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Free companies are player-run organizations which allow their members to pool resources, be it items or gil, to accomplish feats that would be difficult or impossible for a single individual.
The benefits of joining a free company include a dedicated chat channel for all members, the ability to purchase an estate to serve as the group's base of operations, and the use of free company actions that grant bonuses such as increased experience points.
No two free companies share the same goals and motivations, so be sure to choose the free company that's right for you.
Linkshells and cross-world linkshells are chat groups which allow for quick and easy communication between players who are not necessarily in a party or free company. Unlike free companies, players are able to join multiple linkshells, making it possible to join different communities dedicated to various aspects of the game.
Linkshells: allow communication with any players on the same World.Teamwork is key, so be sure to find a team with whom you're confident you can hone your skills together.
PvP duties: allow players to compete against one another in unique instanced arenas.Anxious Eorzeans Recruiting Additional Members
-Recruiting Additional Members
?Community Member Cie Fome Ultros [Primal]
Feels like most of this post described me lol. I just beat Shadowbringers but I still feel "fresh" and get a little anxious whenever I queue up for raids. I've had only good experiences so far but it would be nice to have a link shell I can ask for help in and to vibe with likeminded players.
Community Member Bekah Nixto Leviathan [Primal]
I'd love to join this link shell if you're still accepting new members. I get anxious doing certain things in game & it would be nice to connect with others who feel this way too.
Uriel Dedrick Lamia [Primal]
Hello, I would love an invite to this LS.
Community Member Tamako Zavezsa Famfrit [Primal]
Hi! I'd love an invite to this linkshell if you'll have me, I want to meet more people to connect or play with in this game. I just recently got back into it and I really want to do as much as possible once I clear MSQ and catch up. I don't know many others who play ff14 and want to reach out to others who'd like to interact with a newbie like me!
Community Member Kilori Sugo Famfrit [Primal]
Hello ! i'd lov to join :)
Community Member Theria Cobalt Lamia [Primal]
I'm working on inviting everyone who has asked so far, it's just a matter of us being online at the same time. Thank you all, I'm super excited to have you!
Seethos Dakwhil Behemoth [Primal]
My Fiance and I would like to join this linkshell :)
Community Member Fitz Locke Leviathan [Primal]
I'd love to join! :D
Community Member Meg Hearts Leviathan [Primal]
I would also love to join! :]
Community Member Mireen North Leviathan [Primal]
I'd love to join too! <3
Fae Crumbottom Leviathan [Primal]
Hello! Im socially inept and looking to make new friends and would love to join the LS!
Community Member S'vard Gwynbleidd Excalibur [Primal]
I've been playing for awhile and im looking for some new buddies to chill with i'd love to join the CWLS :)
Community Member Theria Cobalt Lamia [Primal]
I'm sorry it's taking so long to get your invite to you! It seems we just haven't been logged in at the same times at all. Is there any certain time you're most likely to be on, so I can try to catch you?
Community Member Isilda Cadrioux Ultros [Primal]
This sounds like the perfect group for me! I’d love an invite :)
-- -- ----
I'd really love to join because I am exactly this way and share this feeling with you guys when I am tanking. I handled it pretty well in the lower leveled dungeons, but... my level is increasing and so is my anxiety. I'd love an invite please! Best way to reach me is through Discord! Username is mraddison1988
Zeiis Caratos Leviathan [Primal]
I want to join this LS, fair warning... I'm socially awkward... now being a star peg in square and circle holes... I'm on during CST mornings and late nights.... if you want to leave a msg here let us arrange a meeting time so you can test the waters with my brand of wasabi
Community Member Sylvia Izayoi Ultros [Primal]
I'd be interesting in join as well.
Umeko Hagane Ultros [Primal]
Hello, I am interested in joining :D This sounds perfect for me!
Tsubasa Kaminari Ultros [Primal]
If you're still accepting applications, I'd be interested in joining.
Caine Redgreave Leviathan [Primal]
Id love an invite if youre still taking in people I have such bad tank and healer anxiety lol
Pheo Ken Exodus [Primal]
Hiii I'm still very new to the game and everything in general about this community so naturally I'm kinda nervous about this all, but your group seems very nice if you're still allowing people to join I'd love to join
Ratchet Czarkastik Famfrit [Primal]
I am also interested if I could join as well. I play most nights and wanted to find a group to play along in content.
