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  • About Free Companies

    A community to play together with friends on the same World.

    Free companies are player-run organizations which allow their members to pool resources, be it items or gil, to accomplish feats that would be difficult or impossible for a single individual.
    The benefits of joining a free company include a dedicated chat channel for all members, the ability to purchase an estate to serve as the group's base of operations, and the use of free company actions that grant bonuses such as increased experience points.
    No two free companies share the same goals and motivations, so be sure to choose the free company that's right for you.

  • About Linkshells and Cross-world Linkshells

    A dedicated chat channel for players who share a common aim.

    Linkshells and cross-world linkshells are chat groups which allow for quick and easy communication between players who are not necessarily in a party or free company. Unlike free companies, players are able to join multiple linkshells, making it possible to join different communities dedicated to various aspects of the game.

    Linkshells: allow communication with any players on the same World.
    Cross-world Linkshells: allow communication with any players on the same data center.
  • About PvP Teams

    A team dedicated to enjoying PvP duties.

    Teamwork is key, so be sure to find a team with whom you're confident you can hone your skills together.

    PvP duties: allow players to compete against one another in unique instanced arenas.
Free Company

Carousel Gothica Recruiting Additional Members


Carousel Gothica

Recruiting Additional Members

Hyperion [Primal]

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#wow refugee
#Beginner & Novice Friendly
#High-end Duties
#Glamour Enthusiasts
[Primal][Hyperion][FC][LFM][Community][All Welcome][Building for High-end PVE]18+

|Carousel Gothica|

We are an up-and-coming FC that focuses on having fun with the game and outside. We have some hardcore players, some casual, but most of all we're all-inclusive. Everybody has a place with us, even if you've felt like you didn't belong somewhere else. We hope to get to know each and every one of you and hope to form lasting friendships.

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Plot 22, 6 Ward, Empyreum (Large)

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The Big Top


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Community Member

Dahlia Dracborn Hyperion [Primal]



Shinzo Daisho Hyperion [Primal]

Wondering if your still looking for more people, Currently have 6 jobs above 70 and am a tank/dps main.


Zeekien Vega Famfrit [Primal]

Yeah we are always looking for more XD

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Zuri Solace Zalera [Crystal]

hiya was wondering if i could join! i’m a returning player.


Rawmouth Rumbler Hyperion [Primal]

Hi are you still active and recruiting players?


Community Member Dahlia Dracborn Hyperion [Primal]

Are you still looking? We are current active!

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Gordian Stoneforge Hyperion [Primal]

I'm a returning player hoping to find an active late-night FC. If you have a lot of people on the graveyard shift I'd like to join!


Community Member Dahlia Dracborn Hyperion [Primal]

We have a few! And would love to have more

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Community Member Merry Pomme Hyperion [Primal]

My unicorn FC! Grown adults, many into subculture of some kind or another, sharing friendships and lives in and out of game. Our discord? Perfect! Active! Everything I was looking for which was basically no ERP but dirty memes/thoughts welcomed, QotD, pets, dark humor, pics of our ink or whatever the new candy hair color is. In game? Content run low-key style with people who want it and quiet members equally at home hanging out enjoying the mood. We help and entertain tf out of each other.

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Nevera Tyatune Hyperion [Primal]

Was wondering if I could talk to one of yall to see what the FC is like, thank you


Community Member Merry Pomme Hyperion [Primal]

Feel free to message me in game or Starling#2089 on disc.

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Kazan Shirakami Hyperion [Primal]

Hey, returning player here. You guys still active?


Community Member Fusako Bellany Hyperion [Primal]

Heya, I'm a long-time player and looking for an FC -- been playing mostly solo for the last few years since most of my friends have dropped out of the game. Haven't had a group to run current EX/Savage content with since Heavensward and looking to maybe get back into that content. Currently clearing out my private FC room and looking to make a switch to an FC that is more than just me and my alt XD


Asura Ta'matzui Hyperion [Primal]

Hey! This FC sounds fun! My partner and I are looking for a lively active group that does whatever they feel like on a whim!


Community Member Amon Helsing Hyperion [Primal]

Feel free to reach out if you are still interested!

