Regarding the Expansion of Japanese Data Centers

In Patch 6.18, a new logical data center, Meteor, will be added to the Japanese data center, and certain existing Worlds will be redistributed within it.
This announcement will review the schedule for maintenance and the period during which eligible players may use the Home World Transfer Service free of charge. Additionally, effects of World redistribution on certain in-game features will be explained below.
Patch 6.18 will also introduce the Data Center Travel system, which allows players to temporarily visit other logical data centers within their physical data center.
For more information, please refer to our announcements on World Regrouping and Data Center Travel.
* Updated on Thursday, July 14
Patch 6.18 Scheduled Maintenance
Tuesday, July 5, 2022
* Maintenance for Patch 6.18 is expected to last 24 hours due to the Japanese/European data center expansions and the implementation of the Data Center Travel system.
* Please note that characters currently visiting other Worlds will automatically be returned to their Home World upon the conclusion of this maintenance.
Using the Home World Transfer Service Free of Charge
Access to the Home World Transfer Service will be suspended temporarily prior to maintenance for Patch 6.18. We will restore access after verifying that the Japanese/European data center expansions and the Data Center Travel system are stable. At that time, eligible players may use the Home World Transfer Service free of charge for approximately two weeks. For the latest updates regarding Home World Transfer availability, please visit the Lodestone.
During the time period described above, all characters in Japanese data centers are eligible to transfer Home Worlds free of charge.
Furthermore, the following bonuses will be awarded at the time of transfer:
- Owners of private estates will be reimbursed 100% of their plot's buying price, plus additional compensation of 3,000,000 gil for non-recoverable furnishings.
- Owners of apartments will be reimbursed the standard buying price of 500,000 gil, plus additional compensation of 500,000 gil for non-recoverable furnishings.
* Please apply for a Home World Transfer after removing your furnishings, but DO NOT relinquish your land or vacate your apartment. If you have relinquished the deed to your plot/rights to your property, you will not be eligible for the bonuses listed above.
* Please note that any gil exceeding the maximum of 999,999,999 will be lost.
* Players may not transfer to a Congested World.
* When transferring to a Preferred World, applicable bonuses will stack (excluding duplicates).
* Characters that have transferred Home Worlds may not transfer again for 3 days. Additionally, characters that have transferred to a Preferred World will be restricted from using the Home World Transfer Service for 90 days.
Effects of World Regrouping
Cross-world Linkshells
- Should a cross-world linkshell member transfer to the Meteor data center, a channel with the same name will be created in Meteor without deleting any members. By using the Data Center Travel system, members may communicate via that linkshell while in the same data center.
* If a cross-world linkshell with the same name already exists, a number may be added to the name for purposes of differentiation.
* Changes made to the duplicate cross-world linkshell will not be reflected in the original channel, and vice versa. If new members are added, they may use the Data Center Travel system introduced in Patch 6.18 to join the cross-world linkshell in each logical data center, thereby maintaining an updated roster in all iterations of the linkshell.
* Community Finder recruitment pages will not be created automatically for duplicate cross-world linkshells. A new recruitment page must be created for the Meteor data center after transferring. Furthermore, the cross-world linkshell master will be automatically designated as recruiter.
* A member who transferred to Meteor may edit a Community Finder recruitment page on the original cross-world linkshell if the master designates them as recruiter.
* Updated on Thursday, July 14
PvP Teams
- Should a PvP team member transfer to the Meteor data center, a PvP team with the same name will be created in Meteor.
* If a PvP team with the same name already exists, a number may be added to the name for purposes of differentiation. - Members belonging to different data centers will be automatically removed from the team.
* This removal will not be displayed in PvP Team Activity.
- Should a fellowship master transfer to the Meteor data center, the fellowship itself will also transfer to Meteor. Members belonging to different logical data centers will be automatically removed from the fellowship.
Deep Dungeons
- Players will be unable to resume save data that includes members who transferred to a different data center. We ask that you either complete your campaign before the implementation of Patch 6.18, or use the Data Center Travel system to challenge these dungeons in the original data center.
In addition to these effects, please note there may be instances where World names have been saved locally (such as in the Contact List) and are no longer correctly displayed.