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  • About Free Companies

    A community to play together with friends on the same World.

    Free companies are player-run organizations which allow their members to pool resources, be it items or gil, to accomplish feats that would be difficult or impossible for a single individual.
    The benefits of joining a free company include a dedicated chat channel for all members, the ability to purchase an estate to serve as the group's base of operations, and the use of free company actions that grant bonuses such as increased experience points.
    No two free companies share the same goals and motivations, so be sure to choose the free company that's right for you.

  • About Linkshells and Cross-world Linkshells

    A dedicated chat channel for players who share a common aim.

    Linkshells and cross-world linkshells are chat groups which allow for quick and easy communication between players who are not necessarily in a party or free company. Unlike free companies, players are able to join multiple linkshells, making it possible to join different communities dedicated to various aspects of the game.

    Linkshells: allow communication with any players on the same World.
    Cross-world Linkshells: allow communication with any players on the same data center.
  • About PvP Teams

    A team dedicated to enjoying PvP duties.

    Teamwork is key, so be sure to find a team with whom you're confident you can hone your skills together.

    PvP duties: allow players to compete against one another in unique instanced arenas.
Cross-world Linkshell

The Filthy Casuals Recruiting Additional Members


The Filthy Casuals

Recruiting Additional Members


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1:00 24:00
1:00 24:00
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#Glamour Enthusiasts
#Player Events
#Work-life Balance
The Filthy Casuals was started in the hopes we could form alliances with other smaller FC's that lack the people to do certain content such as roulettes, fates, dungeons, trials, and working toward high end duties. We are currently running weekly events doing extreme trials for mounts/dungeons for minions, treasure dungeons, variant runs etc according to what is needed/in demand. We welcome independent players as well as any size FC. If you're interested please join our Discord. New members will be given the "Slackers" Discord role, and will receive an invite to the IG CWLS channel if they are active (events, groups, helping others, etc). We are a mature group and expect the same from any people that join, no drama please.
We have four basic rules:
1) Be NICE, respect all members no matter what, end of subject.
2) NO spoilers! we have people in all different stages of the game, some are still working through the MSQ!
3) we are 18+. You might hear cuss words and stuff, we are adults, but let's not be excessive and don't break rule 1!.
** 4) DISCORD IS REQUIRED : https://discord.gg/RbTPDswv5d

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Community Member

Thea Sayo Ultros [Primal]

The Filthy Casuals are looking for some other small Free Companies/individuals to hang out, socialize and do runs of all sorts with. If you hate PUGS, like to run events, and want to hang with some chill people, please see the rules above and join us! Please see Details... for details.



Domi Desiderio Lamia [Primal]

Hey there! I'm an FC leader in Lamia. My FC is a small and building one as well. I would love to join the CWLS with you guys so we can work together and create a nice small fc hang out spot across the DC that would be cool!


Community Member Thea Sayo Ultros [Primal]

Excellent! I'm in game now, and over the weekend am there pretty much all day, just send me a DM and I'll get you invited, make you a leader and you can invite your members :)

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Community Member Thea Sayo Ultros [Primal]

Hey There Domi, trying to figure out how to get you an invite, seems like you're on mostly when I'm asleep lol

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Gregory Gumdrop Famfrit [Primal]

I can probably help. I'm on a good portion of the day. I've confirmed that tells and player search won't work across worlds (unless the player is already on your friend list). So we have to do a bit of world hopping to get these invites out.

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Community Member Thea Sayo Ultros [Primal]

Excellent, thank you Gregory!

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Hayden Nightfall Exodus [Primal]

Hey there! I'm interested in joining your cwls. It'll be my first time join a cwls group since mainly do leveling & mining.


Community Member Thea Sayo Ultros [Primal]

If you'd like to join us, please note: In order to join the CWLS we both need to be online at the same time. Unfortunately it's a bit complicated; can't add people from other worlds to friends list or anything like that easily. The easiest way is to shoot me a tell. /tell Thea Sayo@Ultros "Hey invite me to the CWLS please" Not sure if you have to be in the same world to do that, if so just pop over to Primal and see if myself or Qiralei Sayo is around. :)


Gregory Gumdrop Famfrit [Primal]

I'm an officer of an old FC that currently only has a few active members. several of us would be glad to join. I'll keep a look out for you being online.

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Community Member Thea Sayo Ultros [Primal]

I am usually on during the week from about 6pm - 9pm ish EST. On the weekends I am generally around from 9 am to 10pmish EST, I do step away at times but if you leave a message or add me to your friends list I can get you invited, make you a leader, and then you can invite whomever you'd like.

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0 / 500


Gregory Gumdrop Famfrit [Primal]

EST eh? ok i'll take that into consideration.