Eden Katz Kraken [Dynamis]
Hi there. I would like to join. Mostly been playing alone and I do have a lot of anxiety in general. Specially with making friends.
Kamui Yumishi Exodus [Primal]
I would love to join! This is a major struggle for me.
Kamui Yumishi Exodus [Primal]
If you need to get ahold of me out of game you can use discord! GhostlyShoe454#3335
Angle Deckard Behemoth [Primal]
Hi, I'd like to join!
Cirrisian Vesprellum Excalibur [Primal]
Hey there! Looking to join the CWLS because my ingame chat has been abysmally quiet. Hoping to find new people to chat with!
Richter Atreus Lamia [Primal]
Hello! I'd love to join this linkshell with like-minded people. I still am nervous during tanking that I will party wipe or not going fast enough!
Sassy Sweets Ultros [Primal]
I'd like to join!
Aki Owo Exodus [Primal]
I'd like to join please :)
Dinobob Buggin Leviathan [Primal]
Hey I'd like to join!
Mellinda Celestine Ultros [Primal]
Hello, i would like to join too :)
Sunleth Waterscape Ultros [Primal]
Hey, I'm looking for more people to play with. interested in joining if you're still looking for members!
Rinara Crystalmoon Lamia [Primal]
I would love to join! Have been tryin to catch you online but alas!
Cryo Tayo Hyperion [Primal]
I'd be interested in joining if you're still open :0
Yvonne Liberi Adamantoise [Aether]
Hiya! I'd like to join!
Cid Exeltion Famfrit [Primal]
I would like to join!
Frae May Excalibur [Primal]
Heya, I would like to join.
Deo Blue Leviathan [Primal]
Would love to join. I've been wanting to get into FFXIV more and anxiety has been my biggest limiting factor!
Cohhee Time Hyperion [Primal]
I would love to join!
Zealous Durendal Excalibur [Primal]
I'd like to join!
Rhay O'light Lamia [Primal]
Hi! I would like to join!!!! Thank you
Samuell Spearsoul Exodus [Primal]
Hello! I'm a fairly veteran player who has once partaken (and still on some degree do) in the activity known as "physically shaking out of sheer nervousness" during a variety of content.
I'd like to join the linkshell if you'll have me!
Fiend Forever Ultros [Primal]
Hey I've been wanting to get more into the game. Just started Shadowbringers but I have such a hard time making friends in-game/connecting with other players. If you're still accepting members, I would love to be part of this.
Mamani Mani Exodus [Primal]
I'd like to join! I don't know anyone who plays this game and am always too nervous to socialize but this group seems very kind :)
Ahnebb Gah Ultros [Primal]
Ayo! I'd love to join this linkshell!
Novalle Shadowsinger Famfrit [Primal]
I'd like to join if possible!
Ivy Vao Lamia [Primal]
I would love to join this linkshell if possible please
Aranea Zenith Hyperion [Primal]
I would definitely love to join! :)
Sami'tan Binbotaj Ultros [Primal]
I'd love to join this LS. I'm still learning the game and would love to have people to play with and teach me stuff to do in FF.
Twilight Breeze Excalibur [Primal]
Hey, i'd love to join if that would be okay :D. I'm a returning player readjusting to the game.
Maven Kamui Leviathan [Primal]
I'd love an invite to the LS and the discord if you could send one my way. My discord is punsie if you need it.
Morgan Oriner Hyperion [Primal]
I've been dealing with cishet neurotypicals, they've got me anxious can I pleas---- (an invite would be very much appreciated if you have the time and are still taking new people) ((also my discord is reginarishulli, if you want it))
Morven Vahl Famfrit [Primal]
Hello! Reading the description for this LS almost had me wondering if someone was spying on me with how accurate it is, if you're still taking members I'd love to be a part of this LS and the discord. My discord is creativelybankrupt.
Toma Toe Behemoth [Primal]
Hello. Would also like to join if you still have room for me.
