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to join you on your adventures in FINAL FANTASY XIV!
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Free companies are player-run organizations which allow their members to pool resources, be it items or gil, to accomplish feats that would be difficult or impossible for a single individual.
The benefits of joining a free company include a dedicated chat channel for all members, the ability to purchase an estate to serve as the group's base of operations, and the use of free company actions that grant bonuses such as increased experience points.
No two free companies share the same goals and motivations, so be sure to choose the free company that's right for you.
Linkshells and cross-world linkshells are chat groups which allow for quick and easy communication between players who are not necessarily in a party or free company. Unlike free companies, players are able to join multiple linkshells, making it possible to join different communities dedicated to various aspects of the game.
Linkshells: allow communication with any players on the same World.Teamwork is key, so be sure to find a team with whom you're confident you can hone your skills together.
PvP duties: allow players to compete against one another in unique instanced arenas.Mighty Eden Heroes Recruiting Additional Members
Plot 16, 14 Ward, Shirogane (Large)
Apply Below!
Happy to help.Recruiter and Marshal aka Dad of the MEH Free Company.
Mighty Eden Heroes is chill, friendly and caring FC. We welcome everyone, regardless the playtime! Join us, and become part of our family-like group!
?Goon Jelqia Odin [Light]
I read through the post and the FC does look interesting, i would be interested in joining if possible but i also wanted to ask a question aswell. Does anyone in the FC do hunts? Looking to get into them personally.
Community Member Peace Redgrave Cerberus [Chaos]
Hellooo! Mhm, unfortunately not that I know of.Personally I haven't done Hunts myself as well, but there are things I'm interested to get, and know a little bit how it works, so maybe that could be some form of activity that we could try to start and help with.But if that doesn't discourage you from joining us then we'll gladly have you here ^^
Goon Jelqia Odin [Light]
Oh thats perfectly fine, yeah would be awesome to join whenever someone who can invite is available. I should be on most days this coming week myself.
Community Member Peace Redgrave Cerberus [Chaos]
Throughout the day I'm usually online, even now, so just send a tell to notify me ^^
Goon Jelqia Odin [Light]
Alright not a problem, should have sent through if the game didnt bug out. Thanks for answering my question aswell.
Community Member Peace Redgrave Cerberus [Chaos]
If something were to arrive or be sent, nothings got to my end
Community Member Peace Redgrave Cerberus [Chaos]
Also remember I won't be able to invite you, if you are not on Cerberus, like your character, not you in-game
Iri Ishikivi Cerberus [Chaos]
Hello, your FC sounds great. Shoot me an invite if you please. I'm an FFXIV and MMO in general noob :)
Community Member Peace Redgrave Cerberus [Chaos]
Hellooo! Well I'm in the game right now, so if you are too and not on any duty I can even send the invite right ^^
Iri Ishikivi Cerberus [Chaos]
Great, just logged on there
-- -- ----
Heyo, new to FFXIV. Send me an invite, would love to learn about the game in a chill environment.
Community Member Peace Redgrave Cerberus [Chaos]
Hiya, just did ^^
Erlo Relia Famfrit [Primal]
Hey! I'd love to join your FC, I'm new to ffXIV could be fun :>
Community Member Peace Redgrave Cerberus [Chaos]
Hiya, sure thing, everyone is welcome ^^ Just remember, tho how much I'd like to invite, we need to be on the same Data Center and Server, which for us is DC Chaos, Cerberus
Aeverie Choux Cerberus [Chaos]
Hi o/ ! Recently(ish) returned player here looking for a friendly FC to hang out with.
Hoping you might have a place for me :D ?
Community Member Peace Redgrave Cerberus [Chaos]
Hiya, there's always a place for everyone ^^
Maxxena Nax Raiden [Light]
Hello, I'm completely new to FF14 (not the SP games though) but with a long history with WoW. I discovered this gem a month ago and can't stop playing. I really don't want to play another MMO alone (after my first guild fell apart I never found a friendly place and played 10 years alone). I was hoping I could join your FC while learning and levelling (and ofc dancing at concerts). If it's ok I'll give you a /tell, I should be online in the evening.
