Primals and Beastmen

Ruler of the clouds, worshipped by the Vanu Vanu.
Folklore tells of a legendary white whale said to swim in the Sea of Clouds as if they were the waters of the Rhotano.
According to Vanu legend, however, Bismarck led their ancestors to the floating islands. With waves of fury he purges his domain of those who would do his followers harm.

This avian beast tribe resides upon floating islands dotting the Sea of Clouds.
Prior to the advent of airship technology, man only dared to dream of reaching these islands in the sky. And so, for a time, the Vanu Vanu were unknown to the rest of the world. Times have changed, however, and now they must adapt as outsiders encroach upon their home.

Fourfold master of the blade, savior of the insect-like Gnath tribe.
A warrior and conqueror, Ravana respects strength and abhors weakness. He revels in battle with worthy opponents, and is known to wield the legendary Chandrahas blades.

A tribe of insect-like beastmen known to inhabit the southern region of the Dravanian forelands.
Having made remarkable advances in alchemy and metallurgy, these hunters have developed incense which deters Dravanian intruders, thus preserving Gnath territory. They are said to share a collective mind, linking them in spirit to their leader.