Zexius Umbra Leviathan [Primal]
I would like to join if possible! I am a returning player but I have too much anxiety to try dungeons and raids by myself
Shirokyu Sawamura Exodus [Primal]
Would like to join! Tanking n healing scares the hell outta me ^^;
Alisha Thaane Seraph [Dynamis]
I’d love to join! I have social anxiety :S
Alec Redion Famfrit [Primal]
I'd love to join as well! Coming back after a few years and wanting to help anxious folk
Julia Kholin Leviathan [Primal]
Hi, I would love an invite because I strongly connect with the description of anxiety in your post.
Kat'hryn Dahljwen Hyperion [Primal]
If you're still accepting applications, I'd be very interested in joining for it sounds like the perfect group for me! Discord ID = kathryndahljwen I am usually on most days est.
Zappy Valentine Exodus [Primal]
Hi I would love to join as a fellow socially anxious person! I'm new to the game and currently questing through hevansward. My discord is zappy620 if its easier that way.
Sen Shadow Exodus [Primal]
Hello! I'd like to join please! This CWLS sounds absolutely perfect.
Gemma Heart Famfrit [Primal]
Hello, I would like to join please! And be around all you lovely anxious-like-me people! ^.^
Pagi Sulfy Famfrit [Primal]
I would really like to join you guys. I need some good people to help me unwind.
Mano Oscura Marilith [Dynamis]
Hello! I’d love an invitation to this group.
Zenless Zen Famfrit [Primal]
I would love to join u guys!
Eleanor Valkyr Exodus [Primal]
Hello! I'd like to join! :) My discord is eleanorrosewood
Pandoria Solaris Ultros [Primal]
Hi there! I would love to join if you are still accepting members! I would love to chat with fellow anxious people while playing :) my discord is cosmiicjinx, I usually play on weekends!
Alessandra Nekohime Exodus [Primal]
Hi there, i understand if you're not recruiting but id really like to join. Im new to this game and mmos, im not very good at meeting people and im really afraid of embarrassing myself but this seems like a really good fit.
Nebril Valrieth Halicarnassus [Dynamis]
If your still accepting members I would like to join.
Faetherel Greywolfe Behemoth [Primal]
If there’s room for one more sometimes anxious neurodivergent please by all means count me in!
Ketamiine Kirby Famfrit [Primal]
I would love to join if you are still recruiting. my free company doesnt play anymore and I am looking for another group to chill and play this game with!
Einar Cauthon Hyperion [Primal]
I would also be interested in joining if you are still recruiting!
Daphne Nephele Famfrit [Primal]
Hi, I would love to join! I'm pretty anxious when it comes to playing with others, but trying to work on it. Would love to join to meet new people and maybe run some roulettes
Galadriell Lothlorien Behemoth [Primal]
Hi, I'd love to join :)
Express Mail Exodus [Primal]
Hello, could I have an invite to this linkshell? Thank you!
Quintus Varuu Malboro [Crystal]
I'd love to join the CWLS when possible! Please send an invite!
I play just about everyday after 4/5PM PST and am typically on for large parts of my weekend - Discord is SanDaruIV if its easier to reach me there instead. (This also just goes for anyone else is looking for a friend)
Ryn Duskfyre Exodus [Primal]
I'd be interested in joining this CWLS, am a bit more on the Tankxiety (sometimes just content I don't feel like I know perfectly in general cause don't want to drag down the group even though every group I've been in has always been super nice upon actually talking) + Social initiation anxiety but would also be happy to try to support
Spice Latte Brynhildr [Crystal]
Hello! I’d love to join if there are still spots open!!
Papta Carenth Hyperion [Primal]
A lot of what you described sounds a lot like myself. I'm newer to the game and would love to join if you would have me.
Thoma Wulfhart Leviathan [Primal]
If your still taking members id love to join! Ive been looking to meet new people and this seems like a perfect way!
Lissi Hawke Excalibur [Primal]
I want to apply but my anxiety is making it hard to press the button. Maybe if I close my eyes while I do it.....
Sorkhaghtani Baargon Behemoth [Primal]
Hi! I'd really like to join. Feel like I fit the requirements perfectly and I'd love to connect with other players who just want to be laid-back and easy going about the game.
