you join our crew! We have both new players and veterans alike who would be happy to help you. Feel free to message me either in discord or in-game when you're online next c:

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Eryx Stardyne Famfrit [Primal]


I’m interested in joining your FC! I have less than 200 total days played, started in 2017 I think and just now came back. I’m finishing up Stormblood and hopping right into Shadowbringers. I main Red Mage but have a Paladin too. I plan on learning a healer soon. If there are spots open, I’d love to join as I just transferred over from Jenova. I have no friends in this one, I hope to make some.

Hope you invite me, have a good one!


Community Member Aranaia Hayes Coeurl [Crystal]

Hi there! We definitely have spots open and we'd love to have you join our group! Feel free to message me on discord or when you're in-game and we'll get you in as soon as we can!

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Community Member Rin Meowster Coeurl [Crystal]


I am starting to look for a potential new fc to join as my current one has got a little big and I am looking to move back to a smaller group. Haven't been on lately but with Endwalker releasing I will be jumping back in here soon. I main a lvl80 whm and have a few other classes at 80 or actively levelling. Wanted to see if you didn't mind having a tag along while I looked for a little bit more of a smaller group of people to adventure with.


Community Member Aranaia Hayes Coeurl [Crystal]

Yeah we'd be happy to have you come along with us! You're also totally welcome to stick around in our discord community even if you move on to another group of people to adventure with. Feel free to reach out to me on discord (penciltea#4344) or in-game (I'm usually available in-game in the evenings EST) and we'll get you set up c:

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Ronin San Halicarnassus [Dynamis]


I don't know if you are still recruiting but I’m interested in joining. I'm somewhat new to the game, level 68 Samurai just starting Stormblood can also play other roles but for now Samurai is the only one thats geared to run 60+ content. I'm an active player looking to hang out, help people, and running synced.

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Community Member Aranaia Hayes Coeurl [Crystal]

Absolutely, we'd be happy to have you join us! Feel free to reach out to me on Discord, penciltea#4344, or in-game and we'll get you in the FC! I'm usually around in-game in the evenings EST and Discord basically all day. Hope to hear from you soon!

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0 / 500

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Community Member Ciaphas Quinn Coeurl [Crystal]

Good evening, I'm a relatively new player learning to tank and run content on a PlayStation. Working dad looking for a casual learning-encouraged group. I hope you still have a spot open in your FC


Community Member Aranaia Hayes Coeurl [Crystal]

Hi there! We absolutely do! We have working parents and people both on PC and PS, so you'll fit right in. Feel free to reach out to me on Discord (penciltea#4344) or in-game (I'm usually on in the evenings EST) and we'll get you in!

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Aloy Skobet Coeurl [Crystal]

Currently with another FC that we don't really fit in with.
Wife and I do all the new content together. I drive she does google searches for when i get stuck LOL and is in charge of how the character looks. But when it comes to grinding thats on me :)

We are upper middle aged and would like a FC with other adults to socialize and maybe form a static for some harder content.


Community Member Aranaia Hayes Coeurl [Crystal]

LOL we'd be happy to have you both on board! Many of our community's members are adults so you'll both be in good company. We have a few members who are doing progression on the newer content currently as well. Feel free to reach out to me on discord (penciltea#4344) or in-game (I'm usually on in the evenings EST) and we'll get you guys in c:

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Devin Redgrave Coeurl [Crystal]

Hello, I just started FFXIV up again and am almost finished with the Shadowbringers expansion. (Just did Seat of Sacrifice last night.) And I wanted to join a casual friendly FC. I main DPS but wanted to learn how to Tank and Heal at some point. If you are willing to have me, and if you are still recruiting, it would be an honor.


Community Member Aranaia Hayes Coeurl [Crystal]

Yeah, we'd be happy to have you join us! Many of our FC members are currently progressing through the content and we do have a few members who are in Shadowbringers and Endwalker, so you'll fit right in. Feel free to reach out to me on discord (penciltea#4344) or in-game (I'm usually on in the evenings EST) and we'll get you in! c:

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Jett Jaguar Coeurl [Crystal]

Interested in joining. Work crazy hours and i just have no time to keep up with a set sched to play. Fairly new just about finishing post shadowbringers content. I only have tanks but I wanna try and heal/dps but i don't have time to play as serious anymore.


Community Member Aranaia Hayes Coeurl [Crystal]

No worries! We have many members with active IRL schedules, so our FC is very chill to accommodate everyones' schedules. We have group content but everything's optional, so you're welcome to join as many or as few events as you like! Feel free to reach out to me on discord (penciltea#4344) or in-game (I'm usually on in the evenings EST) and we'll get you in the FC asap c:

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Grateful Dad Zalera [Crystal]

Hey, working Dad here. Looking for a home.


