

Annabel Ashcroft

Faerie [Aether]

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For those sprouts that want to try EX's MINE

I have noticed in Party finder that some new people want to emulate the streamers such as Asmongold and try EX primals on MINE level for the challenge. They make those party finder groups advertising EX runs on MINE difficulty hoping to experience what they watch on twitch.

But, what they DON'T know is just how hard the EX primal they picked REALLY is, so I am here to help you little sprouts know which EX's you REALLY should NOT choose to try to run MINE runs on Party finder.

Note: for all of these fights I am listing the mechanics are BRUTAL MINE level and you need serious coordination to beat these fights such as callouts, positioning, and predetermined roles for who is doing what.


The Striking Tree: Ramuh is by far the hardest EX of the ARR primals. His mechanics are really nasty and do a LOT of damage on MINE.

Thornmarch: On MINE, this is really, REALLY hard on the healers and requires ones that seriously know their stuff. Plus, without callouts it is really difficult to keep track of each of the moogles with any efficiency.

Urth's Fount: Odin is not really considered an EX fight, but is VERY close in difficulty to one, so I am including it here. His status effects are really nasty and terribly hard on the healers in the normal fight. It is double nastiness in the MINE version. Plus the end DPS check is really, REALLY hard to beat MINE.
(Note, I actually cleared this MINE last week, AS a healer, so I know what I am talking about.) ;-)
Beware if someone advertises this MINE level.


Thordan: Many people consider Thordan Ex to be the hardest Ex primal in the game. This fight has a TON of mechanics which are waaaaaaaay harder on MINE level than synced. His later phases are absolutely insane and even MORE so on MINE.

Saphrot: He is actually not THAT bad MINE level, but he is the hardest of the containment EX primals. Trying to do 3rd phase colors with random people MINE level is punishing.


Shinryu: This is the hardest of the SB EX primals and his first phase is very, very, long and very VERY tough MINE level. It requires really strong coordination to do it consistently to see the later phases, something that is hard to achieve with random people.


Hades: Hades first phase DPS check is EXTREAMLY, I mean EXTREAMLY hard to achieve at MINE level! And even if you manage to do it, when you fail in the later phases, you gotta do that 1st phase ALL over again, and again, and AGAIN. Seriously, don't try this MINE without a dedicated group with callouts who can prog for 3+ hours.

SoS: SoS EX is neck and neck with Thordan EX as the hardest primal in the game. Not only are there a TON of mechanics in this fight, but the level of player responsibility is FAR higher than any other primal in the game. On MINE level this makes it even MORE brutal on each person as mistakes by one can easily kill groups of people if not the whole party outright.

So there you go, if you see any of these listed as MINE runs on party finder, just be aware if you choose to do them it will be a very, very painful time.

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