Kabuki Hashirama Excalibur [Primal]
Heys I also have anxeity and look for a supportive active FC my game names Is Kabuki /Enzo irl name, for the time being in sharing my character with my bestie Noah also my nann passed away so I need something healthy AND SUPPORTIVE ,FC WISE but yes hope to make new friends and or companions to game with when I'm online so I'm not as "alone" I also have discord Kirac912
Mikhail Pawlick Behemoth [Primal]
Invite me, if possible please o/
Ragnvaldr Ster Lamia [Primal]
Hello! I would like to join please
Rikki Phoxx Exodus [Primal]
I would like an invite please. Im new to game january.
Azsh Eonhart Excalibur [Primal]
Hello, I was wondering if it would be possible to join the cwls. Please and thank you
Bunny Atara Sargatanas [Aether]
Hello. Im looking for a community to run daily content with. Im experienced enough at the game but I suffer from SA so I know what it can be like. I'd like to help people run content as an excuse to make friends. If this is still active feel free to send me an invite.
Eleri Izumi Leviathan [Primal]
I'd like to join if possible! Ironic how to join the CWLC you need to put yourself out there ;-;
Erilynd Len Lamia [Primal]
I would like to join if this is active~!
Nocte Isolet Zalera [Crystal]
Hey, I'd like to join if possible. I've got social anxiety and I've been trying to get back into the game lately. Would be down to help people run stuff if needed as well. I've been on Primal lately.
Tempeh Impala Famfrit [Primal]
Hey there! I'd love to join! I totally get tankxiety sometimes haha and I'm looking to make some friends! I'm returning to FFXIV this week, but I'm essentially a complete sprout :p
Discord : tempeh_impala
Ji Nin Behemoth [Primal]
I'd love to join
Mineva Sanderwicci Leviathan [Primal]
I'd like to join if this is still available
Alexander Dusk Leviathan [Primal]
Raised hand! I would love to join and meet fellow players interested in a chill and friendly jolly co-op!!
Ray Mist Adamantoise [Aether]
May I please join? my discord is _Raylin
Chidori Darktide Lamia [Primal]
Hallo~ I would also like to join your linkshell.
Mason Jarkle Hyperion [Primal]
Would like to join if you have space!
Intricate Riddle Ultros [Primal]
Returning player who forgot everything about the game. Would love to join!
Xylixia Xisyss Lamia [Primal]
I'd love to join as a semi-anxious person!
Zhadn Tevryukoh Leviathan [Primal]
Sounds fun! Would love an invite!
Honoka Summerset Ultros [Primal]
terrified of social interactions, so willing to give this group a shot. I'm able to log in most hours
Pandora Noykin Famfrit [Primal]
Would be very grateful for an invite. New tank just trying to learn.
Taj Fedirah Ultros [Primal]
This makes me so happy. I neeeeed this. I would love to join pls
I usually pop online in the evenings between 8-11p eastern time
Dokeshi Fukuro Exodus [Primal]
I would be interested in joining. I mostly keep to myself when it comes to content and have a lot of anxiety with tanking and healing but it would be nice to meet people who deal with the same kind of issues and relate.
Zero Wolfheart Leviathan [Primal]
Hello! I've been wanting to meet new people and perhaps friends to enjoy this world with more! >~<
Nyanta Melromarc Behemoth [Primal]
Sounds like a lovely place to meet others! I'm pretty unsure of myself in game and have not really branched out at all yet (still fairly new). Being the high stress individual that I am, maybe this could be awesome if you'll have me!
Eira Galatea Lamia [Primal]
Hi, if you still have open spots I would love to join!
Fade Galestrider Behemoth [Primal]
I wouldn't mind joining if only for the conversations.
Cyrus Mandela Excalibur [Primal]
I am generally capable with all the roles, but I have a lot of social anxiety. I would like to join for the chance to help out and maybe overcome some of my anxiety about making friends.
Mjna Venase Ultros [Primal]
As someone that is finding it hard to make friends, I'd love an invite to the linkshell! Thanks!
Maka Evans Exodus [Primal]
I would like an invite to this linkshell. Being disabled physically and mentally does make it harder to do much. I find myself running with trust or npcs more often rather then doing dailies.
Sunny' Skye Lamia [Primal]
Hello! If possible, was hoping to get an invite to your LS. Sounds like a nice safe space indeed for anxious people like me.
Madame Panda Exodus [Primal]
Sounds like the place to help me get over my tankxiety! I would love an invite if you guys are still accepting people!