Community Member Aranaia Hayes Coeurl [Crystal]

We'd be happy to have you join us! Feel free to reach out to me on discord (penciltea#4344) or in-game (I'm usually on in the evenings EST) and we'll get you in the FC asap c:

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-- -- ----

Hello! I'd be interested in joining your FC! I work part-time and I'm a single Mom of 2. I haven't been playing for very long, but I try to play every day though, as time allows. If you're still recruiting, I'd be happy to be here!


Community Member Aranaia Hayes Coeurl [Crystal]

Hi there! We'd be happy to have you join us! We have players of all experience levels in the FC so you'll definitely fit right in. Feel free to message me on discord (penciltea#4344) or in-game (I'm usually on in the evenings EST) and we'll get you into the FC asap c:

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Mazoouh Sagittarius Maduin [Dynamis]

I'm new and can't figure out how to find you on this player search. ?
I'm interested in joining your FC! Looking for a good place to make friends.


Community Member Aranaia Hayes Coeurl [Crystal]

We'd love to have you! I have to be online in order for you to find me on the in-game player search. Feel free to reach out to me on discord (penciltea#4344) and we'll get you into the FC asap c:

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Masa Aurena Coeurl [Crystal]

Hi, I'm interested in joining. I'm a returning sprout that mostly plays in the evenings EST.


Community Member Aranaia Hayes Coeurl [Crystal]

Hi there! We'd be happy to have you join us! Feel free to reach out to me on discord (penciltea#4344) and we'll get you into the FC asap c:

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Community Member Earendel Zephyr Coeurl [Crystal]

Hello :) I am new to the game and have just played for a month. Just thinking it's about time for me to join in a friendly FC. I was wondering if you are still recruiting? Would love to be a part of the group! Thanks :D


Community Member Aranaia Hayes Coeurl [Crystal]

Yep, we're absolutely still recruiting, we'd be happy to have you join us! Feel free to reach out to me on discord (penciltea#4344) and we'll get you into the FC asap c:

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Casca Baelsar Coeurl [Crystal]

hey dude, i returned to ff14 recently and i was searching for an fc to find some new friends and have some fun moments, that is, of course if you are still recruiting


Community Member Aranaia Hayes Coeurl [Crystal]

Yep, absolutely! We're happy to have you in the FC c:

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Solmund Gi'lu Coeurl [Crystal]

Hello, I have been searching for a new FC and after reading your page I feel your FC might be what I'm looking for.


Community Member Aranaia Hayes Coeurl [Crystal]

Hi there! We'd be happy to have you in the FC c: Feel free to reach out to me on discord (penciltea#4344) and we'll get you in

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Community Member Sparhawk Knight Coeurl [Crystal]

Hello, I'm a seasoned and mature mmo player looking for a casual fc. I have two kids and an emo cat that require my attention on a regular basis. I solo usually for flexibility of game time but am a bit tired of the lonely lifestyle. If I fit your requirements then I would like to join.

Thank you.

(Edited)  -

Community Member Aranaia Hayes Coeurl [Crystal]

Sorry for the delay in my reply! You'd definitely fit right in with the FC (and your emo cat lol!). If you're still interested in joining us, feel free to reach out to me on discord (penciltea#4344) and we'll happily get you in!

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Community Member Pak Man Coeurl [Crystal]

Hey, I am looking to join a FC. I've played a while back and just returned a month ago. I also have a 2 and a half year old to take care of, but this FC sounds perfect! I am leveling up Paladin right now. Please let me know if you are still looking for members!


Community Member Aranaia Hayes Coeurl [Crystal]

We absolutely are looking for new members! We have plenty of working parents in our community and Paladins are always welcome ;) . Feel free to reach out to me on discord (penciltea#4344) and we'll get you in!

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Community Member Sylver Wolf Coeurl [Crystal]

My wife, brother, and I only started playing a week ago but are really enjoying it so far! (Lvl 7 MDR / 32 NJA / 34 SMN) I'm not really sure what an FC is... but everyone says to join one ":-) I really liked the vibe, so If you have space for 3 MMO newbies, I would appreciate consideration! (all 3 of us are console players if that matters?)

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Community Member Karelle Doreina Coeurl [Crystal]

Hi there! Id like to join your FC, i submitted an application in game. I am disabled and have periods of time where i cant play but you seem to be understanding of that fact so i think you could be a good fit for what i an looking for. Im a very laid back no drama person who is just looking for people to hang with and have fun in game. Have a nice day!



Community Member Aranaia Hayes Coeurl [Crystal]

Glad to have you join us! <3

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Mountain Orchid Coeurl [Crystal]

Hi there. I'm thinking of joining your FC. I'm a casual player, maybe also looking to attempt savage raids but I'm not in a hurry to do so. I look forward to a favorable response.


