Software Token Version Update

On Dec. 4, 2014, in order to add usability features such as language selection, the iOS/Android app “SQUARE ENIX Software Token” will receive a version update.
Current users of the Software Token app should update via the App Store/Google Play as soon as the version update is available.
If you are unable to perform the version update normally after Dec. 4, you will need your “Emergency Removal Password” to remove the Software Token linked to your account before uninstalling and reinstalling the app.
Locating your Emergency Removal Password:
1. Log in to the Square Enix Account Management System with your Square Enix ID, password, and One-Time Password.
2. The Emergency Removal Password can be found on the page after logging in under the section “Token Usage Status”.
Removing the Software Token from your account:
1. Go the Emergency Removal page and then enter your Square Enix ID, password, and Emergency Removal Password.
2. Click the URL located within the automatic email that will be sent to the registered email address.
3. The Software Token will be removed once the URL is accessed.
* The URL will only be valid for 60 minutes.
After removing the Software Token from your account, please uninstall the app from your device. You will then need to reinstall the app and link it to your account.