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Free companies are player-run organizations which allow their members to pool resources, be it items or gil, to accomplish feats that would be difficult or impossible for a single individual.
The benefits of joining a free company include a dedicated chat channel for all members, the ability to purchase an estate to serve as the group's base of operations, and the use of free company actions that grant bonuses such as increased experience points.
No two free companies share the same goals and motivations, so be sure to choose the free company that's right for you.
Linkshells and cross-world linkshells are chat groups which allow for quick and easy communication between players who are not necessarily in a party or free company. Unlike free companies, players are able to join multiple linkshells, making it possible to join different communities dedicated to various aspects of the game.
Linkshells: allow communication with any players on the same World.Teamwork is key, so be sure to find a team with whom you're confident you can hone your skills together.
PvP duties: allow players to compete against one another in unique instanced arenas.HardcoreEliteCasuals Recruiting Additional Members
Plot 28, 2 Ward, The Lavender Beds (Large)
Bannana Manor
Apply Below!
Dictator of our mediocre free company. AKA Imperatrix Tyrannus Falcona Procerus III.
?Community Member Wicked Ways Balmung [Crystal]
can I has?
Community Member Towering Falcon Balmung [Crystal]
Greetings, Wicked! Thank you for your interest, and it is quite possible that you can has! What time are you usually playing (I'd like to stalk you in-game)? You can also submit an in-game application if you see a member online or wander to our Bannana Manor, Lavender Beds, Ward 2, Plot 28.
Community Member Iseult Menetries Balmung [Crystal]
I'm interested as well.
Community Member Towering Falcon Balmung [Crystal]
Hello there, Iseult! Thank you for your interest! What time are you usually playing? You can also submit an application in the game if you see a member online, or wander to our little home at Lavender Beds, Ward 2, Plot 28. Thank you!
Ushi Goroshi Coeurl [Crystal]
Hello, i'd like to put in a request. Im not sure when im on honestly, i work 230-11pm EST most days and i sometimes go off on social adventures after work but my main hours are between noon-2pm if i wake up early enough or from 1130pm-3am or so after work. On my off days ill either play all day or lie in bed staring at the walls.
Community Member Towering Falcon Balmung [Crystal]
Hello Ushi! Thank you for your interest, and thank you for the info. I will try to find you online, or possibly an officer of the FC will message you. Wall-staring is good for the soul, so no worries there when you're not ingame lul.
Community Member Solar Lem Balmung [Crystal]
hmmmm, where do I submit application?
Community Member Towering Falcon Balmung [Crystal]
Hello, Solar! Long time no see! If you're online, I will try to find you. Like, right now lul. Or can go to Lavender Beds or search for another member to submit an application in the game.
Ayla Kelos Leviathan [Primal]
Hello I would like to join your FC I play weekdays 3pm to 9pm and fri sat anytime. I also applied to fc in game Have a great day!
Community Member Towering Falcon Balmung [Crystal]
Hello, and thanks for applying! Application was accepted. Welcome to the FC, Ayla! ^_^
Community Member Venom Dank Balmung [Crystal]
Heya I moved from malboro and want a active FC, dont mind it being social. I take breaks a lot.. Hope that isnt a problem. I play everyday but ussally just play 2-3hours.
Community Member Towering Falcon Balmung [Crystal]
Hello Venom! Thank you for your interest. We're all about the casual and breaks haha. We will try to stalk you online ^_^
Rose Floyd Spriggan [Chaos]
Hello le me is a european baguette player looking for a casual fc for when I hang out on Balmung! I visit usually past midnight gmt+1 time on fridays and saturdays, other days it's on a very irregular basis, could I potentially join you for a little while?
Community Member Towering Falcon Balmung [Crystal]
Greetings Rose! Thank you for your interest! Will try to find you online ^_^
Community Member Towering Falcon Balmung [Crystal]
Hello again, Rose ^_^
You're not on Balmung or Crystal data center anymore. Shall I assume no longer interested? teehee
Tanoshi Tokage Balmung [Crystal]
Humm! Are you really only active from 9 am to noon and 9 am to 3pm?
Community Member Towering Falcon Balmung [Crystal]
Hello N'yan! ^_^ Thank you for the question.
I only recruit at that time when in the game, so it is theoretically when we should be most active. That said, people's timezones are all over the place so there are people on later/earlier lul.
Tanoshi Tokage Balmung [Crystal]
Oh, alright. What is the FC activity like 17:00 - 24:00 CST?
Community Member Towering Falcon Balmung [Crystal]
I'm only on maybe once or twice a week at that time, but from what I've seen people are still playing. Maybe 10 or so on average.
Tanoshi Tokage Balmung [Crystal]
That seems decent. Thank you for answering my questions. I'll add this to my little list of FC to consider. ♥
Community Member Towering Falcon Balmung [Crystal]
Thank you for your interest, N'yan! ^_^ Always happy to answer any questions.