Community Member Peace Redgrave Cerberus [Chaos]
Helloooo! Aww, sorry to hear that :o We'll welcome you with open arms, and hopefully you'll feel at home ^^ Also got a decent place to dance, so I think that's a win-win :3 I'll try to be online :p
Nara Holnesi Balmung [Crystal]
Hi there! I’m a new player - lvl 31 lancer. I recently jumped ship from ESO and, as an avid Final Fantasy enthusiast, made my way here. I ran a guild back in ESO with a mission and vibe exactly like this. MMOs are more fun with a group! I’m looking to enjoy the story, make some friends, learn mechanics, etc. If you have space I would love to join. Wishing you all the best!
Community Member Peace Redgrave Cerberus [Chaos]
Helloooo, we're open to everyone no matter the experience, and there is always a place for new people! But unfortunately, I bring bad news :c Free Companies are limited to your world only, in our case it's Cerberus, on Chaos (EU Data Center)..So as much as we'd love to have you here, it's not possible to invite you unless you would transfer to Chaos Data center and Cerberus world :/
Willow Arcmoon Omega [Chaos]
Hey I am looking to join - new the the game and recently come from wow - long time FF fan, specifically VIII and X !
Community Member Peace Redgrave Cerberus [Chaos]
Hellooo, we would gladly invite and welcome you, but...unfortunately I can't invite people outside of Cerberus world :/ Free Companies are limited to world, so in our case it's Cerberus, Chaos Data Center. :c
Community Member Cid Lockheart Cerberus [Chaos]
Hey there I was wondering if there was space left to join this FC. I love to game and I would like to get to know more people. Thanks
Community Member Peace Redgrave Cerberus [Chaos]
Hello! There is always a place for new people :3 Just let me know when you will be online, or try to /tell someone out of 4 people I mentioned and we'll send you an invite
Jophine Mi'runach Omega [Chaos]
Hi..^^ I know I've been in your FC before but left cause of private reasons.. I'm back now and would like to give your guild another shot if you'll have me <:
If you're interested please lemme know and I'll send an application ingame^^ Thank you!
Community Member Peace Redgrave Cerberus [Chaos]
Yos, I remember you :3 I'm even online this very moment, so just let me know on /tell when you are ^^
Community Member Miria Tayuun Cerberus [Chaos]
Hey, I've moved back to the game recently and i'm looking for an FC to meet more people and improve my skill at the game (I kinda sucks). I play on ps4 if that matters and also I'm a dude but I have this character since ARR so I don't want to fantasia by fear that it'll ruin my immersion :c . Text me IG if you have more question or if it's ok for you. thanks ! ;)
Community Member Peace Redgrave Cerberus [Chaos]
Heya o/ Sorry I didn't notice your post here quicker, all 3 new posts appeared one notification and one of them already got us on /tell in-game, so didn't bother to check it, I'm sorry! Yes, we're still recruiting and we'd love to have you, no matter your skill ^^ Feel free to catch any of us I listed in-game
Neeson Ironfield Cerberus [Chaos]
I would like to join if your still recruiting, I’m newish and don’t know that many people in game so it would be nice to meet some people :3
Community Member Peace Redgrave Cerberus [Chaos]
Hey o/ Yes, recruitment is still open and everyone is welcome ^^ Feel free to meet everyone and even make friends ^^
Community Member Rook Aurum Cerberus [Chaos]
I've been looking for a new FC for Endwalker after my last one died. If you're still recruiting please send me an invite!