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Moss Vask Exodus [Primal]

I'm an officer of a small FC that only has a few active members and I would love to join this LS to connect with more players to play more content. We are on Exodus ;)


Community Member Thea Sayo Ultros [Primal]

Excellent, I'll keep an eye out for you, as mentioned above they've made it a bit complicated getting out invites so keep an eye out for me online and I will do the same. Will need to get out a friends request or be in the same world in order to get you the invite. Once done I will make you a leader so you can invite any other members that may be interested. :)

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Community Member Thea Sayo Ultros [Primal]

Moss you can also reach out to Inevitable Snow, Gregory Hopkins, or Qiralei Sayo for an invite if you can't find me. I am on now and will be on for a good while but may be back and forth away from my computer.

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Community Member Thea Sayo Ultros [Primal]

Hey shoot one of us a message when you're on, we're hunting for you! You can also hit me up on discord: Thea#0398 so we can coordinate something when we're both online.

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Savage Snow Exodus [Primal]

Hi! I'm the leader of a very small FC on Exodus. We have a few active members, but not enough to do most content regularly. I'd love to join your CWLS to help make running all kinds of content more accessible and to have fun making new connections with new players.


Gregory Gumdrop Famfrit [Primal]

I should be able to send you an invite. Are you on now?

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Elmrok Kirishima Lamia [Primal]

Hi there, I'm an FC leader on Lamia, only about 9 or 10 of us playing very casually right now. A few might be interested in joining this group to run higher content or just to have people to run with in general.


Gregory Gumdrop Famfrit [Primal]

welcome to the team

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Gotts Bastion Hyperion [Primal]

Hey, I'd be interested in joining!


Gregory Gumdrop Famfrit [Primal]

Invite sent

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Lunar Vanhollow Excalibur [Primal]

I would like an invite


Gregory Gumdrop Famfrit [Primal]

Welcome to the team

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Gregory Gumdrop Famfrit [Primal]

Congratulations to everyone on the mounts.


Community Member Thea Sayo Ultros [Primal]

That was messy but fun! :)

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Gregory Gumdrop Famfrit [Primal]

I'll have to run the variant dungeon with ya sometime. It's quite fun and gave me my new fav minion.

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Community Member Thea Sayo Ultros [Primal]

Definitely, we just keep crossing haha. Today I was bored and noone wanted to do anything XD

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Trooper Trooper Lamia [Primal]

Hi there been away long enough to forget lookin for laid-back peeps


Gregory Gumdrop Famfrit [Primal]

Join our discord so we can invite you when you're on. https://discord.gg/ShbBwwwc3w

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Gregory Gumdrop Famfrit [Primal]

alternatively, if you let us know what times you're normally on, I can try hopping over to Lamia to catch you online. That's a bit hit and miss though.

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Gregory Gumdrop Famfrit [Primal]

Been hopping over to lamia every now and then to see if you're on, but can't seem to catch you. If you're still interested, come by the discord.

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Eley Sion Hyperion [Primal]

Good afternoon! I would love to join!


Gregory Gumdrop Famfrit [Primal]

I'll be on the lookout for you. have to transfer servers to see whether you're on or not though. same for sending tells and invites. I seem to have missed you for now. Once you're online you can hop to famfrit and send me a tell or hop on our discord and let us know there.
link is https://discord.gg/ShbBwwwc3w

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Magister Lumi Behemoth [Primal]

Hi, if you guys are still looking for members I would love to join your band of casuals <3


Gregory Gumdrop Famfrit [Primal]

Be glad to have to you. Let us know when you are online and we'll try to get you an invite. You can drop by the discord as well at https://discord.gg/ShbBwwwc3w

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Mortis Lator-deus Famfrit [Primal]

Hey there looking to join a new LS to become part of community! If still recruiting please add me


Gregory Gumdrop Famfrit [Primal]

Invite sent

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Nunya Baggins Exodus [Primal]

Hey I’m not an FC leader but I am an officer. I would love to join and have a larger community to play with. I’m in the FC The saviors that more low key and dedicated to helping new players


Community Member Thea Sayo Ultros [Primal]

Thanks for joining us! :)

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Omen Thewise Famfrit [Primal]

Haven't really been part of a community. Would love to join if the opportunity is still available.


Community Member Thea Sayo Ultros [Primal]

You are welcome to join us, easiest way is to pop on to the discord so we know you're online and someone will get you in :) https://discord.gg/ShbBwwwc3w

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Community Member Leon Songbringer Hyperion [Primal]

I'm looking to do Raid Content. I'm an all-rounder and an omnicrafter/gatherer. I need more in-game folks to play with. I also identify as a filthy casual.


Gregory Gumdrop Famfrit [Primal]

I'll try to catch you if you're online. If you're looking to do SAVAGE EW raids, there may be better linkshells out there (like casual raid group) that are more focused on that. But I was planning on getting some people together for the normal abyssal raids soon.

You may also check out our discord https://discord.gg/ShbBwwwc3w to easily let us know when you're online.

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Izzy Boo Exodus [Primal]

I dont own a FC i can bring but i can bring my own butt if you wants!!!


Community Member Thea Sayo Ultros [Primal]

Please join our discord if you haven't already and we will get you in: https://discord.com/invite/ShbBwwwc3w

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Strike Starshatter Behemoth [Primal]

I would like an invite please! Server: Behemoth / Character: Strike Starshatter


Community Member Thea Sayo Ultros [Primal]

Please join our discord if you haven't already and we will get you in: https://discord.com/invite/ShbBwwwc3w

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Moshie Yu Golem [Dynamis]

Hey can I get an invite?


