Search Results
Version: Patch 7.16
Amdapor Keep
Lv. 50Dungeons
- 1
- 1
Treasure Coffer
Item Lv. 55 / Gear Lv. 50
Item Lv. 55 / Gear Lv. 50
Item Lv. 55 / Gear Lv. 50
Item Lv. 55 / Gear Lv. 50
Item Lv. 55 / Gear Lv. 50
Item Lv. 55 / Gear Lv. 50
Item Lv. 55 / Gear Lv. 50
Treasure Coffer
Item Lv. 55 / Gear Lv. 50
Item Lv. 55 / Gear Lv. 50
Item Lv. 55 / Gear Lv. 50
Item Lv. 55 / Gear Lv. 50
Item Lv. 55 / Gear Lv. 50
Item Lv. 55 / Gear Lv. 50
Item Lv. 55 / Gear Lv. 50
Item Lv. 55 / Gear Lv. 50
Item Lv. 55 / Gear Lv. 50
* Must first complete the quest "Triple Triad Trial."
* Drops at a fixed rate.
Treasure Coffer
Item Lv. 55 / Gear Lv. 50
Item Lv. 55 / Gear Lv. 50
Item Lv. 55 / Gear Lv. 50
Item Lv. 55 / Gear Lv. 50
Item Lv. 55 / Gear Lv. 50
Item Lv. 55 / Gear Lv. 50
Item Lv. 55 / Gear Lv. 50
Item Lv. 55 / Gear Lv. 50
Item Lv. 55 / Gear Lv. 50
Item Lv. 55 / Gear Lv. 50
Item Lv. 55 / Gear Lv. 50
Item Lv. 55 / Gear Lv. 50
Item Lv. 55 / Gear Lv. 50
Item Lv. 55 / Gear Lv. 50
Item Lv. 55 / Gear Lv. 50
Item Lv. 55 / Gear Lv. 50
Other Rewards
Treasure Coffer 1
Item Lv. 55 / Gear Lv. 50
Item Lv. 55 / Gear Lv. 50
Item Lv. 55 / Gear Lv. 50
Item Lv. 55 / Gear Lv. 50
Treasure Coffer 2
Item Lv. 55 / Gear Lv. 50
Item Lv. 55 / Gear Lv. 50
Item Lv. 55 / Gear Lv. 50
Item Lv. 55 / Gear Lv. 50
Item Lv. 55 / Gear Lv. 50
Item Lv. 55 / Gear Lv. 50
Item Lv. 55 / Gear Lv. 50
Treasure Coffer 3
Item Lv. 55 / Gear Lv. 50
Item Lv. 55 / Gear Lv. 50
Item Lv. 55 / Gear Lv. 50
Item Lv. 55 / Gear Lv. 50
Item Lv. 55 / Gear Lv. 50
Item Lv. 55 / Gear Lv. 50
Item Lv. 55 / Gear Lv. 50
Item Lv. 55 / Gear Lv. 50
Item Lv. 55 / Gear Lv. 50
Treasure Coffer 4
Item Lv. 55 / Gear Lv. 50
Item Lv. 55 / Gear Lv. 50
Item Lv. 55 / Gear Lv. 50
Item Lv. 55 / Gear Lv. 50
Item Lv. 55 / Gear Lv. 50
Item Lv. 55 / Gear Lv. 50
Item Lv. 55 / Gear Lv. 50
Item Lv. 55 / Gear Lv. 50
Item Lv. 55 / Gear Lv. 50
Item Lv. 55 / Gear Lv. 50
Item Lv. 55 / Gear Lv. 50
Item Lv. 55 / Gear Lv. 50
* The number of treasure coffers may vary depending on the duty or trial.
- Time Limit: 90m
- Amdapor Keep
- 1-4 Players (1 Tank, 1 Healer, 2 DPS)
- Class: Disciples of War or Magic
- * Limited jobs can participate only in a preformed party meeting party size requirements or an unrestricted party, and if duty rules allow.
- Level: 50
* Level will be synced upon entry. - Average Item Level: 45
Item Level Sync: 110
* While synced, all item stats are adjusted. - * Role and item level restrictions are lifted for parties meeting minimum size requirements.
Once, the lost civilization of Amdapor thrived in the Twelveswood, her citizens wielders of powerful, yet forbidden magicks which could be used to alter the very fabric of existence. However, as is oft the case with peoples who fancy themselves gods, the self-assuring hubris of the Amdapori eventually became their downfall, and as quickly as they rose to power, did they disappear from the world. For generations, this relic of their once-mighty civilization has remained hidden in plain sight─cloaked by the elementals who sought only to prevent newer generations from stumbling across the ancient Amdapori magicks. That is, until the Lambs of Dalamud─a dark cult who worships the now-fallen lesser moon as a god─dispelled the elementals' glamour by means unknown, and claimed the keep as their own. Now the crazed followers use its ancient chambers to perform blood sacrifices in an effort to resurrect their evil lord.
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