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  • About Free Companies

    A community to play together with friends on the same World.

    Free companies are player-run organizations which allow their members to pool resources, be it items or gil, to accomplish feats that would be difficult or impossible for a single individual.
    The benefits of joining a free company include a dedicated chat channel for all members, the ability to purchase an estate to serve as the group's base of operations, and the use of free company actions that grant bonuses such as increased experience points.
    No two free companies share the same goals and motivations, so be sure to choose the free company that's right for you.

  • About Linkshells and Cross-world Linkshells

    A dedicated chat channel for players who share a common aim.

    Linkshells and cross-world linkshells are chat groups which allow for quick and easy communication between players who are not necessarily in a party or free company. Unlike free companies, players are able to join multiple linkshells, making it possible to join different communities dedicated to various aspects of the game.

    Linkshells: allow communication with any players on the same World.
    Cross-world Linkshells: allow communication with any players on the same data center.
  • About PvP Teams

    A team dedicated to enjoying PvP duties.

    Teamwork is key, so be sure to find a team with whom you're confident you can hone your skills together.

    PvP duties: allow players to compete against one another in unique instanced arenas.
Free Company

Zealous Recruiting Additional Members



Recruiting Additional Members

Malboro [Crystal]

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#High-end Duties
#Player Events
#Glamour Enthusiasts

▬▬ι══════ Zealous ═══════ι▬▬

We are a 50% wholesome, 50% degenerate, but 100% 18+ & LGBTQIA+ friendly group.

Hello Warrior of Light, I'm Sentinel Snow, Free Company Leader of the Malboro-based Free Company, Zealous! (founded 2020), and some of you may know me as the Purple Chicken of Limsa Thanks for taking a minute to come feel us out, see the bottom for best ways to get an invite or check out our Carrd/Discord for a more accurate feel!

? zealousxiv.carrd.co ?

▬▬ι══════ About Us ═══════ι▬▬

▬ι═══ A mix of Social, Casual, and Midcore ════ι▬

If you're looking for somewhere to call home in Dawntrail socially, for raiding, or a mix of both, <Zeal> is probably going to be your #1 choice. We're a medium-sized Free Company looking for those who just want to be amongst other like-minded, moon-friendly degenerates. We're a laid back group mixed with close friends looking to expand in-game to have more people to play with. We focus on having a solid social community while a large portion of us also delve into end-game raiding.

Some content events we may or may not have actively scheduled weekly/bi-weekly/monthly basis:
- Map Nights, multiple runs a week when there is new releases
- Dawntrail Trials/Raids reclears/teaching parties (Extreme/Unreal/Chaotic/Ultimate/etc.)
- BLU mage events (Spells/Achievements) + Beast Master, when it's available.
- Older raids/trials for glam/mounts/minions etc.
- Variant Dungeons farms, the odd Criterion Dungeon runs
- Eureka + Bozja, and the new Dawntrail field operation, Shades' Triangle
- Shared FATE Farming
- Drunk Deep Dungeon nights
- PvP Fight Club / CC queue-together nights
- Screenshot contests, Glam contests, Deathroll contests
- Monthly FC meetings w/ raffles/giveaways
- In-house Dungeons & Dragons one-offs & long-term campaigns
- Other variety games, as well as movie/show nights
- More content as we find interest!
(Please note, most events mid-week will start at 7-9pm EST, some weekend events are between 3pm-9pm EST. In the future we plan on running later events for night-owls and PST people, but it's not on a consistent basis as of this post)

▬▬ι══════ Links, to learn more & join in! ═══════ι▬▬

Note: If you do not intend to be active / socialize within an FC, then we are not for you.

Get more details, pictures, and links in our carrd - zealousxiv.carrd.co
Our Hangout spot, the FC Yard - Malboro, Mist, Ward 24, Plot 14
Main FC Discord - discord.gg/ZealousXIV
DM my Personal Discord: SnowXIV.

You can also join our Raiding Server at anytime, even with no intention of joining the FC:
Raiding Discord - discord.gg/ZealousRaiding

Good yard,

Snow ❄ <Zeal>

Group Profile



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Plot 14, 24 Ward, Mist (Medium)

Estate Profile

The Zealous Hall


Apply Below!

Recruiter Profile

Community Member

Sentinel Snow Malboro [Crystal]

If you have any questions, you can contact myself or the Free Company anyway you choose, an in-game tell (Sentinel Snow @ Malboro), I am ALMOST always in Limsa beside the main Aetheryte (might be AFK), at our FC estate (Mist, Ward 24, Plot 14), leave comment below, click one of the Discord links in the main post, or honestly the best/easiest/quickest way is on Discord @ SnowXIV

Thanks for considering Zealous!


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Community Member Ei Ferret Malboro [Crystal]

This group is such a fun group of degenerates that got your back. I have never regretting joining this silly group.


Community Member Kilarai Jaana Malboro [Crystal]

Zeal is like my second home and Ive made some really good friends here! We usually got something going on and even when we dont we are all usually hanging out in discord having a blast. Please come on by and check us out sometime!


Community Member Himeros Parthian Malboro [Crystal]

I highly encourage you check this FC out. Not only is it full of amazing, kind and exceptional people, but you feel like you have a second home. Come say hi! We have people from pretty much all time zones, so you’ll always have a friend to count on when needing content or just a safe space to talk to someone. Come degen cuties! ❤️


Community Member Taramae Mac Malboro [Crystal]

I found these people by mistake and never once have I thought about going elsewhere. Nowhere else in Eorzea is as welcoming, fun, or funny!


Community Member Galka Figaro Malboro [Crystal]

There are many things in life that will disappoint you, or folks that will let you know. Zeal & its many members are not one of them! Apply today!


Community Member Maritus Vile Malboro [Crystal]

I have about 4200 hours in this game, I have spent about 3800 of those hours with this FC. They are like family to me at this point and I encourage anyone looking for a fun, safe space to enjoy all forms of content to seek this FC :)


Community Member Doflamengo Meraki Malboro [Crystal]

Whether you are just looking for an active group always running various content or a home away from home the people at Zeal provide both with just a splash of degen. Apply today and enjoy the company they all bring.


Community Member Kaelin Askavi Malboro [Crystal]

When my last FC unraveled, I found Zeal on here, and I haven't looked back since. These guys are amazing. Whether you want hard core content, early content catch up, degen time, or just an active and goofy discord to call home, this is the place to be.


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