Standings based on total company credits earned by free companies.
Tallying Period: 02/09/2024 to 08/09/2024
1 | | Heaven's DoorBehemoth [Primal] | 6593988 | |
2 | | Soul RebornBehemoth [Primal] | 5538405 | |
3 | | UnfaithfulBehemoth [Primal] | 4543360 | |
4 | | Seventh Heaven BRBehemoth [Primal] | 2667935 | |
5 | | DreamsGoRoundBehemoth [Primal] | 2427750 | |
6 | | VerasilaBehemoth [Primal] | 2424240 | |
7 | | WutaiBehemoth [Primal] | 2138880 | |
8 | | After LifeBehemoth [Primal] | 2110476 | |
9 | | Wishing WellBehemoth [Primal] | 1886523 | |
10 | | Balamb GardenBehemoth [Primal] | 1798164 | |
11 | | Cerberii AssemblyBehemoth [Primal] | 1684866 | |
12 | | Silent MayhemBehemoth [Primal] | 1630229 | |
13 | | MooncakeryBehemoth [Primal] | 1579940 | |
14 | | Very AngryBehemoth [Primal] | 1517637 | |
15 | | DisciplesBehemoth [Primal] | 1473627 | |
16 | | busco romanceBehemoth [Primal] | 1466115 | |
17 | | Fujiwara TofuBehemoth [Primal] | 1390224 | |
18 | | Brave Little SparkBehemoth [Primal] | 1347853 | |
19 | | Clan BahamutBehemoth [Primal] | 1328598 | |
20 | | Prismatic DawnBehemoth [Primal] | 1319612 | |
21 | | DauntlessBehemoth [Primal] | 1312929 | |
22 | | Adventure CorpsBehemoth [Primal] | 1217481 | |
23 | | The White Rose OrderBehemoth [Primal] | 1192062 | |
24 | | Chocobo KnightsBehemoth [Primal] | 1143819 | |
25 | | UnrealBehemoth [Primal] | 1127040 | |
26 | | Unreal AlkaiaBehemoth [Primal] | 1102809 | |
27 | | TadaimaBehemoth [Primal] | 1092357 | |
28 | | ValianceBehemoth [Primal] | 1065513 | |
29 | | Arboretum AcademyBehemoth [Primal] | 1061329 | |
30 | | The Song FamilyBehemoth [Primal] | 1049871 | |
31 | | Knights Of EorzeaBehemoth [Primal] | 988125 | |
32 | | Forge & FableBehemoth [Primal] | 983453 | |
33 | | BastionBehemoth [Primal] | 971106 | |
34 | | Legacy CorpBehemoth [Primal] | 969963 | |
35 | | Balamb Garden BrasilBehemoth [Primal] | 953481 | |
36 | | Enchanted EvilBehemoth [Primal] | 948237 | |
37 | | Crisis CoreBehemoth [Primal] | 946932 | |
38 | | Eternal BalanceBehemoth [Primal] | 901095 | |
39 | | DawnBehemoth [Primal] | 898797 | |
40 | | Revenant WingsBehemoth [Primal] | 891363 | |
41 | | Salty SpitoonBehemoth [Primal] | 889608 | |
42 | | Onii-chanBehemoth [Primal] | 886890 | |
43 | | Carnavi6Behemoth [Primal] | 884985 | |
44 | | Warm HugsBehemoth [Primal] | 872601 | |
45 | | Clan of United BearsBehemoth [Primal] | 855558 | |
46 | | Wonderland!Behemoth [Primal] | 847683 | |
47 | | EventBaBehemoth [Primal] | 844971 | |
48 | | OwOBehemoth [Primal] | 842604 | |
49 | | Tumba de NazarickBehemoth [Primal] | 836709 | |
50 | | Moonion UnionBehemoth [Primal] | 823932 | |
51 | | Diamond FoxesBehemoth [Primal] | 819213 | |
52 | | Forbidden EdenBehemoth [Primal] | 802938 | |
53 | | Demon SanctuaryBehemoth [Primal] | 799857 | |
54 | | The Fren ZoneBehemoth [Primal] | 790131 | |
55 | | CangaceirosBehemoth [Primal] | 787038 | |
56 | | Apkallu SanctuaryBehemoth [Primal] | 762156 | |
57 | | Scion's LegacyBehemoth [Primal] | 759759 | |
58 | | Top In Every RoundBehemoth [Primal] | 758118 | |
59 | | Heroes of TimeBehemoth [Primal] | 749886 | |
60 | | CarbuncalypseBehemoth [Primal] | 749562 | |
61 | | Duty FailedBehemoth [Primal] | 740898 | |
62 | | KethBehemoth [Primal] | 740499 | |
63 | | Smelling SaltsBehemoth [Primal] | 733734 | |
64 | | DisgustingBehemoth [Primal] | 713898 | |
65 | | Knights Of UnityBehemoth [Primal] | 685305 | |
66 | | ZenithBehemoth [Primal] | 662967 | |
67 | | Green Dot BrigadeBehemoth [Primal] | 656343 | |
68 | | Path to RetributionBehemoth [Primal] | 649101 | |
69 | | Mirai LegacyBehemoth [Primal] | 633558 | |
70 | | The Cookie EmporiumBehemoth [Primal] | 632094 | |
71 | | Pesca & CiaBehemoth [Primal] | 621960 | |
72 | | BRAZIL MENTIONEDBehemoth [Primal] | 620640 | |
73 | | HellionBehemoth [Primal] | 617196 | |
74 | | Lunar GardenBehemoth [Primal] | 599193 | |
75 | | TekageBehemoth [Primal] | 577962 | |
76 | | The Pink Fuzzy ClawBehemoth [Primal] | 574146 | |
77 | | Scala ad CaelumBehemoth [Primal] | 573270 | |
78 | | Bad MoogleBehemoth [Primal] | 567033 | |
79 | | Ascian CrossingBehemoth [Primal] | 561930 | |
80 | | Awen's CircleBehemoth [Primal] | 551634 | |
81 | | Martial SolutionsBehemoth [Primal] | 540243 | |
82 | | Piranhas VorazesBehemoth [Primal] | 537021 | |
83 | | FractalBehemoth [Primal] | 536457 | |
84 | | Syncline MercsBehemoth [Primal] | 520659 | |
85 | | IntrovertsBehemoth [Primal] | 518613 | |
86 | | Hroth RompBehemoth [Primal] | 517218 | |
87 | | Tim Maia LoversBehemoth [Primal] | 507906 | |
88 | | Unsundered AethereaBehemoth [Primal] | 489321 | |
89 | | At House PartyBehemoth [Primal] | 486117 | |
90 | | GreyparsersBehemoth [Primal] | 485283 | |
91 | | Ascian SocietyBehemoth [Primal] | 480465 | |
92 | | Covenant of the SunBehemoth [Primal] | 480204 | |
93 | | Dragonsong KnightsBehemoth [Primal] | 478143 | |
94 | | The Royal WineryBehemoth [Primal] | 477663 | |
95 | | Cafe e Pao de QueijoBehemoth [Primal] | 474411 | |
96 | | Jiyuna IkaBehemoth [Primal] | 472968 | |
97 | | Down to FarmBehemoth [Primal] | 469686 | |
98 | | Soup SpillersBehemoth [Primal] | 469314 | |
99 | | Lojao do BrasBehemoth [Primal] | 458961 | |
100 | | HomewreckersBehemoth [Primal] | 458550 |
* Standings displayed are based on the list of Worlds and data centers available at the last calculation.
Standings Top