Items achievement "The Customer Is Always Right: Anden V" earned!
Character achievement "Satisfaction Guaranteed: Nitowikwe V" earned!
Character achievement "Satisfaction Guaranteed: Nitowikwe IV" earned!
Battle achievement "Cloud Strife" earned!
Character achievement "Satisfaction Guaranteed: Nitowikwe III" earned!
Battle achievement "Alternative Destiny" earned!
Items achievement "The Customer Is Always Right: Margrat V" earned!
Character achievement "Satisfaction Guaranteed: Nitowikwe I" earned!
Character achievement "Satisfaction Guaranteed: Nitowikwe II" earned!
Quests achievement "Trade and True" earned!
Character achievement "How Deep the Rabbit Hole Goes VI" earned!
Character achievement "Do No Harm III" earned!
Quests achievement "Extra-special Advisor" earned!
Items achievement "Reforged: Majestic Manderville Sword & Shield" earned!
Quests achievement "Pelu Proponent III" earned!
Items achievement "The Customer Is Always Right: Anden IV" earned!
Items achievement "Hamm(er)ing It Up: Manderville Sword & Shield" earned!
Items achievement "Well-oiled: Amazing Manderville Sword & Shield " earned!
Crafting & Gathering achievement "Pounding Out the Dents: Exemplar" earned!
Battle achievement "Pick on Someone Your Own Size II" earned!
Items achievement "Protector" earned!
Items achievement "Echoes of the Makai Crimson" earned!
Character achievement "Come on, Rogue X" earned!
Quests achievement "Crossroads" earned!
Exploration achievement "Mapping the Realm: Yuweyawata Field Station" earned!
Items achievement "Echoes of the Makai Blade" earned!
Items achievement "Echoes of the Makai Flicker" earned!
Crafting & Gathering achievement "Going with the Grain: Exemplar" earned!
Battle achievement "Long Lived the Queen" earned!
PvP achievement "Walk the Line IV" earned!
Items achievement "Perfect: Mandervillous Knives" earned!
Quests achievement "Pelu Proponent II" earned!
Battle achievement "The Dancing Prisoners II" earned!
Items achievement "Echoes of the Makai Bow" earned!
Items achievement "Echoes of the Makai Arm" earned!
Items achievement "Reforged: Majestic Manderville Knives" earned!
Quests achievement "Pelu Proponent I" earned!
Exploration achievement "Mapping the Realm: Jeuno: The First Walk" earned!
Battle achievement "Home Away from Home" earned!
PvP achievement "Mama Said Knock You Out III" earned!
Items achievement "Echoes of the Makai End" earned!
Items achievement "Well-oiled: Amazing Manderville Knives" earned!
Character achievement "Just Talkin' 'bout Shafts X" earned!
PvP achievement "Hungry Like a Wolf III" earned!
PvP achievement "Pack Mentality II" earned!
PvP achievement "Crystal Lining II" earned!
Items achievement "Echoes of the Makai Guardian" earned!
PvP achievement "Battle Bred III" earned!
PvP achievement "Blood Born II" earned!
PvP achievement "A Wolf in Green Tights I" earned!
Any achievements earned by a character in Version 1.0 will be transferred upon logging into FFXIV: ARR. As a result, the date of achievement will be set to after said login time. Please note that the date of achievement is tied to the date on which game data is synchronized with the Lodestone, which may cause discrepancies between the date displayed and the date on which the achievement was earned in-game.
Filter which items are to be displayed below.
* Notifications for standings updates are shared across all Worlds.
* Notifications for PvP team formations are shared for all languages.
* Notifications for free company formations are shared for all languages.
Cliffe Zanza
Spriggan [Chaos]
Mamiyama Kamimama
Spriggan [Chaos]
Saboree Catboy
Spriggan [Chaos]