Axlyrrd Moneyshanks Seraph [Dynamis]
whaddup. you guys seem cool and I think I want in. I generally play after 6pm est on weekdays, unless I'm playing while on the clock at work since it is remote. my skills involve smoking blunts and making tasteful yet racy jokes and singing oompa loompa songs in roulettes. good day to you
edit: also, I wanna be member 420 not gonna lie
Community Member Towering Falcon Balmung [Crystal]
Greetings Axlyrrd! Thank you for your interest! Will try to find you online in the game. If possible, you can also try submitting an application within the game to speed up the process. Hope to see you soon ^_^
Axlyrrd Moneyshanks Seraph [Dynamis]
done. bananna manor is pretty sweet, hoping to get room 69 to complete my meme status
Community Member P'hiao Tia Balmung [Crystal]
Howdy! I too am an overly positive and excitable casual!! I will probably pop by the bananna manor one day to see about applying since my game time right now is a little sporadic. I assume someone will be around est afternoons haha.
Community Member Towering Falcon Balmung [Crystal]
Hello P'hiao! Thank you for your interest! Should be people online at that time. I'll also keep an eye out. You can also leave messages with me on Discord. Hope to see you soon! ^_^
(accidentally deleted this reply lul)
Community Member Carbuncle Surprise Balmung [Crystal]
Hello, I am a Sentient Potato. I play a SCH at the moment but holding a book with no arms is difficult so please forgive my slow healing speeds. Luckily the fairy and Excog do most of the work. I play afternoons and evenings because I spend my mornings charging lightbulbs. Looking for a Casual FC that does not mind the fact I'm slightly (ONLY SLIGHTLY) odd. :)
Community Member Towering Falcon Balmung [Crystal]
Hello Carbuncle/Sentient Potato! Thank you for your interest! Always nice to have another person that can read a book! Will keep an eye out for you ingame. Feel free to also send an application through the game if you're ever at our house or ever see another member around. ^_^
Community Member Naronoth Silverfrond Balmung [Crystal]
Can I rejoin?
Community Member Towering Falcon Balmung [Crystal]
Hello Naronoth, long time no see! Of course! (Probably) lul
Community Member Tiernan Upchurch Balmung [Crystal]
Hello I am interested in joining. I usually play later in the evening Central time zone around 7-11pm normally.
Community Member Towering Falcon Balmung [Crystal]
Hello again Tiernan! Thanks for your interest, and welcome to the FC! ^_^
Community Member Jessica Fizzlewits Balmung [Crystal]
I'd like to join! I'm on at pretty random times, usually any time during the day weekdays from 8am-3pm CDT or late at night from 10pm-2am CDT. I
Community Member Towering Falcon Balmung [Crystal]
Hello Jessica! Thank you for your interest! I will try to find you online. Feel free to also submit an in game application. You can also find me on our FC Discord ( ) if you want to contact me before then. Hope to see you soon! ^_^
Settrigh Lombardi Diabolos [Crystal]
Hello, my friend and I would like to Join. :) We both play at night and are 80 on our mains. Both semi-new but already doing Eden and 510 ILV
Community Member Towering Falcon Balmung [Crystal]
Thank you for your interest, and welcome to the FC ^_^
Cidolfus Oldmandeau Balmung [Crystal]
Looking to join FC, been a minute since I last played. :) Kind of on and off and slowly leveling new class.
Community Member Towering Falcon Balmung [Crystal]
Greetings, Cidolfus! Thank you for your interest! I apologize for the slow response. Since you're already in an FC, shall I assume no longer interested?
Tristar Noble Balmung [Crystal]
Hi! Looking to join the FC! I play on the times listed and more on the weekends. Looking for a fun and casual group to play with! I also submitted my application in-game. Thanks!
Community Member Towering Falcon Balmung [Crystal]
Hello Noble! Thanks for your interest and saw your application in the game. Will talk soon!
Alarice Zala Brynhildr [Crystal]
Hi I'd like to join if you'd have me. I'm a hardcore casual gamer that plays every other week!
Community Member Towering Falcon Balmung [Crystal]
Hello Alarice! Thank you for your interest! I will try to find you online. You can also submit an application at our house or member that you see. We're currently at Lavender Beds, Ward 2, Plot 28. Looking forward to seeing you soon!
Drago Draktar Balmung [Crystal]
night shifter and new to the game, looking for a chill group of people to hang out with while traveling through eorzea. Usually on Wednesday - Saturday nights. Hope to here from you. Also submitted app in game
Community Member Towering Falcon Balmung [Crystal]
Hello Drago! Thank you for your interest! Saw your application online but haven't been able to get in touch with you directly. I will try find you today (Saturday). Hope to see you soon ^_^
Colbert Potters Midgardsormr [Aether]
Hey sent an app in game. Looking for an active FC. I play usually between 5-12pm EST during the week and weekend any time I can. Im a returning 2.0 player that started a new account. Thanks
Community Member Towering Falcon Balmung [Crystal]
Hello Colbert! Welcome back to the game, and thank you for your interest! Will try to find you online. Hope to see you soon! ^_^
Yuki Tempest Balmung [Crystal]
Hey, I'd like to join the FC on weekdays I am normally on from 5-11 est and on weekends I can be on any time.