Illarya Menma Excalibur [Primal]
Hello! If you are still recruiting, I'd love to join.
Caius Victor Exodus [Primal]
Hello! I would love to join the group. I think it would be lovely to have other anxious beans to play with and get adjusted to the game more as well c:
Ulinn Jenkins Exodus [Primal]
As a very anxious person that has a hard time making friends, Id love an invite if possible! Also my discord is ulinn0302.
Tanaqui Cennoreth Lamia [Primal]
Hi! I'm a very anxious sprout who would love to join if possible.
Lunaire Lycoris Famfrit [Primal]
Hello! I would like to join the CWLS! :D
York Dunburo Famfrit [Primal]
Hey! I'd love to join this group n_n
Koriolannis Snow Famfrit [Primal]
I would love to be part of this group if recruitment is still possible ^^/
K'shtah Redblade Exodus [Primal]
Hello! May I join? I enjoy helping out when I can and encouraging my fellow players. though sometimes my tankxiety gets the best of me. especially in unfamiliar group content.
Kyazuma Rouge Behemoth [Primal]
please invite me i would love to join.
Xena Magnus-nex Famfrit [Primal]
I would love to join,, I want more people to play the game with but haven't find people to vibe with yet cause interacting hard
Evangeline Tayuun Leviathan [Primal]
Heya. I'd love to join this linkshell. It'd be wonderful to join a no pressure chill linkshell
Rowan Oathsworn Famfrit [Primal]
Hi there, I’d like to join if you’re still recruiting :)
Ajauri Izejo Halicarnassus [Dynamis]
Hello, you've likely long since reached the maximum capacity for a CWLS, but I would love to join if any slots become available. It's a shame that these are limited to 64 members, as anxiety seems far more widespread than I thought. If there are no slots available, no worries; it's still a relief to know that I'm not the only one who feels this way.
Kino Kurai Lamia [Primal]
Hi! I saw this on the Community finder and found that it I totally related to everything written here! I've been trying to find a means to hang out with other players whether through FCs or other means, but I've always found the process to be really intimidating and rough. I was hoping that that'd there was a possibility that I could join and hang out with others who can sympathize with the struggle!
Cho Rim Exodus [Primal]
Hi! Even though I can very social sometimes, there are moments I can related with a lot thigs you said, specially lately. Since the vibe seems to be chill, I would like to join the CWLS if its possible. I don't have experiences with CWLS or LS in general, but I thought about giving a shot. Cheers.
Weilan Wangxian Lamia [Primal]
Oh, I've found my people :) Yes, please. I'm online most evenings, and would love an invite!
Xeno Extremis Hyperion [Primal]
I would absolutely love to join :)
Juniper Skyrose Leviathan [Primal]
If there is room, I would like an invite
Tylerokor Meteor Behemoth [Primal]
Would love to join the CWLS if there's still room!
Raskol Nikov Behemoth [Primal]
Hi, I'm interested in joining. If you still have room, throw me an invite!
Rowland Lannel Hyperion [Primal]
I would like to join, i need to get more involved.
Sarca Stormrage Behemoth [Primal]
Interesting is finding people to enjoy the game with!
Kaeste Skywalker Exodus [Primal]
If you are still recruiting, I would love to be apart of this community! I am a returning player and your post describes me perfectly. I am having a hard time even running dailies. I would love to help others as best I can as well as surround my self with the support of others.
Ignis Scienti'a Hyperion [Primal]
If you're still recruiting, I would love to join. I recently made an alt account in an attempt to force myself not to rely solely on my best friend to carry me through the game, but I literally call him my 'emotional support healer' for a reason, haha. This sounds like a lovely community you've put together.
Braden Athair Hyperion [Primal]
Returning player after a few years away, and definitely have the anxiety vibes. If you're still recruiting, I'd love to join.
Cheche Slothyy Exodus [Primal]
Hey! I would like to join if there are still spots available! I love people but have bad anxiety, so this sounded really nice. I also have trouble with new dungeons (I shake a lot and can't even click some buttons XD)...although I guess being a healer wasn't the best decision with the anxiety aspect. I also have a socially anxious boyfriend who would also like to join with me!