Community Member Peace Redgrave Cerberus [Chaos]
Hiya o/ Yos, we are still recruiting, already sent an invite ^^
Swegame Reaper Cerberus [Chaos]
Hello would like to join if it is in the cards and the possibility still is there i am a returning player sort of i levelled solo last time around and that did end up not too well as it was 5+ years ago but i thought i would give it another whirl and go with joining a fellowship this time around possibly find people to run content with :D
Community Member Peace Redgrave Cerberus [Chaos]
Heya o/ Yes, we are still recruiting and would gladly have you in our group.I'm sure you'll find a place here ^^
Athen Cana Cerberus [Chaos]
I need friends to drag my lifeless body through the crown of the immaculate pls and ty ✌
Community Member Peace Redgrave Cerberus [Chaos]
I'm taking it's out of date, if you have FC already :3
Community Member Luda Bella Cerberus [Chaos]
Hi. I have not spent much time in game. But I already were a member of 2 FCs. Unfortunately, both of them lived just for week. Members did not even chat. So people in Limsa advised to look for a FC here.
I do not need much. Only friends, who can give my noob butty advice, talk in chat and/or discord about stuff and maybe help me with my fantasia addiction.
You have might noticed, english is not my native language. But I hope, that won't be a problem for you.
Community Member Peace Redgrave Cerberus [Chaos]
Heya ^^ No worries, not speaking english natively won't be a problem.I'm not native as well, as many others ^^ As long as we understand something it's fine, and being completely honest - I didnt even noticed before you pointed that out :3 Its pretty chill and friendly here, there is always someone to chat, people also are on voice sometimes - I think you'll be fine ^^
If I won't catch you first, cause I may be at work, you can try to send Dsafi or Umbralt a /tell whenever you'll be online :3
Zacaro Ururaki Cerberus [Chaos]
Hi! I hope I'm not too late, but if you're still recruiting I'd really like to join! I'm super new to the game but I'm aiming to learn the ins-and-outs of the game as best as I can.
Community Member Peace Redgrave Cerberus [Chaos]
Heya ^^ Yes, we are still recruiting, and always open for new players, regardless if they are new or vets :3 Be sure to hit me up, or Umbralt or Wish, in-game whenever you log in, so we can invite you ^^
Zacaro Ururaki Cerberus [Chaos]
Thanks for the response! I've tried a couple times to message some of you but so far either my message couldn't be sent or it says you are in a restricted area. I'll keep trying to message for now and hopefully catch one of you at a good time.
Community Member Peace Redgrave Cerberus [Chaos]
I've sent you couple of /tells myself when I caught you, but never responded :D
Tam Tato Cerberus [Chaos]
Hello! Your FC sounds like an ideal place to be, would love to join if possible :D I've tried to search everyone's names in the post, but seems no one is online currently. When's a good time to try again?
Community Member Peace Redgrave Cerberus [Chaos]
Welcome in the FC :3
Community Member Quinlas Averoth Cerberus [Chaos]
Hey, I've returned to the game recently and I'm looking for a FC to join. This one sounds like good fun! Do I need to be online to be invited?
Community Member Peace Redgrave Cerberus [Chaos]
Hey, yes, unfortunately that's how the game works - can't invite offline people to friends nor FC.So you'll have to catch one of us :3 It's sunday today, so shouldn't be a big problem tho ^^ BUT, technically when you log in, you can make an application to our FC, so when someones logs in and sees that - they could approve immediately ^^
Anaril Nightstalker Behemoth [Primal]
Hey!, You guys still accepting new applicants? You look like a fun community, I'd like to join :D
Xzo Omega Cerberus [Chaos]
Hello! am kind of new here and wondering if you guys maybe accept new people or not.
Community Member Peace Redgrave Cerberus [Chaos]
Heya o/ Yes, we still do accept people, no matter how new they are :3
Momo Row Cerberus [Chaos]
Hi! Are you guys still accepting new members?
Community Member Peace Redgrave Cerberus [Chaos]
Heya o/ Yup, we do! Contact anyone mentioned in the list or make an application in-game ^^
Alfonzo Darkson Louisoix [Chaos]
Hi, I would love to join. Don't have much experience with FCs so would be great to get some.
