Eorzea Database

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Version: Patch 7.16

Unique Untradable

Nightmare Whistle


  • Cannot have company crests applied.
  • Cannot be placed in a glamour dresser.
  • Cannot be placed in an armoire.
  • 40
  • 13
This whistle emits a shrill tone that is said to summon a legendary nightmare.

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Gilford Seven Louisoix [Chaos]
Rylog Kreiss Maduin [Dynamis]
Nich Yar Brynhildr [Crystal]
Faneric Rodechoux Goblin [Crystal]
Neltharion Darkim Spriggan [Chaos]
Amy Miyamizu Shiva [Light]
Sam Emberdusk Coeurl [Crystal]
Lily Luneru Sagittarius [Chaos]
Nyota Ayoon Phoenix [Light]
Luna Star Gilgamesh [Aether]
Yuri Brando Lamia [Primal]
Asher Lavantis Halicarnassus [Dynamis]
Samos Agoras Omega [Chaos]
Samos Agoras Omega [Chaos]
Aymeric Borelala Odin [Light]
Ashara Io Titan [Mana]
Heather Mukami Zodiark [Light]
Big Pack Diabolos [Crystal]
Jupy Yui Behemoth [Primal]
Worren Tigre Balmung [Crystal]
Lelouch Fatebringer Adamantoise [Aether]
Rinoa Lockhart Excalibur [Primal]
Asuka Xiorer Brynhildr [Crystal]
R'azzah Uwuozma Goblin [Crystal]
Thalena Windshadeow Zalera [Crystal]
Elmina Lamprocia Kujata [Elemental]
Ohmbasa Meow Seraph [Dynamis]
Xavius Tarondir Siren [Aether]
Ann Ann Hyperion [Primal]
Miminga Swarchstack Faerie [Aether]

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