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Enesha Melwalx

Zodiark [Light]

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Players just love being hated

“Community is great” and shit, yeah, sure. Whoever played for more than 6 months and is still telling such a fairy tale should play more high-end, if any at all. And with randos instead of static members, obviously.

I’m reaching my breaking point, honestly. People are fucking clowns and cretins. Enablers of shitty behaviors and gameplay, illiterate monkeys, self-entitled dickheads and more… GCBTW really.
At times I wonder why I still interact with people in the game at all, then I remember it’s an MMORPG.

Some people should be fucking banned from Party Finder. God fucking damn it.
I swear I’m going to blacklist all the fucking dickhead noobs I come across from now on. I don’t fucking give any shit anymore. I ain’t no time for imbecility. Git gud or GTFO. I’m done. I don’t need fucking troglodytes in my gaming experience.
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Enesha Melwalx

Zodiark [Light]

I’m no perfect myself for sure. Rather, I’m quite hard of a person to get along with.
But I at least respect other players’ time and never lie, be it for personal gains or simply to appear kind because “community is great so behave uwu <3 eksdee xd”.

I’m rude? Likely.
I can be more patient? Already have been too much.
I’m based? You can bet on it.

Respect to be respected, they say.
If you don’t respect me, neither will I anymore.
Blacklist exists for a reason and I shall tap it.
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