Community Member Peace Redgrave Cerberus [Chaos]
Heya o/ We'd take you in, but I have to sadly inform you that FCs don't work between worlds :c So while we are on Cerberus, we can't invite anyone outside of our world.So as long as you are on Louisoix it's not possible for me to inv, sorry :/
Asha Nym Phoenix [Light]
Hi! I'm not sure if you're still recruiting but I'm new to the game and would love to meet new people / socialize / learn more about FF! I know it's super late right now I've just been waiting on an MSQ trial queue for ages but I'd love to catch someone online tomorrow and apply properly!
Community Member Peace Redgrave Cerberus [Chaos]
Heyo o/ We still are recruiting ^^ If you won't be able to catch anyone mention in post, you can make an application in-game and someone will at some point accept it ^^ Hope to see you soon :3
Fenrir Enberg Cerberus [Chaos]
Hi! I read your page and found it quite interesting, if you accept candidates, I would like to join you (I am tired of being a lone wolf) ;D
Community Member Peace Redgrave Cerberus [Chaos]
Hello o/ Contact anyone from the list or apply in-game and someone for sure will be there to accept it ^^
Ryando Epiales Cerberus [Chaos]
Hello there.
Are you folk still recruiting? i see its been awhile since the last post but i am interested in joining :)
Community Member Peace Redgrave Cerberus [Chaos]
Yes, we are still recruiting.Welcome to the FC :3
Eymi Chan Spriggan [Chaos]
This FC sounds really comfortable and safe and I've been looking for a while to join an FC that is more about friendship than achievements etc. as I really want to meet people to have fun playing this. Hopefully I can join if possible :)
Community Member Peace Redgrave Cerberus [Chaos]
We'd gladly have you and help you during your journey ^^ But I have to inform you that FCs work in their specific worlds, so for example: if our FC is from Cerberus world, we can't invite anyone from outside Cerberus, and since you are on Spriggan I can't simply invite you :/ Only way would be for you to transfer to Cerberus then there is no issue.
And if Im not mistaken home world transfers are like 12€, so I wouldnt want to force you to pay additional fees to just join an FC.
Community Member Peace Redgrave Cerberus [Chaos]
Unless you really want to.OR if you are fairly early in the game then you can make new character on Cerberus, start from scratch and join us.
As I said, we'll gladly welcome you in, different home worlds are the issue here, and I wont force the decision on you.So its up to how you want to resolve it - home world transfer, new character on our world or look for FCs on Spriggan.Whatever it will be, wether we'll be meet soon or not, have fun and take care on your adventure ^^
Akagi Alter-kaneuchi Cerberus [Chaos]
Hello am I to late in asking to join?
Community Member Peace Redgrave Cerberus [Chaos]
Welcome to the FC :3
Community Member Zaad'to Kinjahl Cerberus [Chaos]
Hi there. This looks like an amazing FC. I would like to ask if I could join?
Community Member Peace Redgrave Cerberus [Chaos]
Helo o/ Yes, you can still join us ^^ Send an application to the fc/ or /tell to someone and you'll get the invite ^^
Archlei Shinzou Phantom [Chaos]
Hi ! I came back to the game like 3 weeks ago and most of my friends don't play anymore ! So i'm looking for new ones and your FC seems like what i'm looking for ! Are you still looking for new members ?
Community Member Peace Redgrave Cerberus [Chaos]
Heyho! Yos, we still recruit, so sures, hit me up in-game or send FC application and someone will approve it ^^ See ya soon :3
Xerra Faye Phantom [Chaos]
Good day,
If there’s still room in the FC, I’m looking for one!
Warmest regards.
Community Member Peace Redgrave Cerberus [Chaos]
Heyho! Yup, we do ^^ Feel free dm Wish or Dsafi, or apply to the fc in-game and someone will approve it ^^ Im unavaible at the moment of writing (on other DC) hence why :3
Community Member Eira Sacrile Cerberus [Chaos]
Hello there!