Algyle Uzumaki Leviathan [Primal]
May I join? I'm in Primal/Leviathan
Alkanos Ironstar Excalibur [Primal]
I'd also like an invite, though I've never been in a linkshell and have no idea how things work. Or any of the social aspect of FFXIV really, only duty-finder for the most part.
Mimifell Bunny Excalibur [Primal]
My DNA is like 80% anxiety I'm sure of it! Would be great to have a chill LS to hang out with. I'm from Excalibur in Primal!
Joon'woo Cheon Exodus [Primal]
Me D: Anxious 99% of the time. If you don't mind :) I"m in Hyperion Primal
Gaul A'sammael Ultros [Primal]
I want to get better at my jobs but SOCIAL ANXIETY. I would love to join for the support :)
Odin Leingod Behemoth [Primal]
Count me in!!!
Lightningstrike Dawn Leviathan [Primal]
Can I get an invite? Could use some supportive friends who have anxiety too.
Bastion Brujo Excalibur [Primal]
This sounds like the LS for me. See ya in game!
Pia Mhura Famfrit [Primal]
I'd love to join!
Ohno Mihgo Leviathan [Primal]
this is definitely the kind of group I've been looking for! definitely want to make more friends and get better at the game but I always get that heatwave of anxiety whenever I actually START talking to people in game lol. I would like an invite if possible, please (:
John Threll Behemoth [Primal]
Since i suffer from depression and social anxiety, it is hard to feel included with people, and to make friends on FFXIV. Finding a group like this is something that makes me happy, and i would greatly appreciate an invitation if possible, thank you in advance.
Dario Azuralis Excalibur [Primal]
I'm a pretty anxious person and would be interested in joining this linkshell
Catchow Seyer Hyperion [Primal]
If this LS is still recruiting i would love to join.
Maerlyn Prim Excalibur [Primal]
Hi there! If you still have spots I would love to join :)
Leva Xikru Famfrit [Primal]
hi! i'd love to be invited to the LS if you're still recruiting <3 i'm on most days after 6pm Eastern, and basically all day on weekends!
Zorea Eversong Behemoth [Primal]
Hello! I'd be interested in an invite if the LS is accepting. Thanks for the time!
Artemis Krayle Excalibur [Primal]
Hello! I would love an invite if you guys are still recruiting. Happy to do all sorts of content in any role, and looking for more people to run dungeons with. Thanks!
Brent Albright Behemoth [Primal]
Hey there, Can I have an invite? I've been having a hard time finding friends in game to do content.
Dayir Kahkol Hyperion [Primal]
Would love to join a space that seems quite welcoming! Let me know if you still have space haha.
Moonsofie Velvetine Midgardsormr [Aether]
Hello pls I want an invite, I'm super anxious even too write here heheh
Priscilla De'ru Exodus [Primal]
I too feel like I fit this group and would love to join.
Crikit Agnor Behemoth [Primal]
I would love to join this group :)
Nacht Valentine Famfrit [Primal]
Hello! I would like to join if you're still accepting ppl ^^
Azamara Sehki Lamia [Primal]
Trying to make friends in MMOs is scary. Trying to learn to tank or heal is even scarier. Thus, I would like to take the first step in overcoming that by looking for Linkshells to join!~
Sidonne Norvallen Hyperion [Primal]
Would love an invite :) Reachable on discord: literarylasagna
Maa Gesi Ultros [Primal]
Making friends is way too scary for my own good but I'm tired of playing this game alone ;; I'd love an invite if possible ♡
Hollow Wildwood Exodus [Primal]
I'd love an invite!!
Mahni Minobu Hyperion [Primal]
Hi! I would love to get an invite if you're still accepting!
Ruby Soho Ultros [Primal]
Is this shell actually inviting people? Would really like to join. A discord link would probably really help. ^^;
Athiel Yshvai Behemoth [Primal]
If you are still inviting, I would love to get an invite! :D
Jessine Ave'dorado Famfrit [Primal]
Hello :) If you're still open, may I get an invite?
Jessine Ave'dorado Famfrit [Primal]
Hello, just checking in to see if invitations are still open?
Anatoli Vetillon Ultros [Primal]
Hello! I would like an invite if possible. I've been playing since February and want to make some friends to play with! I'm not really socially anxious (just anxious in general lol) but I would love to play with others who might not be comfortable in social settings.
