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  • About Free Companies

    A community to play together with friends on the same World.

    Free companies are player-run organizations which allow their members to pool resources, be it items or gil, to accomplish feats that would be difficult or impossible for a single individual.
    The benefits of joining a free company include a dedicated chat channel for all members, the ability to purchase an estate to serve as the group's base of operations, and the use of free company actions that grant bonuses such as increased experience points.
    No two free companies share the same goals and motivations, so be sure to choose the free company that's right for you.

  • About Linkshells and Cross-world Linkshells

    A dedicated chat channel for players who share a common aim.

    Linkshells and cross-world linkshells are chat groups which allow for quick and easy communication between players who are not necessarily in a party or free company. Unlike free companies, players are able to join multiple linkshells, making it possible to join different communities dedicated to various aspects of the game.

    Linkshells: allow communication with any players on the same World.
    Cross-world Linkshells: allow communication with any players on the same data center.
  • About PvP Teams

    A team dedicated to enjoying PvP duties.

    Teamwork is key, so be sure to find a team with whom you're confident you can hone your skills together.

    PvP duties: allow players to compete against one another in unique instanced arenas.
Free Company

The Ashen Phoenix Recruiting Additional Members


The Ashen Phoenix

Recruiting Additional Members

Jenova [Aether]

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12:00 3:00
12:00 3:00
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#Kid Aggro Friendly
#Beginner & Novice Friendly
#Parent Friendly
#Work-life Balance
Life happens. We understand.

Formed by a married couple back in 2014, The Ashen Phoenix <Ashen> has been the home for many!

Our FC primarily consists of gaming couples, married couples with children, college and university students, people with hectic work schedules, and even a few that are abroad with work, schooling, or family. Speaking of which, we do have an entire family in the FC. Not kidding! Therefore, we fully understand that anything can cause aggro to take you away from the game.

With <Ashen>, you don't have to worry about being booted for inactivity due to real life circumstances because we live through that every day. You'll always have a place to call home, and you'll always have plenty of helpful people to get you through those tight spots. Who knows, you may even make a new best friend or two!

As for new players, we love you just as much! My wife and I (owners) are both max level crafters that can handle anything that you need for your gear upgrades. We take the time to explain the details to the questions you ask instead of just giving you a one to three worded answer and having you hope for the best.

Finally, we have a nice system in place where everybody, even the newest members, have a say in how the FC operates. After all, you want to be a part of something, and not apart from something, right? I personally value everyone's opinions and feedback, compile it all, and work out a plan that the FC can agree with because they had a say.

Anybody is welcome to try us out! If we are a good fit, then great! If not, then we can at least help suggest other FCs that might be more suited to what you are wanting.

If you are in the market for a mature, kid friendly, and laid back FC, then we just might be the place for you to call home!

Have any questions? Reach out to me either in game or on Discord. You are also welcome to join our Discord family and see if we are the right FC for you by using this link: https://discord.gg/RqFCTcF

**DISCLAIMER: Due to the hectic lifestyle of the majority of our members, our FC chat channel may seem empty from time to time. This is due to the aforementioned "Kid Aggro." We are an active, lively bunch when our kiddos aren't demanding our attention.

Group Profile



Active Members





Plot 2, 10 Ward, Mist (Large)

Estate Profile

The Resting Phoenix


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Recruiter Profile

Community Member

Mercodious Taldaris Jenova [Aether]

Please feel free to reach out to me through Discord at any time, and I will answer any questions you may have. Thank you for checking us out!


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Aragibal Goro Jenova [Aether]

Hello a fellow married parent here I was looking for a casual active FC and wanted to know if I could join your FC? I am on almost every day with the job I have so I can help a lot.


Community Member Mercodious Taldaris Jenova [Aether]

Hey there! I am terribly sorry about not getting back to this page sooner, as I tend to check it every day when I can. Please feel free to message me on Discord @Mercodious#4217, and I can go over some more details with you!

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Nicandrea Zandrae Jenova [Aether]

Good Morning, Another parent looking to get back into FFXIV. I have 4 children (the youngest 3 are triplets) :) I played back in 2017 and fell off due to the craziness of new parent life. Looking for a group of good people that I can enjoy the game with. I have a LVL 31 Conjurer now. I have always played a healer and will continue to do so. Probably going to White Mage or whatever would suit the FC better. My name is Ryan and I live in SC. Looking forward to hearing from you guys.


Winston Church Jenova [Aether]

Hi parent here just getting into FF14. Would love to Join if your are still accepting new members!


Violet Brightheart Jenova [Aether]

Hello every one I've been looking for a new FC my last one was so inactive and no one was ever on so I'd love to join a new FC that is more active.


Community Member Mercodious Taldaris Jenova [Aether]

Hello there Violet! I'm sorry that I didn't get to your message sooner. You are welcome to send me a friend request on Discord and I can talk to you about our FC. Hopefully we will be a good fit!

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Lantic Pandora Siren [Aether]

Im interested in joining if you would have me! Please let me know what is required to join! Ty!


Community Member Mercodious Taldaris Jenova [Aether]

Hello there Fenris! You are more than welcome to message me on Discord. I'll be happy to answer any questions you may have about our FC. My Discord information is at the top of the comments section of this page. I look forward to chatting with you soon!

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Alyxandria Hyromire Jenova [Aether]

Hello! I was looking for a FC that's fun to be in. I'm relatively new to the game as well.