Are you still accepting new folk into the FC? This seems like a friendly and cozy place to join! Trying to meet more people in-game and do activities together aaand always up to help with roulettes ^^
Community Member Peace Redgrave Cerberus [Chaos]
Heyo o/ Yup, you are welcome to join ^^ /tell me or any other person from mentioned list, or apply to the fc in-game and someone will approve at some point ^^
Bratty Brother Cerberus [Chaos]
Hi I have been away for some time now and found my old box of the game and tried to add sub code there was and it worked. So Im kinda curious how this game became so popular over the years. I would like to find new mmo to play again and place to hang out with ppl :)
Community Member Peace Redgrave Cerberus [Chaos]
Heyo o/ Hit up on /tell anyone mentioned in the posts, or find our FC in-game and send an application, sooner or later someone will see and accept ^^
Community Member Metztli Ometeotl Cerberus [Chaos]
Hi all, looking for company and yours has been recommended to me, I would be glad if you accept me :)
Community Member Peace Redgrave Cerberus [Chaos]
Helo o/ Sures! Try sending an application in-game, someone will accept it or wait till someone from the list is online and /tell them
Community Member Askari A'tali Cerberus [Chaos]
Hey; Veteran FFXIV Player getting back into it with the endwalker expansion. Looking for a UK Friendly FC to join w/Discord. Hopefully you guys are taking in ^^
Community Member Peace Redgrave Cerberus [Chaos]
Heya o/ You are welcome to join! Send the application in-game or catch someone on /tell and you'll get the invite ^^
Sampi Unei Cerberus [Chaos]
Hello. I am a returning player from some hiatus. Are you still recruiting?
Community Member Peace Redgrave Cerberus [Chaos]
Heya o/ Yes, we still do! Even tho there is less of us between patches it's always nice to meet new faces ^^ Send an application to the FC, someone will approve it or catch someone mentioned above on /tell, both ways work
Blob Mizu Cerberus [Chaos]
Hi there, I would like to join your FC. My server is Moogle but im planning to change my home server to Cerberus this week. Thanks!
Community Member Peace Redgrave Cerberus [Chaos]
Heya o/ You are welcome to join us, if you switch worlds! When you do, send an application to the FC or catch someone on /tell from people mentioned in post.
I'm sorry this answer took this long, I totally missed notification :c
Community Member Olili Oli Cerberus [Chaos]
Hiya! I'm relatively new to the game and this FC seems great to take in the game with. Would it be possible for me to tag along?
Community Member Peace Redgrave Cerberus [Chaos]
Yes! You are most welcome to join us, we'll be glad to help! Feel free to /tell someone mentioned on the list or find the option in-game to applicate to our FC and we'll approve it!
Community Member Kayla Vulpin Cerberus [Chaos]
Heya! Currently looking for a new FC and this one really caught my eye. I would love to join if you guys still have a spot!
Community Member Peace Redgrave Cerberus [Chaos]
Hiya! We do have a spot and we'd gladly welcome you in! Be sure to catch one of the mentioned people or apply in-game to the FC and someone will approve it ^^
Jax Doombringer Lich [Light]
Would love to join the FC! Entirely new. Only a couple of hours or so into the game, but I am enjoying it and would love some company!
Community Member Peace Redgrave Cerberus [Chaos]
Welcome in the FC ^^
Community Member Eirlys Ga'tito Cerberus [Chaos]
Hey! I'd really like to join this FC if you'll have me. I'm new to the game, looking to make friends and have fun :)
Community Member Peace Redgrave Cerberus [Chaos]
Welcome to the FC ^^
Kairos Heimarmene Cerberus [Chaos]
I read through the post and the FC does look interesting, I would be interested in joining if possible.
Community Member Peace Redgrave Cerberus [Chaos]
Helo o/ You can either try catch mentioned people from the list or send in-game application and someone will aprove it ^^
Community Member Matko Votyasch Cerberus [Chaos]
Hello there! ive seen your FC and i am interested in Joining. New to FFXIV and hoping to find new people to play with. Am on Moogle at the moment is it possible for me to still join via visiting Cerberus?