Daina Edakumi Rafflesia [Dynamis]
Hello! I'd like an invite if you're still open.
Eris Virose Behemoth [Primal]
Hi! Would love an invite if possible.
Aria Argenti Ultros [Primal]
Hello! i'd like an invite, mostly just looking for a place to make friends.
Wyste Amarino Excalibur [Primal]
If there's still available space I'd like to join. I'm not anxious myself, but someone who likes helping out those that are. ^^
Melva Toonz Leviathan [Primal]
idk if invites are are still open but id like to join lmao
Axais Bastard-born Hyperion [Primal]
if possible, I'd like to join please n thank you
Ceo Vandershield Famfrit [Primal]
would love to join if still recruiting!
Tommy Cadet Famfrit [Primal]
Would like to join if still accepting people
Lumina Grey Ultros [Primal]
I would love to join if you folks are still recruiting :)
Mael Mil'ie Faerie [Aether]
if you're still accepting people, i'd love to join!! :D
Kyohshi Blep Leviathan [Primal]
I would love an invite if you are still accepting people! :)
Mango Taali Lamia [Primal]
Hiya! This seems like a perfect linkshell for me! If you are still recruiting, I would love an invite :)
M'aiq'the Liar Hyperion [Primal]
Hello, I have some of these problems and would like a chance in your community to see how things feel and possibly get over some of my nervousness when doing content.
Tyr Valint Behemoth [Primal]
Don't think I've ever seen my feelings about MMOs described as accurately as they are in the description for this linkshell before! Would love to join up if that's still a thing :)
Mael Mil'ie Faerie [Aether]
hello~ a lot of these problems resonate with me, so i'd like to join this linkshell if you're still accepting members. TwT
Kyt Cross Famfrit [Primal]
Just wanted to stop by and maybe ask for an invitation to the LS. Would be nice to get back into the swing of things without too much pressure . u.
Lilisette Portia Hyperion [Primal]
im new but id love the chance to join and make some friends
Elysia Seraphina Famfrit [Primal]
If you are still recruiting would love to join!
Kuyo Moks Lamia [Primal]
Hello! I was wondering if you were still recruiting for your linkshelll?
Marye Jane Hyperion [Primal]
I'd like to join if you're still recruiting.
Stelline Allemande Behemoth [Primal]
I want to join! I'm a sage main and while I am just fine in 4 man's, I die doing stupid stuff in 8 r 24 man's all the time xD let me join you! I will run content with anyone with no judgement - and usually my healing skills are great if I don't die to a stupid mechanic. (Usually it's when everyone else is a-okay, yet when everyone else dies I don't usually? Lol.)
Astie Cortado Exodus [Primal]
I'd really appreciate an invite if possible!
Zaria Adraga Ultros [Primal]
I'd love to join!
Mikey Wantsfood Lamia [Primal]
Id like to join :) have trouble making friends, and kinda want more peeps to do stuff with since i have no life
Mynanka Ajasach Famfrit [Primal]
Hello! I would love to join. I love playing healer and I think I do good, but the higher difficulties scare me a bit I'm not gonna lie
Astalfo Wiloh Ultros [Primal]
id love to join, i want more people to play with and give me faster queues on dps ;)
Leroux Cerf Famfrit [Primal]
Where were you guys when i started to tank for the first time? Lol. Ill keep an eye out for you in game!
Marth Wolf Famfrit [Primal]
I'm looking for friends to run with, I've been across several servers. I like running mostly every thing. My hours seem to couincide with yours on weekends
Chronisia Timon Famfrit [Primal]
Oh this sounds just right! I suffer from Tanking anxiety of the highest order. But the Gunbreaker and Dark Knight is just too tempting not to try; but then panic and bail, then try again and so goes the loop! So, I'd love to join, you know, before the panic loop starts again. Thanks.
Emmi Rynn Leviathan [Primal]
Hi, are you still recruiting? I'd love to join on this character, Emmi Rynn - Leviathan! Formerly extremely anxious, now not so much anxious, but I love to help out, chat, and run things with friendly folks! <3
Wren Varamont Excalibur [Primal]
Hi, I'd love to join! Been trying to get back into the game and make friends. I'm mostly online during the weekends :3
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