Search Results
Version: Patch 7.15
Daily Quests
Eorzea Database Advanced Search
Title | Area | Level |
Best Served Foul | The Ruby Sea | 60 |
A Real Pearler | The Ruby Sea | 60 |
You Have the Rite | The Ruby Sea | 60 |
Krilled to Pieces | The Ruby Sea | 60 |
Tonight We Dine in Shells | The Ruby Sea | 60 |
Pickles of Partnership | The Ruby Sea | 60 |
Little Kojin Lost | The Ruby Sea | 60 |
Much at Steak | The Ruby Sea | 60 |
Confused Courier | The Ruby Sea | 60 |
Buoyant Bounty | The Ruby Sea | 60 |
Anala-lyze This | The Ruby Sea | 60 |
Sand-sifting Specialist | The Ruby Sea | 60 |
Forever Blowing Bubbles | The Ruby Sea | 60 |
No, Not the Boo Box | The Ruby Sea | 60 |
Pleasure Doing Business | The Ruby Sea | 60 |
Deep Turquoise Sea | The Ruby Sea | 60 |
Holy Mother of Pearl | The Ruby Sea | 60 |
Flotsam and Jetsam | The Ruby Sea | 60 |
Clammed Up | The Ruby Sea | 60 |
Tale of Roe | The Ruby Sea | 60 |
You Blow It Up | The Ruby Sea | 60 |
Tentacles of Trade | The Ruby Sea | 60 |
The Hot-blooded Kojin | The Ruby Sea | 60 |
Disciplinary Action | The Ruby Sea | 60 |