Community Member Peace Redgrave Cerberus [Chaos]
Helo ! There's plenty of people in different ranges and overall we have loads of new people so it's perfect moment to join! Unfortunately, FC are world based, so if ours is made on Cerberus we can only invite Cerberus people.For you to join us from Moogle you'd have to buy (ugh...) world transfer to Cerberus :c
Community Member Matko Votyasch Cerberus [Chaos]
Thats no problem too, i am planning on transfering home worlds anyways so it works out, as long as you are still recruiting i am happy to join. :)
Community Member Peace Redgrave Cerberus [Chaos]
We will! Be sure to let us know here when you do, or catch one of in-game ^^
Community Member Nazgul Darkrider Cerberus [Chaos]
Hello after reading through the introduction I would really like to join your FC, please let me know if that's possible or you need anything else from me :)
Community Member Peace Redgrave Cerberus [Chaos]
Heya! It's never not possible ^^ Reach out to one of the people mentioned above or send application in-game and someone will approve when they see it ^^
Community Member Matko Votyasch Cerberus [Chaos]
Hello, I am trying to send a message in game to be able to join the free company, cant seem to send any messages.
Community Member Peace Redgrave Cerberus [Chaos]
I'm only one online rn from the list, and was in instances, so propably one.Try /tell now, or send application, or come to our house ^^
Aysh Wayne Sagittarius [Chaos]
Hey, looking for an FC. Kinda new to the FF14. Was wondering if you are still hiring new people?
Community Member Peace Redgrave Cerberus [Chaos]
Helo! Yes, we do ^^ Feel free to /tell someone from the list, send application in-game or come to our house!
Aysh Wayne Sagittarius [Chaos]
Yeah, already got the invite! Thanks)
Ivan Udai Phantom [Chaos]
I've tried contacting you in-game but from what I understand I won't be able to join :( I'm on Phantom, shame because you guys seem really friendly! is there anything I can do about it? Would I need to create a brand new character?
Community Member Peace Redgrave Cerberus [Chaos]
Heya! Yeah, unfortunately FC don't work cross world...So there are only 2 things one can do really: either buy world change or new character on Cerberus.Depends how far are you willing to go to join us, tough call
Community Member Auvrent Broromois Cerberus [Chaos]
Hello, i'm a returning player, got back to see my FC deserted, can i get an invite to join this one?
Kind of tired of staring at a mostly blank list.
Community Member Peace Redgrave Cerberus [Chaos]
Heya! Yes, feel free to send application in-game or try to catch one of us, we'll welcome you gladly ^^
Fubuki Bloodrose Odin [Light]
hello is there still room to join this free company ?
Community Member Peace Redgrave Cerberus [Chaos]
Welcome to the FC ^^
Ishiki Purifera Cerberus [Chaos]
I want to join !
Community Member Peace Redgrave Cerberus [Chaos]
Feel free to contact someone from the list or apply in-game and someone will accept it ^^
Ishiki Purifera Cerberus [Chaos]
none of the them texts back x_X
Community Member Peace Redgrave Cerberus [Chaos]
I'm online for a moment now, if you are
Community Member Goukan Neko Cerberus [Chaos]
Heya! I'm really new to the game and was looking for a guild/company/some people to chat with/ ask questions or just chill.
Community Member Peace Redgrave Cerberus [Chaos]
Helo! Feel free to /tell anyone mentioned above or find anyone from the FC and send application or find our house in Goblet and maybe someone will be there ^^
Community Member Goukan Neko Cerberus [Chaos]
I figured it would be easier to whisper someone, got in last night!
Yazmataz Barakus Cerberus [Chaos]
Heya Returning player here, looked at the FC profile and quite interested in joining, seems like a nice chill group
Community Member Peace Redgrave Cerberus [Chaos]
Heya! Try to catch anyone mentioned above or send application in-game and someone will accept it ^^
Chick Chickchick Alpha [Light]
Hey! I'm a returning player and I'm looking for FC's to join before I decide to do a world transfer
Community Member Peace Redgrave Cerberus [Chaos]
Hi! We're always open, so feel free to hit us up!