Community Member Thea Sayo Ultros [Primal]

Please join our discord if you haven't already and we will get you in: https://discord.com/invite/ShbBwwwc3w

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Marius Adler Hyperion [Primal]

Hey, I own Twin Ivory <<IVORY>> & we'd actually been discussing looking to get more events going via groups like these, so I would totally appreciate an invite!


Community Member Thea Sayo Ultros [Primal]

Please join our discord if you haven't already and we will get you in: https://discord.com/invite/ShbBwwwc3w

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Community Member Nile Vancoth Exodus [Primal]

Hey there, I was wondering if I could get an invite. I'm an independent player whose current FC is is low on activity and I'm down to join some people to actually play with.

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Community Member Thea Sayo Ultros [Primal]

Please join our discord if you haven't already and we will get you in: https://discord.com/invite/ShbBwwwc3w

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Angelika Maria Leviathan [Primal]

Hello, my husband and I are looking for an FC. Our current FC is low on active players. Happy to chat more if you're available!


Community Member Thea Sayo Ultros [Primal]

Please join our discord if you haven't already and we will get you in: https://discord.com/invite/ShbBwwwc3w if you have questions or need help please reach out in game (Thea Sayo@Ultros) or on the discord and we'll be happy to help!

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Community Member Halharu Infigaru Ultros [Primal]

Hello! I’m filthy and I’m a casual, plus a friend recommended you lot. I’d love to join


Redcrosse Tenken Lamia [Primal]

I would like to join. I have been wanting to try my hand at Extremes, and I figured I should probably find some like-minded individuals! How do I get an invite?


Community Member Thea Sayo Ultros [Primal]

Hello! Please join our discord if you haven't already and we will get you in: https://discord.com/invite/ShbBwwwc3w

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Arun Highland Brynhildr [Crystal]

Hoping to join

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Gregory Gumdrop Famfrit [Primal]

Glad to have ya.

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Community Member Thea Sayo Ultros [Primal]

We are at 37/64 for channel two and filling fast! Recruitment is still open :)


Community Member N'aivir Alexaire Hyperion [Primal]

Are you still recruiting? Old player recently returned after a long break and it seems my old groups are dead =(


Community Member Thea Sayo Ultros [Primal]

Happy to have you and welcome! :)

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Lathariel Delosian Famfrit [Primal]

Hello. I’m interested in joining my FC is full of friends that have returned to the game and transferred servers. We are rebuilding our FC in the process. Would love to have contacts experienced with the game.


Bumpot Topmub Lamia [Primal]

hello i want to join bc i have no friends and i am lonely. i want friends that will tell me im the best in combat, even when i am absolute dog. if you dont invite me thats ok, but just know a lala NEVER forgets....

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Syn Takk Excalibur [Primal]

Hi, I'm a returning player whose previous linkshells and FC are unfortunately pretty dead. I'd love to get an invite to have some people to chat with!


Community Member Thea Sayo Ultros [Primal]

Thanks all for the interest, please see above and join the discord if you have not already. Once you're in the discord (which is required) we'll get you an invite the the CWLS.


Community Member Thea Sayo Ultros [Primal]

Recruitment is suspended at this time as both CWLS channels are near capactity again. Thanks to all for the interest.


Community Member Thea Sayo Ultros [Primal]

We have reopened requirement! Please see above for rules/discord link and come join us! Please note that discord is required!!


Community Member Thea Sayo Ultros [Primal]

If you are interested in joining us please see above details, as the requirements have changed. Thank you and looking forward to meeting you!


Raysaya Lane Excalibur [Primal]

Names Raysaya Lane i am on Excalibur Primal looking for more ppl to be Casual. I am really bad trying to meet new ppl cause i always feel like i am imposing. I am willing to join a discord sever. chaoticxarlane is my Discord, Also i am old enough to buy my own home 35 M do i need to join the discord server first let me know plz.

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Community Member Thea Sayo Ultros [Primal]

Updated with new discord invite link. As per above, discord is required to join. https://discord.gg/RbTPDswv5d

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Community Member Thea Sayo Ultros [Primal]

We currently have a handful of channel openings for active members, and our biggest event/contest of the year is upcoming! Join the discord link above for more details!


Ganit Firmament Famfrit [Primal]

Hello, I was looking to join a Free Company in ffxiv.


Community Member Thea Sayo Ultros [Primal]

We are temporarily suspending recruitment, check back in January!


Community Member Thea Sayo Ultros [Primal]

Patch is coming and we have some room for new, active members! See details above and join our discord!


Community Member Thea Sayo Ultros [Primal]

open for recruiting again! please see details above on how to join :)


Elia Stone Leviathan [Primal]

Looking to join the linkshell, can i get an invite?


Community Member Thea Sayo Ultros [Primal]

Pop on over to the discord, link is above! We'll get you invited :)

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0 / 500


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