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Baifor Nalreese Hyperion [Primal]

Hello. I am a new player coming over from World of Warcraft. Looking for a friend group of people willing to help an overwhelmed noob, lol. I am going for a healer role as of right now. Level 51 white mage. Hoping that Sage is fun to play. White mage is ok, but a little boring. Hope to hear from you.


Community Member Zyrn Wilfskyn Hyperion [Primal]

I'm not a healer main, but I do love the big Blood Lily damage that WHMs get eventually. Sage is fun, but I *stink* at shield healers. If you're still interested in joining us, send us a application or /tell me in-game!

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Armres Greyworn Hyperion [Primal]

hey im interested in talking to you guys and i work on the weekends but i can be on during the week at all hours. ARMRDWOLF#3287 on discord.


Community Member Zyrn Wilfskyn Hyperion [Primal]

We're always happy to have new players who can play anytime. We have events during the week like Treasure Maps and dungeon nights. Send us an application or /tell me anytime!

(I also sent you a friend request on Discord)

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Community Member Zyrn Wilfskyn Hyperion [Primal]

For those curious about what Carousel Gothica does for fun:

We have weekly events like Treasure Maps night, Mount/Minion Runs, Deep Dungeon Nights, Blue Mage Days, and more.
We also have meta-game events like FFXIV Trivia, map night roulette, glam contests, and screen shot hunts.

As the event coordinator, I design and host these events and hand out prizes like rare minions, mounts, and huge amounts of gil. If you're looking for more to do in FFXIV than just leveling, we're the FC for you!


Community Member Zyrn Wilfskyn Hyperion [Primal]

We just finished a week of "find the hidden minions" screen shots, with minions as prizes! If that sounds like fun to you, reach out to us!


Community Member Zyrn Wilfskyn Hyperion [Primal]

We have lots of holiday fun coming up in the month of December. We'll be having gift exchanges, minion hunts, Christmas Card screenshot contests, and more!


Vanilla Icecream-cake Hyperion [Primal]

I would like to join your fc.


Community Member Zyrn Wilfskyn Hyperion [Primal]

We would love to have you! Send us an application next time you're online!

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Vanilla Icecream-cake Hyperion [Primal]

Di you have discord

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Community Member Zyrn Wilfskyn Hyperion [Primal]

We do!

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Vanilla Icecream-cake Hyperion [Primal]

Ill send the app today

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Jack Karasu Hyperion [Primal]

I've had issues with fc's that fell apart for poor leadership or structure, leaders that caused troubles for me for no good reason, pure toxic behavior, caring more about their appearance and number of members. I'm at a point where I have trouble trusting fc's I join. I also get tired of random ass fc invites from people who don't even bother to talk to me first. No joke, I just got one as I write this. Your fc looks promising, and I'm curious in maybe checking it out.


Community Member Zyrn Wilfskyn Hyperion [Primal]

Feel free to chat with some of our members, if you'd like! Or you can send us an application to try us out for a while and see if Gothica is good fit for you. No pressure to stay.

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Jack Karasu Hyperion [Primal]

I wouldn't mind getting to know people better first through conversation if that's okay? My Discord is jack175 if that helps.

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Community Member Zyrn Wilfskyn Hyperion [Primal]

We have a guest role in our FC Discord. I'll send you a friend request (siege_weapon), and you can hang out for a few days to see if you like the vibe.

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Community Member Altan Himaa Hyperion [Primal]

Hey, I'm interested in your fc! What's the best way to get more info?


Community Member Zyrn Wilfskyn Hyperion [Primal]

In-game, you can reach out to one of our members like Fusako, Fey, or myself. I'm available via Discord at siege_weapon. If you're interested, we can also give you guest access to our Discord server to take a look!

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Community Member Zyrn Wilfskyn Hyperion [Primal]

And you can always apply to the FC and hang out with us for a while. No pressure to stay if it's not the perfect fit for you!

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Community Member Zyrn Wilfskyn Hyperion [Primal]

It's a FATE Friday! We're grinding bicolor gemstones and hunting the FATEs that drop unique rewards. And don't forget to summon your chocobo, to take advantage of our FC buff to companion experience.