Community Member Towering Falcon Balmung [Crystal]
Hello Yuki! Thank you for your interest! Will try to find you online ^_^. Feel free to submit an app in the game / join the Discord!
Boba Gump Balmung [Crystal]
Hiii, I'd like to join!
Community Member Towering Falcon Balmung [Crystal]
Hello Boba! Thank you for your interest! What times do you usually play? You can also leave an in game application as well as check out our discord to speed up the process. ^_^ Hope to see you soon!
Community Member Sath Be'ri Balmung [Crystal]
Hi, I'd like to join, I usually play from 7PM to 9PM PST
Community Member Towering Falcon Balmung [Crystal]
Hello Sath! Thank you for your interest! Will contact you soon ^_^
Community Member Krael P'toryn Balmung [Crystal]
I'm interestied in joining. I'm looking for a casual, laid back group to hang out and chat with while leveling alts, doing roulettes, etc. I play at very random times due to my work schedule, but I've been playing quite a bit lately. I've already applied in-game. Hope to hear from you soon!
Community Member Towering Falcon Balmung [Crystal]
Hello Krael! Thank you for your interest! I saw your application and am just waiting until I can get in touch with you. Will keep an eye out!
-- -- ----
i am new to the game saw you guys and was curious how Hardcore is compared to Wow Hard core
Community Member Towering Falcon Balmung [Crystal]
Hello Kahin! ^_^ Welcome to the game, and sorry for the delayed response! I have never played WoW, so I can't make a good comparison. Only thing I can say for certain is that we are not a hardcore FC hahaha
Kore Springness Balmung [Crystal]
Hi, I'm interested in joining!
Community Member Towering Falcon Balmung [Crystal]
Hello Kore! ^_^ Thank you for your interest! Apologies for the delayed response. Can you let me know what times you usually play? Or you can also hop into our Discord if you prefer. Hope to hear from you soon!
Jarlaxle Kellhus Balmung [Crystal]
Hello! I just moved to Balmung from Zalera yesterday and was looking for a new FC. I put an application in yesterday at your FC house but forgot to list the times I normally play. I’m usually on either in the morning from 7am-10am EST if I’m off work, or from 7pm-11pm EST if I am working. If I have the next day off I’m usually on from like 9pm-3am EST. Thank you for consideration!
Community Member Towering Falcon Balmung [Crystal]
Hello Jarlaxle! Saw your application in-game as well. Thank you for your interest! Will try to get in touch with you soon. Feel free to also join our Discord if you'd like to get in touch outside of the game, too.
Hope to see you soon! ^_^
Joolius Montero Balmung [Crystal]
Hey, I've been playing for a while but I haven't joined an FC and would like to be a part of the community.
I'm usually on and off all day, 12 pm to 10 pm to be specific.
Community Member Towering Falcon Balmung [Crystal]
Hello Joolius! Hope you had a great New Year! Will try to find you online! You can also join our discord in case that is faster. Hope to see you soon! ^_^
Community Member Clyde Wind Balmung [Crystal]
I've been gone far to long, and I need a new home! Please let me in ;)
Community Member Towering Falcon Balmung [Crystal]
Hello Clyde! Welcome back to the game, and thank you for your interest! What time do you usually play? I'll try to find you online. You can also join our discord if that would be easier. Hope to see you soon!
Community Member Davos Xanator Balmung [Crystal]
Hello Dictator Falcon. I started playing in 2014, been on and off since very into the game this past year. This is the first time I am caught up with MSQ before an expansion and I think its finally time for me to find an FC! I usually play a few hours a day most days of the week around 4-8 PST. Looking to collect mounts, cool glamours, and socialize with peeps
Community Member Towering Falcon Balmung [Crystal]
Hello Davos! Welcome back to the game, and thank you for your interest! We'll try to find you in-game, but you can also lurk on our Discord to reach us more easily
Hope to see you soon! ^_^
Leon Mortaim Balmung [Crystal]
Greetings, "Imperatrix Tyrannus Falcona Procerus III". Looking to join the FC! I am more of a casual player. Finished MSQ. Interested in socializing and chat. I log in whenever I am free. More frequent during weekends. If I have to give a time, around 8 AM to 10 AM PDT/5 PM to 8 PM PDT.
Community Member Towering Falcon Balmung [Crystal]
Hello Leon! Thank you for your interest! Will try to find you online. You can also join our Discord if you want to get in touch sooner. Hope to see you soon! ^_^
Crazymikey Phisophly Balmung [Crystal]
hi I'm interested in joining your group
Community Member Towering Falcon Balmung [Crystal]
Hello Crazymikey, and thank you for your interest! We'll try to keep an eye out for you online. You can also join our Discord if you prefer to reach us sooner. Hope to see you soon!
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