Community Member Frallina Shanda Cerberus [Chaos]
Hello, I would like to apply for your FC :) Returning new player and wanna do dungeons and msq with mates :)
Community Member Peace Redgrave Cerberus [Chaos]
Welcome to the FC ^^
Nero Asami Phoenix [Light]
Greetings, I just started this game and and was wondering if I could join your FC to learn how the game works and to make friends? ^^
Community Member Peace Redgrave Cerberus [Chaos]
Welcome to the FC!
Quinten Farley Cerberus [Chaos]
This FC sounds super nice, maybe you still have a spot for a newcomer? I'd very much like to join :)
Community Member Peace Redgrave Cerberus [Chaos]
Heya! Sures, feel free to reach to one of the mentioned people or send application to the FC in-game and someone will approve it!
Maximillion Bu'wan Cerberus [Chaos]
Hello! I'm just getting back into the game and I'm looking for a community that can help me out in terms of tips but also main quests :) but also in general a community that's chill, fun, and kind. I hope I can join!
Community Member Peace Redgrave Cerberus [Chaos]
Heloing! Feel free to reach out to me in-game, I should be online for few more hours or leave an application in-game and we'll apply it. Merry Christmas!
Natsu Monkas Cerberus [Chaos]
Hello I'm new to the game, I'm looking for people who can help me out throughout the game I'd love to join
Community Member Peace Redgrave Cerberus [Chaos]
Helo!You are welcome to join! Feel free to /tell people mentioned above or try applying to the FC in-game and someone will aprove it
Nico Lucky Sagittarius [Chaos]
Hello, I`m very new to Final Fantasy and I would like to join a free company to get help on game knowledge, would that be possible?
Community Member Peace Redgrave Cerberus [Chaos]
Heloing! As much as I'd love to say yes, unfortunately it's not possible for us to invite you, since we are on Cerberus and it's not possible to invite from different World
Zeno Hoshino Midgardsormr [Aether]
Hey I am newbie and doing the Endwalker content. I am playing in NA server for now and intend to move to EU because of the timezone is not comfortable for me to hang around with the FC. Is MEH still welcoming new people? Thanks a lot
Community Member Peace Redgrave Cerberus [Chaos]
Helo! Yes, we are still recruiting, feel free to reach out whenever you make the decision to move ^^
Frogorius Utfryst Cerberus [Chaos]
Hello. You still recruiting? If so I'd be interested in joining and giving the social side of this game a shot. I struggle quite a bit with social anxiety and my social skills are not in the best shape, but I'm working towards fixing both of those issues. Alongside that I'd be interested in finally playing the game with people instead of wandering alone, and this FC sounds exactly like what I'm looking for.
Community Member Peace Redgrave Cerberus [Chaos]
Helo! I see no problem, take everything at your own pace, don't feel forced when you won't feel comfortable yet.
Feel free to reach out to someone through /tell or send application in-game and someone will accept it ^^
Frogorius Utfryst Cerberus [Chaos]
Will do. Thanks!
Grey Qrow Cerberus [Chaos]
Hey there, are you guys still recruiting? I'm new and would love to join
Community Member Peace Redgrave Cerberus [Chaos]
Helo! Feel free to reach out to any of the mentioned people or send application in-game and someone will approve it!
Grey Qrow Cerberus [Chaos]
Great! Ty for the reply, I applied in game
Biven Redhand Cerberus [Chaos]
I’m a returning player back after 7 years to find my fc has gone.
I’m really interested in joining if still possible
Community Member Peace Redgrave Cerberus [Chaos]
Helo, sorry to hear that!
You'll be more than welcome to join, feel free to /tell one of the mentioned people or send application in-game and someone will approve it ^^
Community Member Caraid Uaine Cerberus [Chaos]
Hello, can I join as well? Also restarted after a 7 year break, just getting the feeling back atm ^^
Community Member Peace Redgrave Cerberus [Chaos]
Helo! Feel free to /tell any of the mentioned people, if they are online or send application in-game and someone will approve it! And no worries, take your time
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