Community Member Chivo Varianuel Hyperion [Primal]

Hey! Im a sprout new to the game but really invested in it so far and def for the long run, wanted to know if you guys accept beginners? Wanted to join a welcoming community thats pretty active, my discord is @chivoh


Community Member Zyrn Wilfskyn Hyperion [Primal]

I see your friend request on Discord!

We do accept beginners, and we have sprout-friendly events, too!

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Community Member Zyrn Wilfskyn Hyperion [Primal]

Another busy week for Carousel Gothica! We've refurnished our basement in preparation for our "Disney Villains vs Video Game Villains" glam contest!


Community Member Zyrn Wilfskyn Hyperion [Primal]

We're preparing for our Music Genre Glam contest before Lynx of Divine Light mount runs this Friday!


Community Member Zyrn Wilfskyn Hyperion [Primal]

We're taking a break from the Lynx mounts to start farming mounts from earlier content. This Friday, we'll be farming Ramuh!


Community Member Zyrn Wilfskyn Hyperion [Primal]

We have a FATE farming event this Thursday. Bring your chocobos for an additional companion XP bonus!


Corvus Constantine Leviathan [Primal]

Was wondering if you're still looking for members! I'm possibly looking to move DC's, and love to chat about the FC. You can reach me @ Arnsgrim on discord, if you're still recruiting.


Community Member Zyrn Wilfskyn Hyperion [Primal]

I just got your Discord request! We're always happy to accept new members, or discuss joining!

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Community Member Zyrn Wilfskyn Hyperion [Primal]

Friday is our Mount Runs night, and we're taking a break from the lynxes to collect Ramuh for new members/members who missed our last Ramuh run.


Community Member Zyrn Wilfskyn Hyperion [Primal]

We're still on our lynx break, and tonight we're rounding up Rathalos!


Community Member Zyrn Wilfskyn Hyperion [Primal]

We're back on the lynx grind tonight with the Bluefeather Lynx! Before that, we'll get the Model O mount for those who need it.

We also have a special Crystalline Conflict event this Saturday. Our bonus Wolfmark buff will be active, too!


Community Member Spudnidius Prime Hyperion [Primal]

Hi im a returning player and was wondering if i can join my discord is @ spudnidius_prime

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Community Member Zyrn Wilfskyn Hyperion [Primal]

Of course! Send us an application whenever you'd like, or I can send you an invite when you're online.

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Community Member Spudnidius Prime Hyperion [Primal]

Where do i put in a application and i am online all day tomorrow we can meet up at the drowning wench in Lominsa Upper Deck

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Community Member Zyrn Wilfskyn Hyperion [Primal]

You can search for me in the Social window, right click, and view Free Company. I'll message you on Discord to make chatting easier.

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Community Member Zyrn Wilfskyn Hyperion [Primal]

We'll be grinding Yo-Kai FATEs this Saturday, with games and costumes to keep things exciting!

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Fleabitten Grey Hyperion [Primal]

Hello! Are you guys still looking for members? I resubbed after 9 years and would love to have a FC to chill with. My Discord name is @fleadiocre

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Community Member Zyrn Wilfskyn Hyperion [Primal]

We are always happy to accept new members!

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Community Member Zyrn Wilfskyn Hyperion [Primal]

We're back to the big finale in search of Bluefeather Lynx today!

Tomorrow, I've personally asked for help with P4S so I can achieve my dream of wielding the Asphodelos War Hammer!


Community Member Zyrn Wilfskyn Hyperion [Primal]

Another Monday, another maps night! We'll be plundering Elpis for good times and gil tonight.


Community Member Zyrn Wilfskyn Hyperion [Primal]

Only a few more Bluefeather Lynx to go! Will this be our last week in Endsinger Aria?!


Community Member Zyrn Wilfskyn Hyperion [Primal]

We've finished our last Bluefeather Lynx run last week! This week, we're shaking things up and going into P4S for the Demi-Phoenix!


Community Member Zyrn Wilfskyn Hyperion [Primal]

After all this time, Carousel Gothica finally has a large plot to call home! Thanks to everyone who helped with months of bidding.


