

Trusted Friend

Enesha Melwalx

Zodiark [Light]

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The return of the floor tank

There would be many things to say about my two hours as returner... Me, Adore and Tofu were weirdly online at the same time... So we chatted. And we all know what happens when we do. Especially when I’m behind them, progression-speaking.
Yeah, I unlocked and cleared E9 (the normal version is pretty easy I must say) (I did everything perfectly until I fucking Elusive Jump’d right into the insta-death zone, fuck me) and even cleared Ruby Weapon (normal).

... Once again I only feel like a deadweight. Especially now that both of them are so absorbed into high-end contents.
... They’ll never openly say it, but I know it’s the truth. I probably only provoke piety in them as of now.. I always had, deep inside. There’s no other explanation.
And I grew tired of being the puppy sitting on their laps.

I.. can’t type anymore. My eyes are slowly but certainly closing.. and it can’t be helped, being 3 AM and having to get up in 4 hours.

... Goodnight...
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