

Annabel Ashcroft

Faerie [Aether]

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People trolling instances


So, I had my first experience of Instance trolling today and let me tell you, it was ANNOYING!!!

If one has done the Chrysalis, one knows that to do it properly you should use the LB3 for the Tear. If you do not DO this there is a VERY good chance the run will fail.

(Note: Good players can STILL clear this without the LB3 with a DPS check, but I have only seen it done once! Most casuals are NOT that good to make it, especially new players.)

Today I had this trial and it failed TWICE! One time is not uncommon because there is either A. Someone who forgets to save the LB3 because they have not done it in a while.
And B. A new player who does not know that at all.

So one time, maybe, but TWO times, no WAY it was a mistake.

Yeah, after the first time, we said, save it for the Tear and tried again. But the SAME person did it AGAIN, using the LB3. Lets just say the rest of the party was PISSED.

And what about just DPSing the Tear?

Well, it MIGHT have worked if the players ACTUALLY concentrated on the tear instead of being all around the arena doing who KNOWS what. As a healer I tried to keep them alive, but some were ALSO trying to intercept the meteors, which is folly cause it's instant death for anyone but the tanks to do so. So, yeah, the whole thing was pretty much a lost cause.

After the second screwup I left. It was obvious it was never going to happen and was just a waste of time. Seriously though, I soooo hoped the others kicked that player for wasting their time.

Comments (3)

Ezlin Rye

Siren [Aether]

Reminds me of, oh, was early-to-mid last year, there was a pre-made group in WoD that did everything that they could do to repeatedly wipe the raid. For example on Cerberus they grabbed the chains & just ran away from the dog so that no one else could do it. I wish that I had reported that nonsense, but it was a defining moment in my willingness to quickly embrace the 30 minute penalty & I nearly added Alliance Roulette to bin along with MSQ roulette.

Kupo Warkson

Siren [Aether]

You would hope it would be trolling, but some people really are just that bad.

Annabel Ashcroft

Faerie [Aether]

And that is REALLY the scary part if it is true! :O

But yes, I believe you; some people really ARE that dumb and don't listen!
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