

Perfect Blue

Sigurd De-mizar

Phoenix [Light]

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The Oathbreaker, Epilogue

The Oathbreaker

Epilogue: Never-ever-land

I was talking to my friend one day, and I mentioned that I was planning to leave my FC.

“What happened?” Freja asked.

“The previous FC master came back one day, asked for the power. Then kicked two officers. Within 48 hours, almost everybody left.” I told her.

“Eh, just leave and find another FC.” She said to me. “Go to my friend FC.”

“Which one?”


“Ignis?” I can’t believe I saw that FC name. “Well, let me tell you a story.”

After everything happened, I have to admit something positive about what happened in Oath: There is a TL;DR of just two sentences. What happened in Nomad cannot be summarized in less than 200 words. People got drunk, skipped raid, got kicked, read my blog, went harass the raid lead, blah, blah, blah. Not only there is no TL;DR, but sometimes it is just way too long to tell.

“Well, join my FC.” She told me. “They are pretty quiet and not a lot of people.”

Quiet? Quiet is good. After everything happened with Nomad then Oath, I think quiet FC is good FC.

Frankly, it was awkward to start a conversation in the FC chat after Thana was back. Just take me away. Anywhere but here.

I applied to join Freja’s FC <Nv>. The full name was Neverland. My application was accepted immediately. I said hi on the FC chat, then resume to my daily routine. I decided, I will observe what the people are like in this FC before interacting with them this time.

“Sig, you can’t leave us.” My raid lead said to me one day.

“What happened?” I asked.

“I saw you joined Neverland. If they ever recruit you, just say no.”

“Recruit me for what?” I was totally lost. I mean, this is supposed to be a quiet peaceful FC.

“Raiding. Neverland was server first back in Creator.”



Server what?

So apparently, there is a static in my FC. In fact, there may be two statics. I am not even sure. I haven’t really talked to anyone except Freja yet. I don’t even know these people raid. When she told me that this is a quiet FC, I thought it means people just craft and gather stuff. Obviously I should have asked what did she mean by “quiet”.

A day later, someone wrote on the FC chat, “O4S down.” It was only three days after the new patch.

“Neverland, server first, all floors in Omega savage.” Someone else said.

It followed by the congratulation. Then people started talking about the fight, and then how it was like in the coil day, blah, blah, blah.

In the end, Freja didn't lie about the fact that this is a quiet FC. This IS quiet. It is because most people spent so much time in raiding, there was not much gossiping or chitchatting going on. They have grinded their way to lv70 on multiple jobs during early assess and doesn’t need leveling roulette anymore. When they can just get O4s drop, I doubt they care about capping creation. They got everything they need and just logout. Ok, there may be one person login all the time to put up a PF add for content selling.

I don’t have much to say to these people in my FC, because our worlds are too different. For world race, they easily raid 16 hours a day. In comparison, my static raid 6 hours a week. Even back in the first week when there was so much hype, we all wanted to do more. Indeed we raid more that week. We raid exactly one extra hour more that week. After that, the momentum died. The first time when we cleared O2s, both our RDM and SMN left the instance and let the caster boot dropped on the floor. We were so relax, to a point you need to find an actual devil and maybe he cares.

I don’t see how I will ever get recruited into a hardcore static doing world progression. When I first started raiding, all I felt was regret. If I would have been a better player, I would have stayed in Shiva to raid with Reika. I wanted to raid more to improve. Now, Reika is no more, there is no point for me to work harder. I don't think there is something I need to prove. I am not a good player and there is no way to hide it. I might get better but I don't see I am at the level to play hardcore. Even if I could clear all the savage floor day 1, I don't see that as something I would proud of. Maybe there is a day I want to raid more, progress faster and move on to a harder core static, but for now, it is ok.

Sure. In case anyone asks, my FC is server first for boat load of stuff.

I just happened to be here. Beat me.

Comments (6)

Seeri Ni'ara

Cerberus [Chaos]

So after having read everything I find what happened kind of sad but it's just how it goes I guess. I think a lot of people leaving the server to avoid drama is a huge trap, there's drama everywhere. Regardless I hope they feel like they made the right choice about things. Sucks for you to get caught in it, or maybe not, gives you writing material after all :P

Seeri Ni'ara

Cerberus [Chaos]

Kind of hurts my soul to hear that people just left the instance without grabbing their loot though. The relaxed atmosphere sounds nice but there's such a thing as too much of a good thing. This tier feels like a good one to me, it's my first one in ff14 but I've enjoyed all the fights except maybe o1s (a bit dull, kinda) so far, and I look forward to enjoying the conclusion too.

Seeri Ni'ara

Cerberus [Chaos]

Oh, and I'm not sure whether it's something you care about or not but Stinky does seem a lot happier with her situation now that she doesn't have to be the one in charge any more. Being a leader is certainly not for everyone, I know it isn't for me.

Sigurd De-mizar

Phoenix [Light]

It is good to know she is fine. Everything happened so quickly, I think you probably need experience as a leader to get it under control.

Sometimes I wish I don't have any writing material at all. It was funny at the very beginning, but the truth is I prefer a quieter life. Very often people take one sentence on my blog, go off in tangent and start raging. It makes me question a lot of what so called friendship in this game, as well my own sanity and the sanity of those people.

Sigurd De-mizar

Phoenix [Light]

Personally I wasn't too interested in this raid tier. I think what changed me was the amount of trouble I ran into last raid tier, most of them not even related to raid. Not to mention I had a particular reason why I wanted to raid. The reason was gone in the last raid tier, so I am not sure if I am after something at all anymore.

Seeri Ni'ara

Cerberus [Chaos]

Yeah, she wasn't always the leader and I'm not even sure it was a role she wanted to begin with, just that someone had to do it after the previous one(s) quit.

I can understand the need for quiet, actually, I don't understand why people would want it any other way xD
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