Community Member Aranaia Hayes Coeurl [Crystal]

We'd love to have you join us! We have a few people who do raiding who would love to give you a hand when you're ready for it. Feel free to reach out to me on discord at penciltea or one of our officers c:

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Community Member Faryn Alabast Coeurl [Crystal]

Hi! I just entered Crystal from Aether and would like to join the FC! I'm a casual player and try to get on most nights that I can. I am working my way through Shadowbringers atm. Looking forward to hearing back soon :D


Community Member Aranaia Hayes Coeurl [Crystal]

We'd love to have you join us! Many of our members are progressing through the various expansions and such so you'll have plenty of company c:

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Community Member Kiemr Miloq Coeurl [Crystal]

Hey if you guys are still taking more people, I could use a place to hang out. And uh, sorry I'm not too great at talking to new people. -K


Community Member Aranaia Hayes Coeurl [Crystal]

Hey, we'd love to have you! No worries about being talkative, we have plenty of people who are chill and plenty of people who will try to make you feel right at home lol. Feel free to reach out to either myself or an officer and we'll be more than happy to get you in!

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Community Member Lucina Lavelle Coeurl [Crystal]

Hi, my current FC is pretty inactive, and I'm looking to join another that's more active, and parent friendly. I found you guys and wanted to reach out and ask to join! I just started HW and really enjoying the DRK! Would also like to join the linkshell , but not sure how to do so.


Community Member Aranaia Hayes Coeurl [Crystal]

Hi there! We'd be happy to have you join us c: Many people in our game and community are parents so you'll find plenty of company! We're also happy to help guide you through joining the linkshell, no worries. Feel free to reach out to myself or another officer and we'll get you in!

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Community Member Shallos Seraph Coeurl [Crystal]

Hello, are you guys still accepting new members?

I am a very casual player looking for a more social oriented FC.



Community Member Aranaia Hayes Coeurl [Crystal]

We are always accepting new members! We'd be happy to have you join us, most of our members are very casual players c: Feel free to message me or another of our officers and we'll happily get you in <3

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Madoc Balette Zalera [Crystal]

Would love to join if ur still doing rp


Community Member Aranaia Hayes Coeurl [Crystal]

We absolutely are and would love to have you! Feel free to message myself or Theodora Whisperwind for an invite c:

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0 / 500

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Alistair Chambers Coeurl [Crystal]

Hello, are you guys still recruiting? I am an engineer who works your good ol 9-5. I enjoy RP and BOOKS. I am mostly a crafter/gatherer but I also do play WHM and am looing to eventually pick up PLD.


Community Member Aranaia Hayes Coeurl [Crystal]

So sorry for the delay! We absolutely are still recruiting and it sounds like we may be a great fit for you! We have several omnicrafters in our FC so you'll be right at home, lol. Feel free to message myself on Discord or in-game or Theodora Whisperwind (Discord: AwesomeLibrarian) and we'll happy to get you in c:

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-- -- ----

Hello, was wandering i was wandering if you guys are still recruiting? honestly looking to make new friends to hopefully get myself back into the game


Community Member Aranaia Hayes Coeurl [Crystal]

We're absolutely still recruiting! We'd be happy to have you join us, we're always welcoming new friends c: Feel free to reach out to myself or one of the other officers and we'll be happy to get you in!

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Kama Kusakari Mateus [Crystal]

Hi, I was looking for a smaller FC to join up with and this one seems perfect! I'm definitely wanting something more casual and laid-back, as well as inclusive, so you guys seem perfect. Hopefully you're still recruiting!


Community Member Aranaia Hayes Coeurl [Crystal]

Hi there! We're absolutely still recruiting and we'd love to have you join us! Feel free to message me on discord (penciltea) or one of our other officers and we'll be happy to get you in!

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Community Member Deogar Weaver Coeurl [Crystal]

Hey there! Kinda new to the game and was looking for a good FC to join if you wouldn't mind having me.


Community Member Aranaia Hayes Coeurl [Crystal]

Sorry for the delay! We'd love to have you join us c: Feel free to message me (penciltea) or our leader (awesomelibrarian) on discord and we'll get you in!

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Community Member Petra Vira Coeurl [Crystal]

Hi! My friend and I would love to join if you're still taking people!


Community Member Aranaia Hayes Coeurl [Crystal]

Sorry for the delay! We are happily accepting new members! c: <3 Feel free to message me (penciltea) or our leader (awesomelibrarian) on discord and we'll get you in!

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Albert Porter Marilith [Dynamis]

hello are you still recruiting ?


Community Member Aranaia Hayes Coeurl [Crystal]

Happy to have you join us <3

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Community Member M'akimaki Akai Coeurl [Crystal]

Hello! Are you recruiting?


Community Member Aranaia Hayes Coeurl [Crystal]

We are! Feel free to reach out to any of the officers and we'll be happy to get you into the FC c:

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Lysander Zephyrinus Coeurl [Crystal]

i applied in game. returning player


Community Member Theodora Whisperwind Coeurl [Crystal]

Welcome back! Let us know if you'd like someone to scoop you up in-game.

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0 / 500


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