Community Member Zyrn Wilfskyn Hyperion [Primal]

We're holding an additional P4S run this Saturday for our FC members who can't join our usual run on Friday!


Community Member Zyrn Wilfskyn Hyperion [Primal]

Another Monday, another Maps Day! Every Moday we run level 90 treasure maps for gil and good times.

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Anamu Crendraven Hyperion [Primal]

Hi, im a returning healer, i was wondering if your still looking for new member's?


Community Member Zyrn Wilfskyn Hyperion [Primal]

Of course! We're always accepting new members. Feel free to send us an application, or send a /tell when you're online.

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Anamu Crendraven Hyperion [Primal]

Sent in my app.

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Community Member Zyrn Wilfskyn Hyperion [Primal]

Welcome aboard! Let us know if you'd like to join our Discord, so you can see our event calendar.

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Anamu Crendraven Hyperion [Primal]

that would be awesome, for sure id like the info.

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Community Member Zyrn Wilfskyn Hyperion [Primal]

I hope everyone has a good maintenance period, and we'll see you in 7.0!


Community Member Zyrn Wilfskyn Hyperion [Primal]

Dawntrail has been fun, and now we are back to the weekly event grind with our FC Maps Night!


Community Member Zyrn Wilfskyn Hyperion [Primal]

We're having another screen shot event! Participants get 100k gil for every image they find, and they're entered into our FC prize drawing! Join Gothica to get in on the fun!


Community Member Zyrn Wilfskyn Hyperion [Primal]

We're officially upping our Maps Night from level 90 to level 100 maps! Tonight will burn through any remaining maps to prepare for the Br'aaxskins.


Community Member Zyrn Wilfskyn Hyperion [Primal]

We're ready to switch from Storm's Crown (Extreme) to Mount Ordeals (Extreme) for our Mount Runs night! Lynx of Divine Flame, here we come!

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Wilhelm Spearhead Hyperion [Primal]

Hello. How do I join?


Community Member Zyrn Wilfskyn Hyperion [Primal]

You can send us an application in-game. Or send a /tell if you see me, or another Gothica member online!

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Community Member Hexin Hasegawa Hyperion [Primal]

Was curious as to what time you guys normally run events and such? I still got a ways to go until I'm endgame, but I do wish to do raiding and progression once I'm there. I just normally am only on weekends or nights during the weekdays.


Community Member Zyrn Wilfskyn Hyperion [Primal]

Our events, in current Pacific Daylight Time:

Monday Level 100 Maps Night 7PM
Friday Mount Runs 7PM
Saturday Savage Mount Runs 1PM
Sunday Low-Level Maps 1PM
Sunday Eureeka Weekly Challenge Log 5PM

We also have some Savage raids that occur whenever our team has time. And lots of spontaneous Extreme raiding.

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Community Member Zyrn Wilfskyn Hyperion [Primal]

Our new Mount Run Rewind weekly event is going great! Every Saturday we return to previous Mount Run trials to collect mounts that members might have missed! Last week, we got Eden, Ramuh, and the Sky Slipper!


Community Member Zyrn Wilfskyn Hyperion [Primal]

October is going strong with weekend events like PvP Night, FATE grinding, Blue Mage Day, and more!


E'clair Ceallaigh Jenova [Aether]

Hello! I like what you guys have going on! I was wondering how you guys are with players looking to join a static.


Community Member Zyrn Wilfskyn Hyperion [Primal]

We welcome all players! At this time, we don't have a static running current content. However, we group up for mount runs, and we'll be starting P12S for the axolotl mount in a couple weeks!

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Community Member Zyrn Wilfskyn Hyperion [Primal]

Our first weekly Gothica Lottery went great! Members won a variety of prizes, including the Eurekan Petrel mount! Maybe this week someone will win the Figment Coffer?


Community Member Nakala Meadowshout Hyperion [Primal]

Friday nights we group up and battle for our last and final lynx mount! What's that? You are missing one? ALL of them?! No worries, Saturdays are our mount rewinds! Where we go back and gather mounts other fc members are missing!


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