R'ayla Hyromire Jenova [Aether]

Hello! I’m Alyxandria Hyromire’s wife, and I’d like to join as well!


Community Member Tellah Kaipo Jenova [Aether]

hello wondering if your still recruiting I'm a father/ summoner of 2 kids a daughter/white mage age 11 and a son/dragoon age 9 married to a paladin who looks no older then 21^_- we have a full dungeon crew that has recently completed ARR MSQ we are farming out our iron works gear and are now looking at doing some of the ARR post content before moving on to HW we are looking for a family friendly place that we can call home on the jenova server


Community Member Mercodious Taldaris Jenova [Aether]

That sounds like quite the lovely bunch you have there! I'd be happy to talk to you more about our FC. Send me a request on Discord, but I'll try to find you in game first.

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Community Member Tellah Kaipo Jenova [Aether]

the discord link at the top seems not to be working at this time i accepted your friend request in game so hopefully we can catch up there soon

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Community Member Mormegil Nephisto Jenova [Aether]

Hi there, my free company is not very active any more and I am looking for a change. As a dad with one (soon to be two) kids, this FC sounds like it would be up my alley. I am interested in checking it out!


Community Member Mr Venom Jenova [Aether]

I'd like to check this FC out. Looks interesting


Community Member Mercodious Taldaris Jenova [Aether]

I'm sorry that I missed you online earlier. I look forward to chatting with you about our FC whenever you are available!

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Community Member Buttery Succubiscuit Jenova [Aether]

New frriiiiiiiends!!! *zombies sounds* Frriiiiiiends!! Freeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeinds!

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Jack Lionheart Jenova [Aether]

Hi, just sent a friend request and tried to leave a message on discord, looking for a community!


Community Member Mercodious Taldaris Jenova [Aether]

I got your friend request and sent you a message back. I look forward to talking to you whenever you are available!

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Phae A'leone Faerie [Aether]

Howdy! I can't figure out your discord. Looks like it's been hijacked. Maybe it hasn't, but that's what it looks like. Do you have real estate in the game where you can be visited? I'm interested in joining. Would prefer to look before I leap. :)


Community Member Mercodious Taldaris Jenova [Aether]

Hello there! Sorry for the late reply, as I was out of state and away from the game. We do have housing located in The Mist, Ward 10, Plot 2. I look forward to speaking with you about the FC!

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Fluffco Deku Jenova [Aether]

Hello, i was hoping to get back in to FF14 as a father of 3 life can be super busy and you guys seem to understand that. hoping to join you guys. Thank you


Community Member Mercodious Taldaris Jenova [Aether]

Heyo! Thank you for checking us out! Feel free to reach out to me on Discord and I'll be happy to answer any questions you may have! @mercodious

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Akira Bishop Kraken [Dynamis]

Hi there! I'm looking for a family friendly FC for my son and I to join. I'm a vet of this game and have been playing since 2.0. My son is 13 and this will be his first MMO, he's going to start playing when the game launches on Xbox. I'd really like for him to have a safe place to hang out with helpful people around who would also look out for him when I'm unable to log in. Please let me know if he would be allowed to join, I've seen a lot of FC's around that don't want kids to join them.


Community Member Mercodious Taldaris Jenova [Aether]

Hi there! Sorry for the late reply. My computer was down for a few days, and I couldn't check this on my phone. I'd love to talk to you more about our FC. Send me a Discord friend request @mercodious and I'll answer whatever questions you may have! We also have players as young as 9 yrs old in our FC that game with their parents, so your son would be more than welcome!

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Akira Bishop Kraken [Dynamis]

Awesome I just sent you that friend request

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G'kar Dax Gilgamesh [Aether]

Good Morning! Came across your page on the CF, you guys sound really interesting. Just a couple.of questions, 1. Are ya'll pretty active, such as chat, events, etc? And if so, what days would said events be on? Current fc is pretty quiet and feels lonely, so my wife and I have begun to look around, but also work schedule prevents me from being able to participate in the few weekly events that are currently happening. Any info would be great, thank you!


Community Member Mercodious Taldaris Jenova [Aether]

Hey there! Sorry for the late reply. Things have been busy at home, so I haven't had much time to check up on the page and other things. To answer your question, we can be lively at times, but not all the time. This is due to our varying schedules that we have in the FC. There are a few always active chatters, and some that are more laid back but reclusive. I try to start conversations where I can to keep the chat going, which does help on some days.

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Community Member Mercodious Taldaris Jenova [Aether]

For your next question, I recently held a poll of the FC for days and times that work best for the most amount of people. That worked out to be Friday and Saturday, starting at roughly 7:30pm EDT. Of course, we have adhoc events here and there, and I try to post little minigames in the Discord for participants to win prizes. I haven't been on the ball lately due to medical reasons, but I am settling back into the swing of things and should be more readily available.

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Community Member Mercodious Taldaris Jenova [Aether]

Feel free to join our Discord if you want to get to know us a little bit first. As always, you can reach out to me directly if you have any other questions, comments, or concerns. Just send a message request to @mercodious and we can get everything taken care of.

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Community Member Treiben Tiercel Jenova [Aether]

Good evening. I've been looking for a laid back gremlin aggro friendly FC on Jenova. First time using community finder so hopefully doing this right. I'll bookmark this page to keep an eye out for reply. Thank you and have a good one.


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