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to join you on your adventures in FINAL FANTASY XIV!

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  • About Free Companies

    A community to play together with friends on the same World.

    Free companies are player-run organizations which allow their members to pool resources, be it items or gil, to accomplish feats that would be difficult or impossible for a single individual.
    The benefits of joining a free company include a dedicated chat channel for all members, the ability to purchase an estate to serve as the group's base of operations, and the use of free company actions that grant bonuses such as increased experience points.
    No two free companies share the same goals and motivations, so be sure to choose the free company that's right for you.

  • About Linkshells and Cross-world Linkshells

    A dedicated chat channel for players who share a common aim.

    Linkshells and cross-world linkshells are chat groups which allow for quick and easy communication between players who are not necessarily in a party or free company. Unlike free companies, players are able to join multiple linkshells, making it possible to join different communities dedicated to various aspects of the game.

    Linkshells: allow communication with any players on the same World.
    Cross-world Linkshells: allow communication with any players on the same data center.
  • About PvP Teams

    A team dedicated to enjoying PvP duties.

    Teamwork is key, so be sure to find a team with whom you're confident you can hone your skills together.

    PvP duties: allow players to compete against one another in unique instanced arenas.
Free Company

Cozy Cove Recruiting Additional Members


Cozy Cove

Recruiting Additional Members

Coeurl [Crystal]

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10:00 24:00
16:00 24:00
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##friendly #Events #Social
#Beginner & Novice Friendly
#Socially Active
#Player Events
#Treasure Maps
⟡ Welcome to the Cozy Cove! ⟡
♥"The perfect antidote to dark and cold is light, warm and a cozy place"♥

⟡ About Us ⟡
♥Have you been looking for a place where you can be find warmth, coziness, chill with friendly people than look no more the ⟡Cozy Cove⟡ is the place for you. We are a small fc with a friendly members who run a wide variety of content. Join us for chats, events, and a supportive atmosphere where everyone is welcome. we also have a fc discord ♥

⟡ Our Goal ⟡

♥To learn and have fun together. Our reason for creating the guild was so people could come together in a fun and enjoy the game whether your new or a returning player. We want everyone to feel welcome!

⟡ What We Offer ⟡

♥We are a rank 29 Free Company and we activate experience buffs and other buffs daily!
♥Our focus is to have fun with and build a community to run various content, create memories with, and to just have a good time
♥Examples of the content and activities we run include (but are not limited to): maps, deep dungeons & criterion dungeons, mount farming (both current and old EX raid), BLU spell collecting, ocean fishing, and more!

♥Housing: We have a medium house in Lavender: Plot 35, 29th Ward. It is open to all, feel free to come check it out!

♥We are looking for all classes to include any Disciples of War, Magic, Land, or Hand, and we would love to have anyone who shares our goal!

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Plot 35, 29 Ward, The Lavender Beds (Medium)

Estate Profile

Cozy Cabin


Apply Below!

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Community Member

Giigii Baybe Coeurl [Crystal]

You can reach me in game or apply in game and i will accept it or an officer will as well <33



Rose Lady Coeurl [Crystal]



Community Member Giigii Baybe Coeurl [Crystal]

hii would love to have you <33

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0 / 500


Angelo Thanatos Kujata [Elemental]

Hello! Your FC seems interesting. I'd like to join if you'll have me


Community Member Giigii Baybe Coeurl [Crystal]

hii nice to meet you.. ofc we would love to have you <3

Line breaks will be counted as one character.

0 / 500

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Leon Ventus Coeurl [Crystal]

Hi, nice to meet you. I was hoping to join if your still accepting people.


Community Member Giigii Baybe Coeurl [Crystal]

yes we are we would love to have you \o/

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0 / 500


Shogunai Levinli Coeurl [Crystal]

hey im kinda a noob but im interested


Community Member Giigii Baybe Coeurl [Crystal]

hiii we love to have you and if your new we are to help when you need it \o/

Line breaks will be counted as one character.

0 / 500


Xariama Sorensen Balmung [Crystal]

Are you still looking for people?


Community Member Giigii Baybe Coeurl [Crystal]

yes we are.. you are welcome o/

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0 / 500

(Edited)  -

Xariama Sorensen Balmung [Crystal]

Awesome. :) I have two characters, N'aliae Mevan and Nialemae Morota.

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0 / 500


Community Member Giigii Baybe Coeurl [Crystal]

awesome we would love to have you \o/

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0 / 500


Miko Nii Coeurl [Crystal]

Hi there, I'm a bit curious about this FC


Community Member Giigii Baybe Coeurl [Crystal]

hello im happy that you are interested in the fc o/ and if you have any questions please feel free to ask and also reach me in game as well o/

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0 / 500


Community Member Kahzu Valentine Coeurl [Crystal]

Hello! I am interested in joining your FC if you are still looking for peeps??


Community Member Giigii Baybe Coeurl [Crystal]

hhiii yes we are still actively recruiting o/

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0 / 500


Atra Raendotter Coeurl [Crystal]

Just came back in-game a week ago after over a year, my old FC broke up in the meantime. Also, I work graveyard shift now which means my sleep schedule is topsy-turvy. Really love the game, though, and want to connect with more people! Any room for a cat of the night?


Community Member Giigii Baybe Coeurl [Crystal]

hhii atra nice to meet you o/ and yes we do have room \o/

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0 / 500


Atra Raendotter Coeurl [Crystal]

Who else in the FC might be able to send an invite, just in case there's trouble in catching you online?

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0 / 500


Kiya Hena Coeurl [Crystal]

hello! I am interested in joining!


-- -- ----

Hello! I'm interested in joining, I just recently starting playing again and thought id try finding some people to play with to get back into the game


Community Member Giigii Baybe Coeurl [Crystal]

hello nice to meet you .. we would love to have you \o/

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0 / 500


Azure Arrow Coeurl [Crystal]

Howdy - I am interested in joining your FC if you are still recruiting?


Community Member Giigii Baybe Coeurl [Crystal]

hello yess ofc we would love to have to you .. sorry for the late respond o/

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0 / 500

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Community Member Allie Caelum Coeurl [Crystal]

Hello! I would be interested I joining if possible please!


Community Member Giigii Baybe Coeurl [Crystal]

we would love to have you ♥

Line breaks will be counted as one character.

0 / 500

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Community Member Alebard Istiny Coeurl [Crystal]

I'd love to join if you're still recruiting! I left an application in game


Community Member Giigii Baybe Coeurl [Crystal]

we would love to have you \o/ we accepted it welcome ♥

Line breaks will be counted as one character.

0 / 500


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